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Falconry. www.zlinskedumy.cz. Falcon. Birds used in contemporary falconry :. Harris's Hawk ( Parabuteo unicinctus ). Soaring hawks and the Common Buzzard ( Buteo ). True hawks ( Accipiter ). Falcons ( Falco ). Booted eagles ( Aquila ). Owls ( Strigidae ). Osprey ( Pandion ).

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  1. Falconry www.zlinskedumy.cz

  2. Falcon Birds used in contemporaryfalconry: • Harris'sHawk (Parabuteounicinctus) • Soaring hawks and the Common Buzzard (Buteo) • Truehawks (Accipiter) • Falcons (Falco) • Bootedeagles (Aquila) • Owls (Strigidae) • Osprey (Pandion) • Seaeagles (Haliaëtus) Obrázek 1 Brown Falcon (Falcoberigora)

  3. Falcosp. Obrázek 2 Breeding ranges of the subspecies

  4. Falcon - species 1. Gyrfalcon ( Falcorusticolus ) 2. Peregrine Falcon ( Falcoperegrinus ) 3. Saker Falcon ( Falcocherrug ) 4. Red-footed Falcon ( Falcovespertinus ) 5. SootyFalcon ( Falcoconcolor ) 1 6. Aplomado Falcon ( Falcofemoralis ) 7. Forest Falcon ( Micrastursemitorquatus ) 8. Lanner Falcon ( Falcobiarmicusfeldeggi ) 9. Merlin Falcon ( Falcocolumbarius ) 2 10. Brown Falcon ( Falcoberigora ) 11. Taita Falcon ( Falcofasciinucha ) 12. Black Falcon ( Falcosubniger ) 13. Prairie Falcon ( Falcomexicanus ) 14. Hobby Falcon ( Falcosubbuteo) 15. Laggar Falcon ( Falcojugger )

  5. The falconry equipment are needed. An essential thingsarefalcon cap, which soothes,and predator falcon gloves, on which predator is worn and fed. The cap is an ideal when a predator is transporting or visiting the vet.The predator cannot see the countryside having it on and sits quietly. Of course, the cap must be tailored exactly to your needs. Falcon gloves are used primarily not to be falconer scratched. H Obrázek 3 Peregrine Tiercelat a falconry display in England (on bare hand, which is not advisable)

  6. Furthermore, the quality falcon loops are important. It is made either from high-quality leather - beef, kangaroo or nylon. Leather loops have the disadvantage that they are more difficult to maintain and can crack. They must be frequently lubricated and the skin more supple. Nylon straps cannot be lubricated and have much greater strength. H Obrázek 4 A European Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) landing on its falconer's hand, showing the style of gauntlet typically used for falcons.

  7. Another essential thing is a swivel and a jesses. The jesses is leather or nylon strap, which is a predator tethered to a hide. It is about 120 cm long. The jesses is connected via swivel with belt loops. His features swivel prevents tangling loops. The necessity is falconry obsession - there are several types. To simplify, we can say that predators that sit on trees, have a round hide and predators that sit on the rocks, have a flat hide. The most important thing is its rough surface on the hide. If the surface was smooth, it would cause sooner or later medical complications for predators – and on the bottom of the claw it would be formed dangerous bruises. 3H Obrázek 5 Anexampleofjesses

  8. Important aid falconer since the Middle Ages have been clear-sounding bells. Predator can fit into dense terrain and thanks to the bells we know where itis. One of the basic tools the falconry afalconry bag is,into which the hawker stores and meat for predators and when falcon predators are practiced, there is also dummy falconry. This is a pigeon, a crow, a pheasant, etc. On the dummy a meat is tied up and spinned. Predator would hunt a dummy at full speed. The better Falconer manages to handle the dummy , the better predator flies. It is important that Falconer didn´t slow dummy down . The more attacks predator does, the better physical condition. Obrázek 6 A Red tailed hawk being given its meal

  9. Equally important to the welfare and success hawking is : a garden, where there is a spacious aviary where the predator can be placed (e.g., when ill, etc.). Speaking of potential disease, an experienced veterinarian is desirable. Obrázek 7 A transmitter attached to a hawk's anklet

