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Dr. Gianpietro van de Goor, European Commission Research DG, Directorate G - Industrial Research gianpietro.van-de-goor@cec.eu.int. The 6th EU RTD framework programme Thematic Priority 3 Nanotechnologies & Nanosciences, Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials, New Production Processes & Devices.
Dr. Gianpietro van de Goor, European CommissionResearch DG, Directorate G - Industrial Researchgianpietro.van-de-goor@cec.eu.int The 6th EU RTD framework programmeThematic Priority 3Nanotechnologies & Nanosciences, Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials, New Production Processes & Devices • Funding Approach, Content, Instruments New Zealand RTD Delegation4th June 2003
Scope & Content of Priority 3 Funding Approach Content and Topics 2003 Instruments
FP6: A changing rolefor EU Research Programmes • The “Lisbon” objective:…to become the most dynamic and most competitive knowledge-based economy within 10 years • The “Göteborg” objective:sustainable development (environment, economy, welfare) • The “Barcelona” objectives: education, employment, enlargement • The “ERA” objectives (European Research Area): integrating, strengthening, structuring … … and stimulating investment in R&D in Europe (from 1,9% to 3,0%)
Industrial researchfor societal needs- still a key objective of FP6 FP6 aiming at a European Knowledge-Based, Sustainable and Competitive Industry i.e.Sustainable Competitivety ! • Maintaining EUs RTD leadership • Creating RTD-intensive industry • Promote the up-take of hi-tech in industry • Develop enabling conditions(e.g. education, training, regulations, standardisation, IT tools)
Integrated approach covering a wider field of disciplines, activities and sectors (value-chain and life-cycle management considering new production and consumption paradigms) From resource-intensive towards knowledge-based, environmentally-friendly technologies, materials and products (less resource-, waste- and energy-intensive industry) From mass to flexible production for products adapted to individual needs (from quantity to quality) Promotereal breakthroughsnot incremental research Interaction of stakeholders, i.e. innovative enterprises, Hi-Tec SMEs, universities & research centres, users (“society”) Integration of education & skills development Objective and Approach for Priority 3 Transition to a knowledge-based, sustainable and competitive industry
FP6: 8 Thematic Priorities (Budget: 12.586 Mio. Euro) TP3: 1.300 Mio. Euro (9%), EoI response: 1670 (13%)
i) Nanotechnology – flagship for the next industrial revolution ii) Multifunctional knowledge-based materials– critical drivers of innovation iii) New production processes – key to sustainable development + iv) Integration of nanotechnologies, new materials and new production technologies (devices)– at the service of health, environment & security …1.300 million Euro …… focused on challenging areas…
Scope & Content of Priority 3 Funding Approach Content and Topics 2003 Instruments
Priority 3 spans a wide range of scientific disciplines and industrial sectors Need for open dialogue, i.e. Specific stakeholder consultation (workshops, studies) Expression-of-Interest Exercise Expert Advisory Group Consultation Programme Committee Consultation Need for not too restricted (exclusive) definition of RTD priorities + 2-step-evaluation procedure for new instruments Definition of Content and Topics 2003
Objective: New approach to materials science and engineering Promote the creation of an RTD-intensive European nanotech related industry & uptake of nanotech in existing industrial sectors Promote development of new professional skills 3.1. Nanotechnologies and nanosciences
Nanotechnologies & nanosciences (2003 priorities) - Long-term interdisciplinary research Expanding knowledge in size-dependant phenomena Self-organisation and self assembling molecular & bio-molecular mechanisms - Nanobiotechnologies Interfaces between biological and non biological systems - Nanometre-scale engineering Engineering techniques for nanotubes - Handling / control devices & instruments Handling & control at single atom or molecule level - Applications …Roadmaps for nanotechnology
Objective: High knowledge content materials Critical drivers of innovation in technologies, devices & systems, benefiting sustainable development and competitiveness Breakthroughs from new materials, new processing & new approaches Leading edge RTD partnerships & high-risk research 3.2 Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials
Knowledge-based multifunctional materials (2003 priorities) - Development of fundamental knowledge Understanding materials phenomena - Transformation and processing Mastering chemistry & creating new processing pathways Surface & interface science and engineering - Engineering support New materials by design New knowledge-based higher performance materials
Objective : New production concepts - breakthrough organisational, quality & technological developments Transformation of European industry towards improved competitiveness & sustainability Collaboration between research & industry in framework of “manufacturing in 2010” 3.3 New Production Processes & Devices
Processes & devices (2003 priorities) - Flexible & intelligent manufacturing systems New production technologies New and user-friendly production equipment & technologies Creation of “knowledge communities” (links priority 2) KB added value products & services in traditional industries - Systems research and hazard control Cleaner, safer & more eco-efficient production Sustainable waste management & hazard reduction (links priority 6 and EU Env. Tech. Action Plan) - Life-cycle of ind systems, products & services Optimisation of production-use-consumption interactions Increasing user awareness
Objective: Materials science & advanced industrial technologies at the service of health, environment, security Incorporation of sensors, actuators & devices 3.4 Integration of nanotechnologies, new materials & new production technologies for improved security & quality of life
