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There are no doubts about the benefits that the recitation of Ayat al Kursi brings. Learn Quran online and memorize Ayat al Kursi to enjoy all the benefits.<br>
This is why reciting Ayat al Kursi is beneficial for all Muslim Umah
Benefits of reciting Ayat al Kursi • The Holy Quran has been sent down for the guidance of Muslims around the world. The Quran was revealed more than 1400 years ago as a complete code of conduct for each aspect of our lives. The purpose of the Quran was to enhance the knowledge of Muslims and make it straightforward to learn about Islam. All Ayats of the Quran are sacred and hold extreme importance, one of them is Ayat al Kursi. Ayat al Kursi is another most prestigious ayat of the divine book, The Holy Quran. It is an ayah of Surah Al-Baqarah, which holds the title of being the largest surah of the Quran. Ayat-ul-Kursi is the 255th ayat of Surah Baqarah. • The significance of Ayat al Kursi can be invoked from the fact that it is one of the four parts of the Quran that are connected to Arsh (Allah’s Throne). It is called the chief of the Ayats in the Quran. Ayat al Kursi is believed to be the most elevated Ayat of the Quran. Ayat al Kursi is greater than the earth, skies, Jannat (Heaven), and Jahannam (Hell). Allah Almighty has clearly explained and elaborated His beauty, prestige, and glory in Ayat al Kursi which is one of the reasons why it is recognized as the most prestigious of Ayats in the Quran. What are the benefits of reciting this Ayat? Below are some of the most significant ones.
Guards from evil • The reader of Ayat al Kursi is guarded against the sinister forces of the Jinnat from morning until evening and from evening until morning. When you are alone at home, reading of AyatulKursi and praying for Allah’s aid will give you the strength to remain calm and your fear will go away. • Allah Almighty says, “If one recites it after every namaz, the Almighty will make his heart a thankful one (Shakireen), will give him a reward of the Prophets, and his deeds will be like those of the truthful (Siddiqeen) and nothing except death will stop him fromgoing into heaven.”
Various Rewards • Ayat al Kursi consists of 50 words for each has of 50 blessings. The person who recites Ayat al Kursi 40 times at sunset every day will get a reward of 40 Hajj. This ayat is also recited to give as a Hadiyah to the beloved ones who have passed away, which gives them a Noor in their grave and comforts their souls in the next life. • Reciting Ayat al Kursi every time after performing Wudu (ablution) will raise a person 40 times in rank from each word. Reciting Ayat al Kursi every time after returning home keeps you away from poverty and Allah grants Barakah in your home. If read with the last Ayat of Surah Baqarah the plea of the reciter will not get neglected. It is also believed that whoever recites Ayat al Kursi after every fardSalaat, will be rewarded with a remembering tongue, a peaceful heart, the reward of being martyred in the path of Allah, and will also be rewarded like the Siddique’s. You can gain further rewards by joining an online Quran school academy and enroll in variety of courses. Learn Quran online from home and become a proficient Quran reader in a short period of time.
Cures illnesses • Many people ask that does Ayat al Kursi cure diseases. The answer is Yes, it does. Ayat Al Kursi can shield one from well-being problems by the purity of its relaxing and soothing effects on the overall mental state. • If we look at it from the scientific point of view then there is no actual evidence that can support the fact that Ayat al Kursi protects you from diseases. There is no authentic research that demonstrates a genuine decrease in the existence of physical disorder after reciting AyatulKursi. But there is sufficient proof that such recitation leads to a carefree and enhanced mental state. Recitation of the Ayat al Kursi at the time or before delivery of a child makes the procedure easy and bearable. • Recitation of Ayat al Kursi is more essential in these times of crises due to the ongoing pandemic. This would reduce the stress and anxiety which would make our immune system stronger. You can learn Ayat al Kursi word by word by joining an online Quran school. You can learn Quran online and memorize Ayat al Kursi by heart.
Protects your beloved ones • Nothing is more important for you than your family. You would do anything to protect your beloved ones from evil things that haunt this world and wish to harm your loved ones. The perfect way to protect your family and loved from such a thing is to recite Ayat al Kursi. The one who recites Ayat al Kursi regularly, Allah protects that person children, home, wealth, property, and the homes of its neighbors from evil. • Allah Almighty has said that thieves can't enter a home where Ayat al Kursi is recited regularly. It also guards your home against Jinaats and Satan who intend to harm us.
Conclusion • These are the reasons why every Muslim should learn Ayat al Kursi by heart and recite it as much as you can. AyatUlKursi is one of the blessings of Allah that can protect us from all sorts of evil in this world. In this time of lockdown and quarantine, you can enhance your Quranic knowledge by joining an online Quran school. You can learn Quran online from proficient Quran tutors who have years of experience in teaching the Quran.
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