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Talk #3: Novel Detector technologies and R&D. M. Abbrescia , P. Iengo (ATLAS), D. Pinci ( LHCb ). Preliminary caveat.
Talk #3: Novel Detector technologies and R&D M. Abbrescia, P. Iengo (ATLAS), D. Pinci (LHCb)
Preliminarycaveat • Oneof the maingoalsof the HL-LHC ECFA workshop istofindsynergiesbetweendifferent LHC experiments, and possiblefollow-ups in termsof common R&D, etc. • Therefore the approachofthis talk willnotbe • “experiment-oriented”: • noveldetectors in CMS • noveldetectors in ATLAS • …. then ALICE, thenLHCb • but“detector-oriented”: • GEMs in CMS (ATLAS), ALICE and LHCb • iRPC in CMS, ATLAS • MicroMegas and Thin-Gap in ATLAS (others?) • otherpossibledetectors • Here just the (preliminary) material comingfrom CMS isreported • Note: a dedicated GMM isforeseen on the 23 to look at the full talks
Anothercaveat • Hascosttobediscussed? • Itwasspecificallyrequested in the guidelines • Therewas some discussionduring last meeting with the workshop SteeringCommittee • Theyrequestedto include it in the finaldocument (post ECFA workshop) • The general feeling isthat: • “itisdifficulttodiscussofthistopic in the restrictedframework (and time) of the workshop” • “there are toomanyvariables (and options) tobetakenintoconsideration” • During last GMM itwasstatedthat • “costwillnotbediscussedduring the workshop” • Decision?
Whyweneed “new” detectorsduringPhase II? • All detectors foreseen for post-LS3 with the aim of restore redundancy or increase coverage should stand a rate capability higher then the present • Because installed in high-ηregions • From 1 kHz/cm2 5-10 kHz/cm2 RPC rate capability • In addition we could be willing to improve also: • Time resolution – from o(1 ns) o(100 ps) • Spatial resolution – from o(1 cm) o(1-0.1 mm) • Given requirement on rate capability • choice of the technology will be driven by the physics case: • plus robustness, cost, easiness of construction, etc.
Principles of operation GEMs are made of a copper-kapton-copper sandwich, with holes etched into it Electron microscope photograph of a GEM foil Triple-GEM Developedby F. Sauli in 1997 • Maincharacteristics: • Excellent rate capability: up to 105/cm2 • Gas mixture: Ar/CO2/CF4 – notflammable • Largeareas ~1 m x 2m with industrial processes • Long termoperation in COMPASS, TOTEM and LHCb
GEMsfor CMS: performance Timing studies σt=4 ns
GEMsfor CMS: performance Position resolution (full sizeprototypes)
GEMsfor CMS: performance Efficiency vs. gain Gain = 104 Triple GEM detectors, asproposedfor the CMS experiment, withdifferent gas mixtures and different gap sizes, in dedicatedtest-beams – comparisonbetweendouble and single masktecniques
The GEM project for CMS: GE1/1 The GEM project: GE1/1 After LHC LS1 the |η|< 1.6 endcapregionwillbecoveredwith 4 layersofCSCs and RPCs; the |η|>1.6 region (mostcritical) willhaveCSCsonly! • Restore redundancy in muon system for robust tracking and triggering • Improve L1 and HLT muon momentum resolution to reduce or maintain global muon trigger rate • Ensure ~ 100% trigger efficiency in high PU environment
GEMsfor the ALICE TPC Material providedby the ALICE collaboration
ALICE TPC Upgrade with GEMs Replace wire chambers With quadruple-GEM chambers Exploded view of a GEM IROC
TPC upgrade – Why? ROC ion feedback (lint and lreadout dependent) GG open (drift time) GG closed (ion coll. time in ROCs) inter. L1a Int. + 100ms Int. + 280ms t0 t0+7.7ms • Space charge (no ion feedback from triggering interaction) • GG open [t0, t0+100us], t0 interaction that triggers TPC • GG closed [t0+100us, t0+280us] • Effective dead time ~ 280us max readout rate ~3.5 kHz • Maximum distortions for lint =50kHz and L1=3.5kHz: Dr ~1.2mm (STAR TPC distorsions ~1cm) MWPC not compatible with 50 kHZ operation • Space charge for continuous readout (GG always open) • gain ~6x103 • 20% ion feedback if GG always open ion feedback ~103 x ions generated in drift volume • Max distortions for 50kHz ~100cm
TPC upgrade − GEM-IROC prototypeat test-beam CERN PS TESTBEAM GEM-IROConly tracks dE/dx: ~10% same as in current TPC dE/dx spectrum of 1GeV/c electrons and pions Relative dE/dx measurements for different HV settings for e and p With momentum from 1 to 3 Gev/c. 46 pad rows used for this analysis
GEMsforLHCb Material tobegivenby the LHCbcollaboration (1-2 slides)
