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Theoretical and Empirical Issues in Demand Analysis. By Anna Rapoport under the supervision of professor Yakar Kannai. Consumer’s problem. Given price p and wealth w , choose consumption bundle x from B p w = { x ≥ 0 : p·x ≤ w}. Indifference curves. x 2. increasing
Theoretical and Empirical Issues in Demand Analysis By Anna Rapoport under the supervision of professor Yakar Kannai
Consumer’s problem Given price p and wealth w, choose consumption bundle x from Bpw = {x ≥ 0: p·x ≤ w}
Indifference curves x2 increasing preference x1 The UMP • The consumer aims to maximise utility... • Subject to the budget constraint max u(x) subject to n Spi xi £ w i=1 • Defines the UMP • Solution to the problem Budget set • x*
Comparative Statics: Wealth Effects • Definition 1: For fixed prices p*, the function of wealth x(p*,w) is called the consumers Engel function. • Definition 2: At any (p,w), the derivative xm(p,w)/w is known as the wealth (income) effect for the m-th good. The wealth effects in matrix notation
Effect of a change in income x2 • Take the basic equilibrium • What happens if income rises…? • Equilibrium shifts from x* to x** • Demand for each good does not fall if it is “normal” • …but could the opposite happen? • x** • x* x1
An “inferior” good x2 • The same original prices, but different preferences... • Again, let income rise... • The new equilibrium demand for “inferior” good 2 falls a little as income rises • x* • x** x1
Normal and Inferior Goods • Definition 1: A commodity m is normal at (p,w) if xm(p,w)/w ≥ 0, that is demand is nondecreasing in wealth. If commodity m’s wealth effect is instead negative, then it's called inferior in (p,w). • Definition 2: If every commodity is normal at all (p,w), then we say that demand is normal.
Comparative Statics: Price Effects • Definition 1: The derivative xm(p,w)/pk is known as the price effect of pk , the price of good k, on the demand for good m. • Definition 2: Good m is said to be Giffen good at (p,w) if xm(p,w)/pm > 0. The price effects in matrix notation
Effect of a change in price x2 • Again take the basic equilibrium • ...and let the price of good 1 fall • The effect of the price fall... • The “journey” from x* to x** can be (imaginarily) broken into two parts: • A substitution effect Income effect • An income effect • x** • x* x Substitution effect x1
Effect of a change in price for Giffen Good x2 • Again take the basic equilibrium • ...and let the price of good 1 fall • The effect of the price fall... • A substitution effect • An income effect Income effect • x** • x* x Substitution effect x1
The Slutsky equation • Gives fundamental breakdown of effects of a price change • Income effect • Substitution effect
Slutsky Matrix and Substitution Effects Slutsky matrix Negative semidefinite and symmetric where Substitution effects
Mean market demand • Economy consists of a continuum consumers, which all have the same demand function f(p,w) but differ by w. • - the density of distribution of w with finite mean: • Mean market demand: in order to shorten notation we will write F(p).
The Necessary Condition for Giffen Good ≤0 Mean (average) income effect term If then ≥0 <0
Shochu and Special Grade Sake Rich consumers Special grade sake Shochu Poor consumers
Inferiority and Giffen Effect (intuition) Market Prices 1Sake+2Shochu=3 or 0Sake+12Shochu=12… Poor consumer 1Sake+6Shochu=7 or 0Sake+12Shochu=12… 1x+ 10x =11 1x =50¥ 1x =5¥ Wealth = 100¥ = 1x +10x =11 Wealth = 100¥ Giffen effect: Inferiority: Price of Shochu 5 ¥ 8 ¥ Wealth 100 ¥ 60 ¥ Buy 12xShochu Buy 12xShochu WealthDemand Shochu Price Shochu Demand Shochu
Data on Shochu and Sake suggests: • Special grade sake is a normal good. • Shochu is an inferior good – (UM) and (ID) hold. • Need to examine the movements of prices and quantities consumed of Shochu and Sake. • Time series data. • Supply-and-demand model simultaneity.
