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MEDICAL ASPECTS OF LICENSING ……………….. WHAT’S NEW? Easa ...... 8 April 2013

MEDICAL ASPECTS OF LICENSING ……………….. WHAT’S NEW? Easa ...... 8 April 2013. 21/12/2012 : END OF THE WORLD (cancelled!!) 07/04/2013 : END OF JAR RULES 08/04/2013 : BIRTH OF EASA RULES. Who’s concerned?.

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MEDICAL ASPECTS OF LICENSING ……………….. WHAT’S NEW? Easa ...... 8 April 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MEDICAL ASPECTS OF LICENSING ……………….. WHAT’S NEW? Easa ...... 8 April 2013

  2. 21/12/2012 : END OF THE WORLD (cancelled!!) 07/04/2013 : END OF JAR RULES 08/04/2013 : BIRTH OF EASA RULES

  3. Who’s concerned? • Pilots class 1, 2 and LAPL( Light Aircraft Pilote Licence ) (EU-regulation) • Cabin Crew (EU-regulation) • Air traffic controllers (EU-regulation) • Pilots of ULM’s and paramotors (national legislation) • Last but not least …. AME’s and AeMC’s (EU-regulation – national legislation class 4)

  4. Types de Licence: • Class 1 : professional pilots • PPL (A) (H) (SPL) (B): aircraft < or > 2 T + remunerated • flight instruction • LAPL (A) (H) (S) (B): aircraft < 2T, 4 POB max • CC • ATCO

  5. Legal framework : • Basic Regulations : EU parliament and of the Council • = powers conferred to European commission (IR) and • EASA can create AMC’s and GM • Implemeting rules (IR) : EU Commission (ORA- ARA and • Part-Med) • AMC’s and GM published by EASA on the EASA Website • … for Class 1, PPL, LAPL, CC and ATCO. • National framework for Class 4 ( ULM-paramotors): • New Royal Decree replacing RD 5 June 2002

  6. Regelgevend kader Regelgevend kader Seminar FTO – PART ORA 13/09/2014 8

  7. Cover Regulation Regulation Aircrew .GEN . FCL .CC Annex III Conversion of national license Annex I Part-FCL .ATO .FSTD Annex IV Part-MED Annex III Licences of non-EU States .AeMC Annex V Part-CC Annex VI Part-ARA .GEN .ATO Annex VII Part-ORA .FSTD .AeMC ARA : Authority Requirements for Airc Crew ORA : Organisation requirements for Air Crew

  8. Expected Effects on licensing of pilots • Implementation of EU rules : • EASA licences and medical certificates will be issued from 4/2013 • Licences and medical certificates issued before 4/2013 and fully compliant with JAR-FCL become automatically EASA licences. • Physical replacement before 4/2017 • National licences (A/H) may be used until 4/2014 (restricted CPL and PPL) • National licences balloon, sailplanes and airships until 4/2015 13/09/2014 Seminar Examiners - JAR to IR 10

  9. Implementing Rule (IR) • Annex IV : Part MED : • Med A 001 - 050 : General Principles • Med B 001 – 095 : Requirements for medical certificates • Med C 001 – 035 : Cabin Crew • Med D 001 – 030 : AME’s

  10. Implementing Rule (IR) • Annex VI : Part ARA • ARA MED 120 : Medical Assessors • ARA MED 200 : AME-certification • ARA MED 255 : Enforcement measures • ARA MED 315 : Review of examinations reports • ARA MED 325 : Secondary review procedure

  11. Class 1, 2, LAPL, cabin crew, AME’s and AeMC • Basic regulation • Implementing rule (IR) • Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material published by EASA • Alternative Means of Compliance and Guidance Material

  12. Où, quand ? Comment? • Class 1 & ATCO: initial = AeMC • Class1 : renewal = AME (1) or AeMC • PPL : initial and renewal = AME (1) (2) or AeMC • LAPL : initial and renewal = AME (1) (2) or AeMC • CC : AME (1) (2) or AeMC • ATCO : AeMC • Class 4 (ULM – Paramotors) : AME (1) (2) (3) (4) or AeMC

  13. PRINCIPLES : • AME Certificate • AME (issue???) MA (advice Medical Review Board) AME • Unfit Secondary Review Procedure MA • - Limitation: …..

  14. Ce qui change: • AME: doivent répondre aux critères EASA = • - formation de base agréée en medecine aéronautique • - 10 examens par an • - 20 H de cours/3 ans • - équipé du système informatique adéquat • - redevance annuelle et par examen • - soumis aux Audit et contrôle.

  15. Types de Licence et/ou médical: • SPL ou LAPL(S) ? • Instructeurs, “baptêmes” vols à l’étranger”… SPL conseillé • Autres (90 %) : LAPL(S)

  16. Contenu de l’examen: • SPL = OACI 2 +/- • LAPLA(S) : SOUS les critères OACI ( !!!!) • ( Examens: ECG, ophtalmo, labo)

  17. VALIDITE: - SPL: < 40 : 5 ans ( > 42éme) 40 – 49: 2 ans > 50 : 1 an - LAPL(S): < 40 : 5 ans > 40 : 2 ans …MAIS …. au changement de licence ( 2015) : Médical conforme à la nouvelle Licence EU

  18. ….QUESTIONS ?????????

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