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Human Capital Management (HCM)

Human Capital Management is a cloud software that eases HR processes efficiently. Companies can use this software to manage, analyze, track and do multiple tasks for keeping best employee services.<br>Ease your roles by human capital management system. For more updates you can visit https://www.zaisystems.com/impulse-hcm-360

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Human Capital Management (HCM)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HumanCapital ManagementSystem (HCM) www.zaisystems.com

  2. WhatisHumanCapitalManagement (HCM)? Human Capital Management(HCM) is a cloud-based Software System builtforeasingHRroles. www.zaisystems.com

  3. HowHCMHelpsHR? AsHCMsoftwarehelpsHRtomanagetheirdaily tasksforemployees.Herearethefeaturesithas. PayrollManagement In Payroll Management System of HCM, HR can easily streamlinetheirsalaryprocessesthatissenttobankaccounts injustoneclick. AttendanceTracking HCMeffortlesslymanagesattendanceofemployessandkeep theirfingerprintsrecordswithinfewminutes. LeaveManagement You can manage leave system of your employees with the advancedandcustomizedHCMsystems.KeeprecordswithHR leavemanagementsystems. www.zaisystems.com

  4. HowHCMHelpsHR? EmployeeSelf-Service YoucanempoweryourteamwithHCMemployeeserviceand improvetheirself-service. PerformanceEvaluation Evaluatetheperformanceofyouremployeeseffectivelyby creatongPerformanceEvaluationforms. JobPortal ByusingHCMservices,attracttoptalentfromindustryby creatingunlimitedjobportals. www.zaisystems.com

  5. HowHCMHelpsHR? TaskManagement Createandassigntoyouremployeesandevaluatethe wholisticperformance. Letters&Forms DesignHCMgeneratedprofessionallettersandformsfor employees.EnhanceyourHRrolesbyusingHCMsystems lettersandforms. LoansManagement Manageyourloans,registerandapprovethembyusing customizedHCMsystem. www.zaisystems.com

  6. CONCLUSION HumanCapitalManagementisacomprehensivesoftwaresolutionthatis madetostreamlineHRprocessesforyourcompany. CompaniescanusethisHCMservicethroughvariousplatformsandcan managetheirworkforceeasily. www.zaisystems.com

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