Demand-and-Supply Model Demand function: QtD=0+1Pt+2dec +u1t Supply function: QtS=0+1Pt+2dec +3int +u2t Equilibrium condition: QtD =QtS Demand function: QtD=0+1Pt+2dec +u1t Supply function: QtS=0+1Pt+2dec +u2t Equilibrium condition: QtD =QtS Q D1 S1 In this case we cannot distinguish between demand and supply We need shift in supply curve in order to determine demand - int S2 D2 S3 S4 P
Simultaneous Equation Model Demand function: Qt=0+1Pt+2dec +u1t Supply function: Qt=0+1Pt+2dec +3int +u2t Structural form equation Endogenous (dependent) variables Q P Exogenous (determined outside the model) variables
Problem: Why not OLS? Pt=0+1Qt+2dec +uP Qt=0+1Pt+2dec +3int +uQ E(Qt uP)≠0 E(Pt uQ)≠0 Pt=0+1{ 0+1Pt+2dec +3int +uQ}+2dec +uP Qt=0+1{0+1Qt+2dec +uP }+2dec +3int +uQ That is a violation of classical regression model (Gauss-Markov condition ) OLS coefficients biased and not consistent. Pt={0+10+ (12+2)dec + 13int + 1 uQ +uP}/(1- 11) Qt={0+10+ (12+2)dec +3int + 1uP +uQ}/(1- 11)
What can we do? Demand function: Qt=0+1Pt+2dec +u1t Supply function: Qt=0+1Pt+2dec +3int +u2t Structural form equation Using equilibrium condition obtain: We CAN estimate these equations using OLS since all the RHS variables are exogenous Qt=10+ 11dec + 12int +v1t Pt= 20+ 21dec + 22int +v2t Reduced form equation But… Can we obtain from ’s ’s and ’s?
Identification Problem We could have three possible situations for the equation: • Underidentified: We cannot get the structural coefficients from the reduced form estimates. • Exactly (just) identified: Can get unique structural form coefficient estimates. • Overidentified: More than one set of structural coefficients could be obtained from the reduced form.
Order and Rank Conditions The order condition(necessary): • Let G denote the number of structural equations. An equation is just identified if the number of variables excluded from an equation is G-1. • If more than G-1 are absent, it is overidentified. If less than G-1 are absent, it is underidentified. Demand function: Qt=0+1Pt+2dec +u1t Supply function: Qt=0+1Pt+2dec +3int +u2t The rank condition (necessary and sufficient): Used in practice G-1=1 just identified G-1=1>0 underidentified
2SLS Stage 1: • Estimating the reduced-form equation forP: Pt*= 0+ 1dec + 2int +vt • Stage 2: • In structural equation, regress Q on P* and exogenous variables: Qt= 0+ 1 Pt*+ 2dec + ut
The results of 2SLS: Shochu is a Giffen good
Yt= 0+ 1Xt+ ut 0 and 1 are estimated using OLS Statistical significance: t-test: t= (i*-i)/(i*)against Student’s. If time series are stationary the t statistic will falsely reject H0 5% when evaluated against the Student’s t dist at p≤ 0.05 Simple Regression Model H0: 1=0
Stationary and Nonstationary Time Series • Definition: A stochastic process Ytisstationaryif • E[Yt]= is independent of t; • Var[Yt]=E(Yt-)2 = Y2 is independent of t; • Cov[Yt, Ys ] = E[(Yt-)(Ys-)] is a function of t-s but not of t. • Otherwise the stochastic process is callednonstationary.