Integration of nanotechnology, new materials, & new processes for improved security & Quality of life (2003 priorities) - Systems, instruments and equipment for better diagnosis and/or surgery Remote systems and biosensors - Tissue engineering, new bio-mimetics and bio-hybrid systems Bio-materials, bio-reactors, production lines - New generation sensors, actuators, systems for health, safety & security of people and environment Real-time detection of hazards, monitoring of quality, reliability & safety of products & systems (links priority 2)
Scope & Content of Priority 3 Funding Approach Content and Topics 2003 Instruments
Integrated Projects (IP) - New! Networks of Excellence (NE) - New! Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) Co-ordination actions (CA) Specific support actions (SSA) Instruments to be used
Integrated Projects (IP) - leading to radical innovation in the long term - new applicable knowledge - include different activities : may span different topics Networks of Excellence (NE) - long-term integration & contribute to advancing knowledge for sustainability, competitiveness & dynamism of EU industry : usually single topic IP, NE evaluation will be organised in2 stages New Instruments for Thematic Priority 3
Integrated Projects in Priority 3 Clear and Quantified Deliverablesand Integration Objectives Real breakthroughs, Support to Industry, Sustain. Development … across Technical Areas Design, life-cycle aspects, Materials, Processes, Maintenance, repair, etc... … across Activities from basic research Support to SMEs Technology transfer to dissemination and training… 35,50,100% EC Funds for RTD + Integration … among Participants and funding bodies governments, contractors, industry, universities, research institutes, etc.
Integrated Projects:Structure To integrate the critical mass of activities/resources needed for : • addressing major societal needs • increasing EU competitiveness predefined S/T objectives and clear deliverables Ethical aspects, science-society dialogue TrainIng strong management structure RTD 4 RTD 5 Management RTD 1 RTD 3 RTD 2 Implementation Plan Demonstration Technology transfer, exploitation
Networks of Excellence in Priority 3 Objectives To assemble EU Research Capacities and strengthen S & T Excellence Advancing Knowledge andIntegration … to strengthen EU poles of excellence New Materials Nanotechnologies New technologies Joint Program of Activities (JPA) Ambitious and merging national or regional activities 100% EC Funds for Integration of resources Participants Wishing a Progressive and Lasting Integration of Research Capacities
Networks of Excellence: Structure Governing Council Funding Bodies Representatives Towards Strategic Alliances in Key RTD Fields: • Institutional Commitment • Integrating Activities • Jointly Executed Research • Spreading of Excellence (Training) • Common Management European Commission Management Group Research team leader Partner Organisation Representative
Co-ordination Actions (CA) - strengthen links between national, regional & EC RTD projects, co-ordination with EUREKA, COST & ESF Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) at frontiers of knowledge, long term innovation, transformation of industry Specific Support Actions (SSA) - preparing future research activities, future scenarios, road-maps Other Instrumentsfor Priority 3
Within Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence where specific activities are carried out by and for the SMEs are encouraged Via ad hocactivities designed for high-tech SMEs New opportunities are opening… …for SMEs
The “INCO” countries – Developing Countries; Mediterranean Countries; Newly Independent States Bi-lateral S/T agreements with, for example USA, China, Russia, Argentina, Chile and others The Intelligent Manufacturing Systems initiative with Norway, Switzerland, USA, Japan, Australia and Korea … for a broader international cooperation in the framework of… … for activities to supporteducation & the development of new skills
Integrating European Research Priority Thematic Areas Anticipating S/T Needs Research for policy suport Frontier research, unexpected developments Specific SME activities Specific international cooperation activities JRC activities Structuring the ERA Strenghtening the Foundations of ERA Research and innovation Human resources & mobility Research infra-structures Science and society Coordination of research activities Dev. of research / innovation policies Other opportunities for P3 researchers in FP6 Nanotechnologies, intelligent mat.,New production processes Sustainable development and global change Citizens and governance in the knowledge society Information society technologies Genomic and biotechnology for health Food safety and health risks Aeronautics and space
FP6 (e.g. legislative documents):ttp://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/index_en.html Analysis of Expression-of-Interests:http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/eoi-analysis.htm Funding Instruments:http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/networks-ip.html EU Model Contract:http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/working-groups/model-contract/index_en.html FP6 Call for Independent Experts:Official Journal, C 300 A, 4.12.2002 European Research Policy / European Research Area:http://www.cordis.lu/rtd2002/home.html, http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/era/index_en.html Nanotechnology in Europe:http:// www.cordis.lu/nanotechnology Survey of European Networks in Nanotechnology:http://www.cordis.lu/nanotechnology/src/networks.htm#survey Future Needs & Challenges for Materials and Nanotechnology Research Report of the Expert Group, Jan./Mar. 2001: ftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/growth/docs/mat_nano.pdf Sustainable Production - Challenges & objectives for EU Research Policy Report of the Expert Group, July 2001: ftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/growth/docs/c_expert_report_en_sustainable_production.pdf Useful Information on the Web