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Introduction to Microsoft Visual Studio

Introduction to Microsoft Visual Studio. And other IDE’s. What is an IDE?. IDE means I ntegrated D evelopment E nvironment An IDE is software a application Microsoft Visual Studio is an IDE You can do many things using an IDE Implement databases Design a user interface

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Introduction to Microsoft Visual Studio

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  1. Introduction to Microsoft Visual Studio And otherIDE’s

  2. What is an IDE? • IDE means • IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment • An IDE is software a application • Microsoft Visual Studio is an IDE • Youcan do manythingsusing an IDE • Implement databases • Design a user interface • Program an application • Compile/build an application • Test an application • Debug an application • Diagramming • Etc. • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_development_environment

  3. Programminglanguages • Visual Studio supports a number of programminglanguages, most notably • C# • The programminglanguagewearegoing to use • VB.NET • Others: C++, F# • Youchoose a programminglanguagewhenyoumake a new project • Choose C#

  4. Microsoft Visual Studio • Visual Studio is not just a single product. • Visual Studiocomes in a number of editions • http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products • Ultimate • The edition weareusing • Premium • Professional • Express • A free edition • Severalsub-editionstaylored for • web development– alsoknown as Visual Web Developer • C# development, etc.

  5. GUI buildingusingdrag-and-drop • IDE’sgeneraly support GUI buildingusingdrag-and-drop • GUI = GraphialUser Interface • Visual Studio supports GUI buildingusingdrag-and-drop for • Desktop applications • Web applications • Visual Studio is a WYSYIWIG editor • WhatYouSee Is WhatYouGet

  6. IntelliSense • A Visual Studio feature • IntelliSense helpsyouwriting the program • Autocompletion • Youwrite the a part of a word, IntelliSense suggest the rest of the word • Documentation • IntelliSense shows documentationon the current ”word” • OtherIDE’s have similar features • But it’s not called IntelliSense

  7. Web applicationprojectvs. Web site project in Visual Studio • Creatinga new application Visual Studio has twodifferent options to choose from • Web Application Project • More advanced • A lot of templates to choose from • Don’tforget to choose the right programminglanguage: C# • Web Site Project • Lessadvanced • A fewtemplates to choosefrom • Spaanjaars: Beginning ASP.NET, uses Web Site Projects • http://www.dotnetspider.com/resources/1520-Difference-between-web-site-web-application.aspx • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/590501/difference-between-web-site-and-project-in-visual-studio

  8. SomeotherIDE’s • NetBeans • http://netbeans.org/ • Java, C/C++, Ruby, PHP • Eclipse • http://eclipse.org/ • Java, C/C++, PHP, etc. • Microsoft WebMatrix • http://www.microsoft.com/web/webmatrix/ • ASP.NET, PHP, etc. • MonoDevelop • http://monodevelop.com/ • C# and other .NET languages • Oracle JDeveloper • http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/jdev/overview/index.html • Java Applications, specially SOA

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