Examples of Stationary Time Series • White noise: {ut}t=(-,+) such that • E[ut]=0; • Var[ut]= u2; • Cov[ut, us ]=0 for all s≠t. • AR(1) process:Yt= Yt-1 + ut , -1 < < 1 and ut is a white noise:
Nonatationary: Random Walk • The condition –1< <1 was crucial for stationarity. If = 1 is a nonstationary process known as a random walk. Yt=Yt-1 + ut Yt=Y0 + u1 +… + ut E[Yt]= E[Y0] + E[u1]+… + E[ut]=Y0 Var[Yt]= tu2 is increasing witht
More Examples of Nonstationary Time Series • Random walk with drift: • E[Yt]=Y0 + t depends on t ; • Time series with time trend: • E[Yt]= + t depends on t ; • Random walk with drift and linear time trend: Yt= + Yt-1 + ut Yt= + t + ut Yt= + t+Yt-1 + ut
Random walk with drift Yt = 0.2 + Yt-1 + ut Stationary process: Yt = 0.7 Yt-1 + ut Random walk: Yt = Yt-1 + ut All three series are generated with the same set of disturbances
Trend-Stationarity • Definition:A trend-stationary model is one that can be made stationary by removing a deterministic trend. Example: Series with linear time trend Yt= + t + ut Yt*= + t Stationary Yt’=Yt – Yt*=ut • By contrast: Yt= t + Y0 + u1 +…+ut Zt=Yt- t = Y0 + u1 +…+ut; Var[Zt]= tu2
Difference-Stationarity • Definition: If a nonstationary process can be transformed into a stationary one by differencing, it is said to be difference-stationary. Example: Random walk with or without drift Yt= + Yt-1 + ut I(1) Zt = Yt= (Yt –Yt-1) = + ut I(0) Many economic time series are I(1).
Spurious regression Xt Yt Yt= 0+ 1Xt+ ut Granger and Newbold in a Monte Carlo experiment fitted the model where Yt and Xt were independently-generated random walks.
Results: • Obviously, a regression of one random walk on another ought not to yield significant results except as a matter of Type I error. The true slope coefficient is 0, because Y was generated independently of X. • However, performing the experiment with 100 pairs of random walks, Granger and Newbold found that the null hypothesis of a 0 slope coefficient was rejected 77 times (5%) and 70 times (1%). They found that in this case instead of t-critical value=2 (5%) one should use t =11.2.
Why? Yt= 0+ 1Xt+ ut • ut has the same autocorrelation properties as Yt which is nonstationary (or at best highly autocorrelated), but ut is white noise standard t, F statistics will fail. • Low Durbin-Watson statistic will show that the regression is misspecified. H0: 1=0 ut = Yt - 0
Unit Root Test If H0 is true the OLS estimator is biased downward and conventional t and F tests will tend incorrectly to reject H0. Dickey and Fuller revised set of critical values (based on MC) Yt= Yt-1 + ut H0: =1 against H1: < 1 Yt= Yt-1 + ut H0: =0 against H1: < 0
Cointegration Yt= 0+ 1Xt+ ut • Definition: If 0 and 1 such that ut is stationary Xt and Yt are called cointegrated processes. • Thus Y and X could both be I(1), and yet, if the model is correctly specified, one would expect u to be I(0). • A requirement for cointegration is that all the variables in the relationship should be subject to the same degree of integration. • Example: PDI (personal disposable income) & PCE (personal consumption expenditure) ut=Yt- 0- 1Xt Nonstationary
Empirical Results • First step: analysis of all presented time series for stationarity and order of integration use DF. I(1) I(0) I(0) I(1) I(0) I(0) I(1) I(0)
Empirical Results (continuation) Model was correctly specified.
Glossary • Consumer preferences: rationality, desirability, convexity, continuity. • Utility function: representation, properties, UMP. • The Walrasian demand function: definition, properties, assumptions. • WARP & compensated law of demand.
Consumer Preferences: Rationality • Rationality: a preference relation ≥ is rational if it is possesses: • Completeness • Transitivity
Consumer Preferences: Desirability • Monotonicity: ≥ is monotone on X if, for x,y X, y>>x implies y > x. • Strong monotonicity: ≥ is strongly monotone if y≥x and y≠x imply that y > x. • Local nonsatiation: ≥ is locally nonsatiated if for every x X and > 0 y Xs.t. ||y-x||≤ and y > x.
Consumer Preferences: Convexity • Convexity: The preference relation ≥ is convex if, x X, the upper contour set {y X: y ≥ x} is convex, that is if y ≥ x and z ≥ x, then ty+(1-t)z ≥ x for all 0<t<1. • Strict convexity: The preference relation ≥ is strictly convexif, x,y,z X, y ≥ x, z ≥ x, and y ≠ z implies ty+(1-t)z > x for all 0<t<1.