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Light Up Kenya

Light Up Kenya. A Barclays Kenya citizenship initiative. Contents. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Light Up Kenya

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Light Up Kenya A Barclays Kenya citizenship initiative

  2. Contents Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Citizenship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Objectives of the campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Involving colleagues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leveraging the Barclays Premier League to Light Up Kenya. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Role of media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A note on fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costs: creative, experiential and media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strategic Partnerships for Sustainable Solutions with Barefoot College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 5 6 7 10 24 25 26 34

  3. The scope of this presentation Re-cap of the brief Propose brand assets that will sensitize Kenyans about the plight of the 34 million citizens who are disadvantaged from a lack of affordable, clean, continuous lighting Galvanise Kenya to support the Light Up Kenya initiative that seeks to provide clean, healthy, sustainable lighting Through Light Up Kenya, Barclays Kenya must be perceived as a citizen that cares to solve the real issues deterring economic progress in the country. Barclays Kenya must also be perceived to understand and engage the common man - the long-held perception that Barclays Kenya is elitist will be eradicated We will achieve this by thinking a little different and living our values of helping people achieve their ambitions in the right way

  4. Challenges facing rural folk in Kenya Rural Electrification programme “…only about 10 per cent of the rural population in Kenya is connected to electricity while access is about 63 percent." REA, CEO Zachary Ayieko Cost of connection and maintenance of this connection is too high for the mostly impoverished rural folk Additional infrastructural requirements add to the challenges of getting electricity connectivity to homes and businesses Alternative sources of lighting These include firewood and kerosene lamps; neither are an environmentally friendly source of energy not to mention the health issues associated with burning these carbon-heavy fuels in poorly ventilated rooms The effects of these challenges include poor performance in school by students, businesses cannot maximise capacity, lack of consistent access to basic services like mobile telephony

  5. Citizenship opportunity for Barclays Bridge the gap between the energy needs of 34 million Kenyans and the role of government by providing solar energy - an affordable, sustainable source of lighting and energy - for households and businesses in rural Kenya In providing affordable solar energy solutions, and the employment opportunities that come with it, Barclays will also: • Provide Financial Literacy & Enterprise Skills • Enable rural communities to grow economically • Be a partner in efforts to conserve the environment by reducing deforestation and pollution Barclays needs to involve the rural communities in providing sustainable solutions through sustainable technology

  6. Objectives of this campaign A media and experiential campaign that: Raises awareness of the energy gap in Kenya Sensitise Kenyans to the adverse effects on the health, level of education and the local and national economy, as a result of being deprived access to electricity Educate on how solar energy provides a sustainable solution for Kenyans of the grid Raise funds to afford the adversely affected communities subsidized solar equipment, that can then be purchased in installments (at no more than the daily price of kerosene used in a simple lamp)

  7. Charity begins at home

  8. Getting Barclays Kenya colleagues involved • The 3,500-strong Barclays Kenya team are a manor stakeholder in the success of this campaign. • They will be instrumental in raising awareness of the campaign and fundraising thereafter. • Education on the campaign and awareness to other stakeholders will be achieved through internal assets: • Intranet • Back office: branding • Management meetings: updates

  9. Fundraising at Barclays Kenya Mechanic: At every branch, office or department, management of these entities will be pitted against the rest of the team in a fundraising competition. Management will receive a challenge from their respective teams to raise Ksh50,000 every week while management will challenge their teams to raise Ksh50,000 every week too. The team that loses the weekly challenge – either by raising less than Ksh50,000 or by raising less – will have to participate in an activity every Friday. Such an activity would include wearing bizarre costumes, buying the winning team lunch, or any activity that the branch or department deems fit Rewards: As at July 30th, the winning branch, office, or department team will be rewarded with VIP seats at the match, BPL merchandising and meet and greet sessions with the BPL Legends

  10. Leveraging the Barclays Premier League to Light Up Kenya

  11. Preamble The Barclays Premier League is without a doubt Kenya’s most rabidly followed event. However, the unbridled passion for the league is yet to be leveraged by the Barclays as a brand. Herein is a campaign proposal that is aimed on advancing Light Up Kenya through football. It seamlessly dovetails into the passions of Kenyans and aspiration of the country; while also leveraging the English Premier League’s ‘cool factor’ to the benefit of the Barclays brand.

  12. The Objective • In designing the concept for entrenching the Light up Kenya with Barclays campaign, the key metrics are: • Ensure mass awareness of the campaign, as well as mass participation. • Leverage the EPL’s all year ‘cool’ to ensure continued fund raising and engagement. • Ensure an interactive platform that will maximize fund raising.

  13. The opportunity to create a movement • Kenya has been deemed peculiar, but certain truisms hold true and this make a case to package the Light up Kenya with Barclays campaign innovatively: • Kenya has 78% mobile phone penetration(UNESCO); note this refers to mobile phone handsets and not money transfer. • DSTv – the sole BPL broadcaster - has slightly over 100,000 regular subscribers in a nation that is absolutely BPL mad! • These insights deliver a plausible channel to raise the millions of shillings required to Light up Kenya.

