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Evaluasi Manajemen Kinerja. HAL-HAL yang Dievaluasi. Keahlian ( Skills )/ Kemampuan ( Abilities )/ Kebutuhan ( Needs )/ Kendala ( Traits of Individuals ). Berkaitan dengan Kebijakan dan Budaya yang terdapat dalam Organisasi. Pencapaian dan Output (Result in Outcomes).
HAL-HAL yang Dievaluasi Keahlian (Skills)/Kemampuan (Abilities)/Kebutuhan (Needs)/Kendala (Traits of Individuals) BerkaitandenganKebijakandanBudaya yang terdapatdalamOrganisasi Pencapaiandan Output (Result in Outcomes)
KewenanganEvaluasi Superior OnlySubordinate(s) Peers/Co-workersSelf Customers Others SubordinatesAll Stakeholders
MetodePendekatan Review indikator internal industry atau organisasi sejenis (Consistent indicators across industry or similar organizations) Perbandingan seluruh indikator dalam ruang lingkup organisasi (Comparison of indicators over time in organization) Perbandingan indikator dengan standard industri (Comparisons with pre-determined standard)
PendekatanUtama Comparative Attribute Behavioral
PermasalahandanKendaladalamEvaluasidanPengukuran Controllability Motivational impact “Fallout” Role Modeling Impact Reliability Relevance Control
PeriodeEvaluasi Probation Period Tahunan/Periodically/Annually (tanggal ulang tahun, tanggal penugasan) Semi-Periodik (Semi-annually) Timbulnya Kejadian (For Cause) Rutinitas dan Kelangsungan (On-going) Kebutuhan (As needed)
MetodePenilaianKinerja Traditional Management-by-Objective Assessment Center Peer Review Panel Critical Events Upward Feedback 360 Degree
Tehnik Evaluasi Manajemen Kinerja Essay (open-ended) Management by Objective Ranking Paired Comparisons Forced Choice Forced Distribution Ratings: Checklist & Scales Behaviorally Anchored Ratings (BARS) Critical Incidents
Essay Technique • Deskripsi kualitas dan kuantitas kinerja karyawan dalam 1 periode • Deskripsi kekuatan dan kelemahan karyawan & manajemen. • Pola dan analisis dekripsi karyawan yang potensial bagi organisasi. • Kemampuan leadership yang diperlukan dalam pelaksanaan tugas • Aktivitas yang direkomendasikan bagi pengembangan karyawan
Morgan Stanley’s Essay System Consider objectives identified in prior year’s Summary as well as this year’s objectives. Evaluation: StrengthsComments 1. 2. 3. Development AreasComments 1. 2. 3.
Management-By-Objective(Examples) • Tingkat kontribusikaryawandalampencapaiankeuntunganorganisasiditunjukkandenganpenurunanbiayaditingkatdepartementsebesar 3.5%. • Sistemrekrutmentkaryawanmemerlukanevaluasitingkateektivitasnyadalamsatuperiodetertentu(1 tahun)
Ranking (Example) • Manajer melakukan ranking seluruh karyawan dari kriteria terbaik sampai dengan terburuk, dengan didasarkan pada: • Performance Total Karyawan • Kriteria Khusus (seperti komunikasi, customer relation skills, dll).
Paired Comparisons (Example) Rank each employee grouping overall or on a characteristic: Employee A and Employee B Employee B and Employee C Employee A and Employee C Employee C and Employee D Employee D and Employee A Employee D and Employee B etc.
Forced Distribution (Example) Pace each of the employees in your department in the following categories based upon overall or specific category performance: Top 10 percent: 10-49 percent: 50 – 89 percent: Bottom 10 percent: Outstanding: Average: Good: Below Average: Unacceptable:
General Electric’s DistributionThe Vitality Curve PROMOTABILITY HighMediumLimited Top Performers 10% Highly Valued 70% Least Effective 20%
Ratings Example (Checklists) Program Auditor: _____ 1. Unable to separate important from irrelevant data. _____ 2. Omits important info from summaries. _____ 3. Cross-references to improve reporting. _____ 4. Produces summaries which lead to good reports. _____ 5. Requires excessive instruction to produce work. _____ 6. Unable to reduce data to manageable form. _____ 7. Communicates well with peers on reports. _____ 8. Fails to meet deadlines. _____ 9. Provides detailed, professional work. _____ 10. Protects confidentiality of information.
Ratings Example: Scales Rate the employee’s behavior on the scale provided. Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A 4 3 2 1 ___ Reasoning ability 4 3 2 1 ___ Decisiveness in Decision-making 4 3 2 1 ___ Imagination & originality 4 3 2 1 ___ Ability to plan and control 4 3 2 1 ___ Cooperation with peers 4 3 2 1 ___ Cooperation with management 4 3 2 1 ___ Professionalism 4 3 2 1 ___ Interpersonal skills 4 3 2 1 ___
Citibank’s Link to Compensation RatingsBonus “Above Par” 30% “Par” 15% “Below Par” 0%
Microsoft’s PA System • Overall Employee Rating: • = Exceptional performance rarely achieved; precedent setting results • 4.5 =Consistently exceeds all requirements & expectations work • highly valued • =Consistently exceeds position requirements and expectations; work often noteworthy • 3.5 =Exceeds position requirements; successful in all objectives • =Meets position requirements and expectations; meets most • or all objectives; needs some development for quality • 2.5 =Falls below performance standards and expectations; has performance deficiencies • 1.0-2.0 =Does not meet minimum requirements in critical aspects of job
Microsoft: Adding Distribution to Rankings 4.0 + = 35% of employees 3.5 = 40% of employees 3.0 or lower = 25% of employees
Ratings Example: BARS Indicate the appropriate level of performance on each factor: Quantity of work Quality of work Judgment Volume low & erratic Volume above expectations Satisfactory steady volume Results accurate and thorough Results generally inaccurate and not thorough Results always accurate; model work Does not always show good judgment; problem analysis not always adequate Systematic, analytical, good with complex problems Practical judgment, solves problems, difficulty with assessing relative value of factors
Microsoft Competency Toolkit FACTOR: Individual Excellence COMPETENCY: Intellectual Horsepower (is bright, intellectual sharp, learns quick)
Microsoft Competency Toolkit FACTOR: Long-term Approach COMPETENCY: Developing people (provides job-relevant learning, developmental exercises, and feedback to enhance individual performance)
Critical Incident Example Employee Name:___________________________________ Date of Incident:__________________ Type of Incident:___________________________________ Individuals Involved: Description of Incident: Outcome of Incident: Recommendations: Date Discussed with Employee:____________ Supervisor Signature:______________________________ Employee Signature: _____________________________