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Aligning Jobs to Organizational Missions. Top Down Function Analysis. Purpose. Define TDFA A foundation for Human Systems Integration A “glue” that ties systems acquisition elements together Who can use it? Human Systems Engineering – to include Training Systems Engineering
Aligning Jobs to Organizational Missions Top Down Function Analysis
Purpose • Define TDFA • A foundation for Human Systems Integration • A “glue” that ties systems acquisition elements together • Who can use it? • Human Systems Engineering – to include Training • Systems Engineering • Test and Evaluation • Logistics • Project Management -- audit trail
What is TDFA? • Top Down Function Analysis (TDFA) is a systems engineering approach to the Human Systems Integration (HSI) task of defining and integrating human performance requirements with the system design process. • TDFA helps organizations align jobs to missions
Equips Employees with the Knowledge Skills & Abilities (KSAs) needed to accomplish the mission Training Designs the system to minimize human error and reduce risk of injury System Safety Manpower Environment Addresses all aspects of defining personnel quantitative and qualitative requirements as well as recruiting and retaining those individuals Occupational Health Personnel Retention Ensures that the system is designed with full consideration of the employee’s capabilities and limitations Human Factors Recruiting Ensures that all aspects of the living and working spaces are designed to meet employee’sneeds Personnel Survivability Habitability Provides that the employee will have all personal protection needed What is Human Systems Integration?
Why Do HSI? – DOD Policy DoD INSTR 5000.2 Encl. 7, Para E7.2 “The PM shall take steps to ensure human factors/cognitive engineering is employed during systems engineering over the life cycle … to provide for effective human-machine interfaces and to meet HSI requirements.” DoD INSTR 5000.2, Encl. 7, Para E7.1. “The PM shall have a comprehensive plan for HSI n place early in the acquisition process to optimize total system performance, minimize total ownership costs, and ensure that the system is built to accommodate the characteristics of the user population ….” DoD INSTR 5000.2 Encl. 7, Para E7.6 “The PM shall develop options for individual, collective, and joint training for operators, maintainers and support personnel and, where appropriate, base training decisions on training effectiveness evaluations. The PM shall develop system plans to maximize the use of new learning technology, simulation techniques, embedded training…” Department of Defense (DOD) Policy
Why Do HSI? - Navy Policy SECNAVINST 5000.2C, Para Human Systems Integration “The PM shallensure that HSI costs (MPT, HFE, safety, occupational health and habitability) and impacts are adequately considered, weighted, and integrated with other engineering and logistics elements beginning at program initiation.” SECNAVINST 5000.2C Para “Manpower Estimates are required by statute for ACAT I programs…” SECNAVINST 5000.2C Para “A Navy Training Systems Plan shall be prepared as a program plan…during Phase B, and updated as appropriate throughout the system’s life-cycle.” Department of the Navy Policy
Benefits of TDFA • Provides traceability of human performance and resource requirements to missions (organizational or system) • Influences system or organization design to optimize human performance and resource requirements • Provides means for Human System Integration to participate in the systems engineering process • Insures employee activities are accounted for in mission • Facilitates measurement of HSI impacts of design decisions • Provides comprehensive, validated performance requirements (Mission, Functions, Tasks) that all human analysis disciplines can use for design decision making (HSI, Training, Manpower, Logistics, Publications, etc.)
Guidance Overview of HP/HSI in Organizational Systems Design & Development Mission Analysis Front-end Analysis Training System SEP Readiness SEP SEP HP Research Organizational Systems Design Operational System Task Analysis Training Systems Development The “Big Picture” of Human Performance/Human Systems Integration
Mission Analysis Systems Analysis & Control Do what?Functions How well?Performance Environment?Interfaces/ Facilities Who?Manpower How Much?Cost-benefit Requirements Analysis Trade Studies Risk Mgt Config Mgt TPMsTech Reviews F1 F 2 F 3 F N R1 X X R2 X R3 X X RN X X Requirements Loop • ID Functions • Decompose Function • Analyze Tasks • Allocate Req’ts Test and Evaluation Functional Analysis/Allocation NASM Models HW1 HW 2 SW 1 HS N F1 X X X F2 X F3 X X FN X X Design Loop IMPACT Mission Decision Database Synthesis Departure Enroute Recover (2 min.) (60 min.) (5 min.) Baselines Specifications Functional (System) System Aircraft Product (Detail) Process Item Perf Allocated (Perf) Material Air Frame Engine Comm Human Item Detail Human Perf
Training System Design A similar process is used to allocate functional requirements to the Training System. A systems approach is used to identify Training System Alternatives (TSALTs), which result in optimal media selections.