A perfectexampleofcross-fertilization: RD51 collaboration RD51 MPGD Collaboration ~450 Authors from 75 Institutes from 25 Countries • Motivation and Objectives • World-wide coordination of the research in the field to advance technological development of Micropattern Gas Detectors. • Foster collaboration between different R&D groups; optimize communication and sharing of knowledge/experience/results concerning MPGD technology within and beyond the particle physics community • Investigate world-wide needs of different scientific communities in the MPGD technology • Optimize finances by creation of common projects (e.g. technology and electronics development) and common infrastructure (e.g. test beam and radiation hardness facilities, detectors and electronics production facilities) • The RD51 collaboration will steer ongoing R&D activities but will not direct the effort and direction of individual R&D projects • Applications area will benefit from the technological developments developed by the collaborative effort; however the responsibility for the completion of the application projects lies with the institutes themselves. http://rd51-public.web.cern.ch/rd51-public/Welcome.html MicroPIC Ingrid MicroMegas GEM THGEM MHSP
Micro Megasfor ATLAS Another detector studied in the frameworkof the RD51 collaboration… (Material tobeadded)
New Thin Gap Chambersfor ATLAS (Material tobeadded)
Possible options • Rate capability in RPCs can be improved in many ways: • Reducing the electrode resistivity (to be < 1010Ωcm) • reduces the electrode recovery time constant τ≈ρε • – needsimportantR&D on electrodesmaterials • Changing the operating conditions • reduces the charge/avalanche, i.e. transfers part of the needed amplification from gas to FE electronics (already done in 1990s!) • – needs an improved detector shielding against electronic noise • Changing detector configuration • Improves the ratio (induced signal)/(charge in the gap) • Just some of these possibilities are being explored in present R&D
The roleofresistivity • CMS/RPCs are characterized by a resistivity around 1010Ωcm • Proposed glass-RPC have a resistivity of the same order of magnitude • At a first approximation, the improvement observed is not due to the resistivity (confirmed by a few hints) • Previous studies and a (semi) theoretical consideration limit the lowest resistivity usable at 107Ωcm • At thispoint the detector practicallyloosesitsself-quenchingcapabilities (behaveslikehavingmetallicplates) • In principle a lotofroom (3 ordersofmagnitude) to exploit: • Needstudies on (new?) materials • Detector lessstable
New Glass Resistive PlateChambers And beyond…R&D on glass RPC • New “low” resisitivity (1010Ωcm) glassusedfor high rate RPC • RPC rate capabilitydependslinearly on electroderesistivity • Smootherelectrodesurfaces reduces the intrinsicnoise • Improvedelectronicscharacterizedbylowerthresholds and higheramplification • Single and multi-gapconfigurations under study Readout pads (1cm x 1cm) Mylar layer (50μ) PCB interconnect Readout ASIC (Hardroc2, 1.6mm) PCB (1.2mm)+ASICs(1.7 mm) PCB support (polycarbonate) Gas gap(1.2mm) Cathode glass (1.1mm) + resistivecoating Mylar (175μ) Ceramic ball spacer Multigapoption Glass fiber frame (≈1.2mm) Single gap option
GRPCsfor CMS Effectofreducedresistivity on rate capability • Comparisonbetween standard low resistivity (1010Ωcm) and floatglass RPC • Caveat: localizedirradiationdifferentfromanuniformirradiation • At the moment low resistivityGRPCs at GIF for a seriesof high rate and agingtests
GRPCsfor CMS: performance Performance at “low” rate Multigap performance • Excellent performance at localizedbeamtestseven at high rate • Rate capability ~ 30 kHz/cm2 (multi-gap) • Timeresolution 20-30 ps
R&D@GIF++ • Essentialistotestingthesedetectors in (harsh) conditionsascloseaspossibleto the onestherewillbe at LHC phase II • High rate, high fluxofneutron and photons • For a long time! • (notalleffects are just relatedto the integrateddose…) • Produtionofchemicalpotentiallycapableof material damagetobemonitored • The environmentneededissimilarforalldetectors • A common facility • GIF++ isbeingdeveloped at CERN as…
Conclusions • The noveldetectorsproposedprovidea full rangeofimprovedcharacteristicsthatfitquitenicelywith the onesrequiredfor the LHC experimentduringphase II • Manydifferentscenarios can bepursued • Choice (whennecessary) willbeanexciting (and difficult) task! • Detector R&Dtakesextreme profit fromcross-fertilizationamongdifferentexperiments • GEMs in the RD51 frameworkis the perfectexample • Experienceslike RD51 shouldberepeated
Detector performance • Verygoodtimeresolution • Dependingcritically on the gas mixture • Long R&D on gas (and otherissues) • Excellentspatialresolution • Full efficiency at 104overallgain A new VFAT3 baFEelectronicsbeingdevopedtofully profit fromallthesecaracteristics σt=4 ns Gain = 104 σs = 150 µm
Principlesofoperation (1-2 slides) Developedby F. Sauli in 1997 Eachfoil (perforatedwithholes) is a 50 µm kaptonwithcoppercoatedsides (5 µm ) Typicalholedimensions: Diameter 70 µm, pitch 140 µm • Electron multiplicationtakesplacewhentraversing the holes in the kaptonfoils • Manyfoils can be put in cascadetoachieve O(104) multiplicationfactors • Maincharacteristics: • Excellent rate capability: up to 105/cm2 • Gas mixture: Ar/CO2/CF4 – notflammable • Largeareas ~1 m x 2m with industrial processes (costeffective) • Long termoperation in COMPASS, TOTEM and LHCb