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Eats , shoots , and leaves. Eats shoots and leaves. Common cures for comma ailments. Let’s see how commas can affect meaning. Let’s see how commas can affect meaning. Let’s see how commas can affect meaning. Let’s see how commas can affect meaning. Let’s see how commas can affect meaning.
Eats,shoots, and leaves.Eats shoots and leaves. Common cures for comma ailments.
Now, let’s talk about how to use a comma correctly. Use #1: before a coordinating conjunction, and with the purpose of joining a dependent clause to an independent one.
Now, let’s talk about how to use a comma correctly. Coordinating conjunctions are: FANBOYS for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
Now, let’s talk about how to use a comma correctly. Use #2: to mark off a parenthetical statement. What is a parenthetical statement, you ask?
Now, let’s talk about how to use a comma correctly. Parenthetical statement tip: In general, if a piece of a sentence can be removed, and the sentence is still grammatically correct (it might change meaning slightly), then commas can be used around it. In other words, if you could replace the commas with parenthesis and still have the sentence work, then it’s okay.
Now, let’s talk about how to use a comma correctly. Parenthetical statement example: This presentation, although brief, has already affected my life. Notice how you could just as easily put parenthesis (though overuse of parenthesis is even more grave a sin than overuse of commas) around the statement “although brief.”
Now, let’s talk about how to use a comma correctly. Parenthetical statement tip: This rule is sometimes called “the + and – rule.” If you + commas, it means you can – that part of the sentence and still have it work. If you – the commas, it means you must + that part of the sentence for it to remain grammatically sound.
Now, let’s talk about how to use a comma correctly. Use #3: for a list Everyone knows this, so I won’t talk much about it.
Now, let’s talk about how to use a comma correctly. Use #4: a ton of other uses that we don’t have time to talk about right now. The rules of grammar are myriad and mysterious. Don’t worry, we covered the most common. You’ll be fine as long as you do these right.