Weapon Sys Analysis Systems Analysis & Control Do what?Functions How well?Performance Environment?Interfaces/ Facilities Who?Manpower How Much?Cost-benefit Performance Analysis Trade Studies Risk Mgt Config Mgt TPMsTech Reviews IMPACT Cost Benefit Identify the tasks that require training Requirements Analysis D1 I 2 F 3 SD N T1 3 1 2 7 T2 1 2 2 5 T3 3 3 1 8 TN 2 2 2 6 Requirements Loop Match requirements to capabilities of Media • ID Functions • Decompose Function • Analyze Tasks • Allocate Req’ts Test and Evaluation Media Analysis/Allocation Functional Analysis/Allocation NASM Models M1 M 2 M 1 HS N A1 X X X A2 X A3 X X AN X X Design Loop Develop alternative training systems for review Aircraft Decision Database Synthesis Air Frame Engine Comm Human Baselines Specifications Support System Functional (System) System Product (Detail) Process Item Perf Sim P/T Trainer Laptop EPSS Allocated (Perf) Acquire a human performance support system that meets needs on the job Material Item Detail Human Perf FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Primary TDFA Methodology Steps 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Interface Interface Interface Interface Concepts Concepts Concepts Concepts and Designs and Designs and Designs and Designs 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 Human Human 5.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 Human Human Performance, Performance, 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 Performance, Performance, Mission Mission Task Design Task Design Performance Performance Function Function Function Function Mission Mission Task Design Task Design Performance Performance Workload and Workload and Function Function Function Function Workload and Workload and and Analysis Analysis Analysis Goals Goals and Analysis Allocation Allocation Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis and Analysis and Analysis Goals Goals Training Training Allocation Allocation Analysis Analysis Training Training Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Estimation Estimation Estimation Estimation 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Crew/Team Crew/Team Crew/Team Crew/Team Concepts Concepts Concepts Concepts and Designs and Designs and Designs and Designs 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 User and User and User and User and Requirements Requirements Requirements Requirements Review Review Review Review
Example: Mission, Function, Task PREPARE & PRESENT BRIEFING PREPARE DETAILED SPREADSHEET Missions System: Microsoft Office Suite POWERPOINT EXCEL PREPARE DETAILED GRAPHS & DATA System Functions PREPARE BRIEFING SW SW HW HW Function Allocation (Hardware & Software Tasks) Auto Format Text Display Slide Display Spreadsheet Auto Sum Data Human Tasks Enter Briefing Outline Enter Cell Formula
Aerial Common Sensor (ACS) TDFA Hierarchy Strategic National Strategic Theater Operational Tactical Missions T T T T T T T T T T T T ARMY NAVY CONOPS CONOPS Requirements Scenario 1 Scenario 2 SYSTEMS ON BOARD Functions Human(s) Systems (automated) Human(s) Design Synthesis HSI Implications Engineering Solutions Soldier Sailor Other Other Abilities Knowledge Abilities Knowledge Skills Skills
Total System Approach to Design • Top Down Function Analysis (TDFA) – Government Role – (Upper Management) • Defines Mission and Vision • Establishes audit trail to missions (METs) • Defines Notional Missions of Organization/System • Establishes System Functions • Provides High-Level Notional Tasks • Bottom-Up Task Analysis • Contractor Role – (Functional Managers) • Establishes work processes • Provides detailed tasks related to specific jobs/ systems • Pilot Task Analyses • Operator Task Analyses • Maintenance Task Analyses