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The Theory of Planned Behavior and Reasoned action . The Theory of Planned Behavior: This theory is an extension of theory of Reasoned Action.
The Theory of Planned Behavior and Reasoned action • The Theory of Planned Behavior: • This theory is an extension of theory of Reasoned Action. • IceckAjzen ( professor of Psychology of university of Massachusetts) added this extension followed by some empirical research when they realized that T.R.A cannot predict the final behavior. • The Theory of Reasoned Action (T.R.A): • This theory was suggested by martin Fishbein & IcekAjzen in • 1975. • The purpose of this theory was to evaluate the human behavior . • This theory has been used in many different fields like Marketing, Health, Social and, etc.
Theory of Reasoned Action(T.R.A) Intention Behavior
The theory of Planned Behavior Behavioral beliefs Attitude Behavior Normative Subjective Norm Intention Perceived behavioral Control beliefs
Theory of planned behavior an extension of theory of Reasoned action • Perceived Behavioral control: Covers volitional behaviors to predict behavioral intention and actual behavior.(Wikipedia) • Expectation: One’s experience in failing repeatedly, has an affect on her/his future behavioral reactions( the feeling of that fail becomes a precondition). • Self-efficacy helps to understand the relationship between beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and behavior. SET has been used broadly in health-related fields. • Icek Ajzen extended the Theory of Reasoned Action in 1985. • What was added to TRA is: Perceived Behavioral Control(PBC) • PBC has it’s roots in Self Efficacy Control(SET) introduced by Bandura in 1977. • Self-efficacy(SET) and Outcome-expectancy are the two branches of expectations (Bandura 1986). • Outcome-expectancy is when a person estimates the result of his/her behavior.
Definitions • Normative belief: that’s how others make a person feel with their reaction for a particular behavior. • Subjective norm : when others are expecting he/ she to act or nor act in certain way. • Behavioral belief: the belief of a person that expecting certain result of a given behavior. • Attitude toward behavior: it is the degree of evaluation of an act being positive or negative.
Definitions • Behavioral intension :a sign that shows the person is ready to perform a particular behavior and this happens right before the performance. • Behavior : a noticeable reaction of someone toward something in a given circumstances. • Perceived behavioral control : that’s when the person think it’s easy or not for him/her to perform a behavior. • Controlbeliefs : person beliefs that other factors are there to make it easier or not to perform a behavior.
Summary • Human beliefs initiates an attitude toward the behavior which is influenced by societies’ beliefs. These negative or positive beliefs create pressure on human and he/she becomes conditioned by facing these beliefs. • In result, when person has intention to perform a behavior these beliefs as perceived, control indirectly the intention and control the behavior.
Strength and limitation • TPB & TRA both are agree that “social norm” has an important impact on “social behavior”. • Limitation: • Some health-related research has shown that “personal emotion” are more effective that “social norm” and this wouldn’t help to predict the behavior. • Theory of planned behavior can predict deliberate behavior, TRA can not. • “Predict behavioral control” is a concept that helps to understand, behavior is not 100% voluntary and is related to behavioral intention. • Empirical evidence in health related research has shown that TPB helped more than TRA to predict intention.