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The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening was a religious movement during the 1730s and 1740s led by powerful preachers like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. It encouraged colonists to reflect on their lives and listen to biblical teachings, causing debates and splits from old churches. Meanwhile, the Enlightenment promoted reason and scientific methods among educated colonists, with figures like Isaac Newton and Benjamin Franklin advancing knowledge and innovation. This clash of spiritual revival and intellectual progress shaped colonial American society.

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The Great Awakening

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Great Awakening A religious movement in the 1730’s and 1740’s

  2. Powerful Preachers • Jonathan Edwards • New England Preacher • Wanted colonists to examine their lives • Listen to the Bible’s teachings

  3. Powerful Preachers Con’t • George Whitefield • English minister • Spread the movement like wildfire • Charismatic speaker

  4. Impact of the Awakening • Caused much debate. • Many split from their old churches. • People begin to question the church and authority.

  5. The Enlightenment Reason and scientific methods apply to society.

  6. The Enlightenment • Try to discover the natural laws that govern human behavior. • Spread among the better educated colonists. • Ben Franklin • Isaac Newton

  7. Isaac Newton • Explained the law of gravity.

  8. Benjamin Franklin • Printer • Writer • Lightening rod • Smokeless fireplace • Bifocal glasses • Fire company • Pave streets • Lending library

  9. Chain of Events from chapter 4, section 5

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