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Word Chunks

Word Chunks. Over 500 common primary words can be made from these 37 rimes!. - ack. b ack, black, clack, hack, Jack, lack, pack, quack, rack, sack, snack, smack, tack, track, whack, Zack. -an. b an, can, clan, Dan, fan, Jan, man, Nan, pan, plan, ran, tan, .

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Word Chunks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Word Chunks Over 500 common primary words can be made from these 37 rimes!

  2. -ack back, black, clack, hack, Jack, lack, pack, quack, rack, sack, snack, smack, tack, track, whack, Zack

  3. -an ban, can, clan, Dan, fan, Jan, man, Nan, pan, plan, ran, tan,

  4. -apcap, clap, gap, lap, map, nap, rap, wrap, sap, strap, tap, trap, yap, zap

  5. -at bat, cat, gnat, fat, flat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, that,

  6. -ash bash, cash, clash, crash, dash, flash, gash, hash, mash, rash, stash, smash, splash, trash

  7. -ame came, dame, fame, flame, frame, game, lame, name, same, tame

  8. -ake bake, brake, cake, fake, Jake, make, lake, rake, stake, take, wake

  9. -ate crate, date, fate, gate, grate, hate, late, mate, Nate, rate, slate, state

  10. -ale bale, Dale, female, Gale, male, pale, sale, stale, tale, whale, Yale

  11. -ank bank, clank, crank, dank, drank, Frank, flank, Hank, prank, rank, sank, tank, yank

  12. -ay bay, clay, day, Fay, hay, Jay, lay, may, pay, pray, ray, say, stay, tray, way, yay!

  13. -ail bail, fail, Gail, hail, jail, mail, nail, pail, quail, rail, sail, tail, trail, Vail

  14. -ain brain, gain, grain, main, pain, plain, rain, train, stain, strain, train

  15. -ell bell, fell, Dell, jell, quell, sell, smell, swell, tell, well

  16. -est best, crest, jest, nest, pest, quest, rest, test, west, zest

  17. -eat beat, cleat, eat, feat, heat, meat, neat, seat, treat, wheat

  18. -ick bick, brick, flick, lick, Mick, Nick, pick, quick, Rick, sick, stick, slick, tick, trick

  19. -in bin, chin, fin, pin, spin, tin, twin, win

  20. -ip clip, dip, drip, hip, lip, nip, quip, rip, sip, tip, trip, whip, zip

  21. -it bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, pit, quit, sit, wit,

  22. -ill bill, dill, drill, fill, frill, gill, grill, hill, mill, pill, quill, sill, still, till, will

  23. -ink blink, brink, clink, drink, fink, link, mink, pink, rink, sink, stink, Tink, wink

  24. -ing bing, bling, ding, ping, ring, sing, thing, wing, zing

  25. -ice dice, ice, mice, nice, price, rice, spice, twice

  26. -ide bride, hide, ride, side, stride, tide, wide, confide

  27. -ine brine, dine, fine, feline, line, mine, nine, pine, twine, whine,

  28. -ight bright, fight, height, knight, light, might, night, right, sight, tight, twilight

  29. -op bop, cop, chop, drop, flop, glop, hop, lop, mop, pop, plop, prop, shop, stop, top

  30. -ot cot, clot, dot, got, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot, shot, tot

  31. -ock block, crock, dock, flock, hock, jock, lock, mock, knock, rock, sock, stock, tock

  32. -oke bloke, broke, choke, joke, poke, stoke, woke

  33. -ore adore, bore, chore, core, gore, galore, pore, shore, store, tore, wore

  34. -uck buck, duck, luck, muck, puck, pluck, suck, stuck, struck, tuck, truck

  35. -ug bug, chug, dug, hug, jug, lug, mug, rug, tug, shrug

  36. -ump bump, clump, dump, grump, hump, jump, lump, pump, stump

  37. -unk bunk, clunck, chunk, dunk, funk, gunk, hunk, junk, punk, sunk, stunk

  38. Happy reading!

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