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No. 117 ZAANGFAHNAK THACHIN BIA Key. G Zaangfahnak thachin bia , Lungthin puar a tei khawh ,

No. 117 ZAANGFAHNAK THACHIN BIA Key. G Zaangfahnak thachin bia , Lungthin puar a tei khawh , Vawlei a dawt caah A fapa a kan pek . Aho hmanh nih nan zumh ahcun , Zungzal nunnak kha nan hmuh lai , Zungzal nunnak khan an hmuh lai. Ramlak rul tar zohmi ,

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No. 117 ZAANGFAHNAK THACHIN BIA Key. G Zaangfahnak thachin bia , Lungthin puar a tei khawh ,

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Presentation Transcript

  1. No. 117 ZAANGFAHNAK THACHIN BIA Key. G Zaangfahnakthachinbia, Lungthinpuar a teikhawh, Vawlei a dawtcaah A fapa a kanpek. Ahohmanhnihnanzumhahcun, Zungzalnunnakkhananhmuhlai, Zungzalnunnak khan an hmuhlai.

  2. Ramlakrul tar zohmi, Damnak an hmuhbangin, BawiJesuhkha an zoh, Zungzalnunnakcaah. • Ahohmanhnihnanzumhahcun, • Zungzalnunnakkhananhmuhlai, • Zungzalnunnak khan an hmuhlai.

  3. A sualmi an thilai, Biaceihnakkantheihcang, Na biazumh lo ahcun, An rawkngaingailaita. • Ahohmanhnihnanzumhahcun, • Zungzalnunnakkhananhmuhlai, • Zungzalnunnak khan an hmuhlai.

  4. Vawleisualphawtawkah, BawiJesuh a ra lo, A sualmikhamhawkah, a nunnakkha a pek. • Ahohmanhnihnanzumhahcun, • Zungzalnunnakkhananhmuhlai, • Zungzalnunnak khan an hmuhlai.

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