  14. Execution Overview • PHASE 1: Light Up Kenya with the Stars • The first phase will entail generating both awareness and hype, staring a movement for continued entrenchment thereby achieving objectives 1 and 3. • PHASE 2: Light Up Your Hometown • This will entail directly associating the Barclays brand to the game, and leveraging this to ensure continued fund raising in urban centres and rural areas

  15. Light Up Kenya with the Stars

  16. Ingredients A select team of recent BPL legends will be chosen to tour the country, and light up Kenya the same way they lit up our screens for years. Kenyans will be challenged to select the team of local footballers to play alongside the BPL legends. 6 weeks prior to the event, a media campaign to engage Kenyans in the fundraiser will have begun, pushing the mobile phone USSD code through which Kenyans will raise funds. The selected teams will be announced after 4 weeks, with all Kenyan footballers being eligible. The incentives for Kenyans to participate will include match tickets, autographed merchandise, meet ups with the legends and above all an opportunity for one lucky fan to be ‘assistant coach’ for the BPL Legends team.

  17. Picking the stars • To guarantee unrivalled hype, the former legends should be drawn from players that Kenyans idolized in their day. The teams will also be set up to exploit local fan rivalries • PROPOSED COACHES: Paul Ince (Team 1) and John Barnes (Team 2) assisted by Ghost Mulei, Mickey Weche and 2 lucky fans. • BPL LEGENDS: THREE legends will be selected from the pools suggested hereunder (any 3 subject to availability), with Kenyans tasked to select the players to fill the teams.

  18. Fundraising • The system for phase 1 will be interactive SMS, which will keep quizzing the user. Each text will ask the user to nominate a different type of player (defender, striker etc.), and to be inclusive, the system will select 3 names at random and offer these as suggestions. • The first time it is accessed it will bill the user 20 Kshs (to ask the 2 questions below), thereafter each response to newer questions asking users to nominate more will be billed 10 Kshs. • The system will send an SMS prompting more interaction in case of inactivity for 72 hours plus. Nominate your favourite midfielder; reply with your favourite player’s name: {Here are some suggestions! 3 names randomly selected} Nominate your favourite stadium; reply with the stadium you wish to watch the stars in… invite them to your town! Great! Now nominate your favourite goalkeeper; reply with your favourite keeper’s name: {Here are some suggestions! 3 names randomly selected} Type Player name below then press 1 Select favourite Stadium and Send

  19. The Match The match is scheduled for August 2nd 2014 Tickets to the match will be sold through a logistics and security company, we propose that they be priced at Kshs500 terrace and Kshs1,000 VIP. Light Up Kenya merchandise such as wristbands and tee shirts will be available for Kshs500 and Kshs1,000 respectively The match will be held at Nyayo National Stadium on a Saturday afternoon, with the stadium heavily branded in Barclays Bank imaging and information on Light Up Kenya. In addition to the general public, and Barclays staff and management, every attempt will be made to have the presence of the President of Kenya and County Governors

  20. Light Up your Hometown

  21. Introduction • After the Legends vs. Local Stars match, which will be an annual event, the second phase will then roll out with the intention of leveraging the year round pull of the BPL. • With most Kenyans not having access to BPL at home, the campaign will center around taking solar powered BPL screenings to parks and shopping centers in the rural towns. These will also serve as purchase points and demo centres for the Solar Solutions. • Fans across the country will also be incentivized to participate in nominating their hometown.

  22. Executing the activation • The campaign will be executed with close partnerships with popular bars across the country as well as county governments. • Bar storms will be executed periodically during BPL screenings to raise awareness about the opportunity to ‘Light Up Hometowns’. Charity does begin at home! • Patrons enjoying the BPL will be engaged to buy branded Tee Shirts or wrist bands, after which they will be given a card to nominate their town. • They will be informed that should their hometown win a BPL screen, their names will be engraved onto a plaque at the shopping centre or park, to celebrate the town’s sons and daughters who have participated in Lighting Up Their Hometown.

  23. Fan parks • Every 3 months, 2 towns that receive the highest number of nominations will then win a Solar powered BPL fan park, located at an easily accessible site in the town, in conjunction with county governments. • The fan park will entail an inflatable 144 square foot screen, a HD Projector and a 40 foot container which will serve as the staging zone for solar power solutions, as well as a place for sales of solar lamps. • The fan park will then attract crowds by screening the news during the week, and BPL matches during the weekend as chosen by the locals through a short code (e.g. 22265 which would spell out B Bank). • Barclays messaging as well as solar awareness will be screened during such occasions.

  24. Role of Media • To ensure maximum traction, we propose ATL support on: • Radio – national and regional stations • Print – sports and youth skewed insertions • TV push – interviews with local stars and BPL Legends • Outdoor – maintain top pf mind awareness of the campaign • Digital/web – in conjunction with radio, maintain interest in the campaign to aid fundraising efforts • Ideally, we would need a media partner such as Royal Media, who enjoy nationwide reach on TV and radio, to carry the mass market campaign cost effectively

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