  10. For the proper development of the predator's need to have a space where it can fly. The ideal space is no electrical poles. Last but not least important some tolerant neighbors are who do not mind the occasional predator whistling. It is important to be able to get good food: mice,quail, guinea pigs, rabbits and chickens. All this requires a lot of money and a lot of time. Obrázek 8 Goshawkin falconer's hand

  11. Attention ! It is the most important thing of all. Given that you have legally acquired predator, you're somewhere registered and this produces very unpleasant control by the CEI. When you find a reasonable inspector, you have fulfilled the last thing for a successful falconry. Well, when it all what is written above, you have - you can become a successful and happy falconer. Then it's all up to you because the predator has a wonderful ability to make you happy ... and therefore ahead and boldly!! Obrázek 9FalconerwithHarris' Hawk

  12. Quiz 1. How many kindsoffalconbirdswerementioned ? 15 2. How many species isused in thecontemporaryfalconry ? 8 19 3. How many subspeciesofFalcohaveyouremembered ? 4. How many theessentialthings are in thefalconry ? 7 4

  13. Willyoutry to translate these words ?! I. falcon cap sokolí čepička rukavice falcongloves sokolí smyčka falconloops otočit se swivel 7 clear-soundingbells jasně znějící zvonečky falconrybag sokolnická brašna dummy atrapa,napodobenina

  14. II. současný,moderní (po)škrábat ohebný, pružný uvázaný posed hladký, jemný modřina točit(se) prostorná voliéra Žádoucí el.stožár v neposlední řadě pískání křepelka vše záleží na tobě Contemporary Scratch Lubricated Supple Tethered A hide Smooth Bruise Spin A spaciousaviary Desirable Electrical pole Last but not least Whistling Quail It´sall up to you

  15. Obrázek 1 Brown Falcon (Falcoberigora) JJRON. wikipedia.org [online]. 3 January 2008 [cit. 30.3.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommonsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Brown-Falcon,-Vic,-3.1.2008.jpg Obrázek 2 Breedingrangesofthesubspecies MPF. wikipedia.org [online]. 23 October 2007 [cit. 1.4.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommonsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PeregrineSubspeciesMap.png Obrázek3Peregrine tiercel at a falconry display in England (on bare hand, which is not advisable) CHRISTOPHE CAGÉ. wikipedia.org [online]. 9 September 2006 [cit. 1.4.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedna WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Aa_2006_05_06_peregrine_tiercel_on_bare_hand_02_300x600.jpg Obrázek4A European Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) landing on its falconer's hand, showing the style of gauntlet typically used for falcons JOSEMANUEL. wikipedia.org [online]. unknown [cit. 1.4.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cernicalo_comun.JPG Obrázek5An example of jesses BLESSONBEATS. wikipedia.org [online]. 16 December 2011 [cit. 1.4.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unportedna WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:FalconJesses.jpg Obrázek6A Red tailed hawk being given its meal BLESSONBEATS. wikipedia.org [online]. 26 October 2009 [cit. 1.4.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedna WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Feedinghawk.jpg Obrázek7A transmitter attached to a hawk's anklet HOUND, Pharaoh. wikipedia.org [online]. February 7, 2007 [cit. 1.4.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedna WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Falconry_transmitter.jpg

  16. Obrázek8 Goshawk infalconer's hand TREVOR-BATTYE, Aubyn. wikipedia.org [online]. 1903 [cit. 1.4.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GoshawkFalconry.jpg Obrázek9Falconer withHarris' Hawk JANSOONE JOJAN, Georges. wikipedia.org [online]. 9 September 2007 [cit. 1.4.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unportedna WWW: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Parabuteo_unicinctus01.jpg Obrázek 2 Breeding ranges of the subspecies MPF. wikipedia.org [online]. 23 October 2007 [cit. 1.4.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommonsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PeregrineSubspeciesMap.png Obrázek 1-4: Klipart MS Office [ cit. 2013-03-09]. Dostupný pod licencí Microsoft Office 2010 na www: <http://office.microsoft.com/cs-cz/sokol/student/images/>

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