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“The will to succeed is nothing without the will to prepare .”. IMPROVING COURSE RIGOR. MEASURING STUDENT PROGRESS TOWARD READINESS. EXPLORE 8th and 9th grade curriculum-based educational and career planning program. The ACT
“The will to succeed is nothing withoutthe will to prepare.”
IMPROVING COURSE RIGOR MEASURING STUDENT PROGRESS TOWARD READINESS EXPLORE 8th and 9th grade curriculum-based educational and career planning program The ACT 11th and 12 grade curriculum-based assessment for learning outcomes ENGAGE Middle and high school assessment that measures all factors of academic success PLAN 10th grade curriculum-based educational and career planning program QualityCore Research-driven solutions for strengthening curriculum SUPPORTING SOLUTIONSPLANNING SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Core Practice Audit Framework for evaluating current practices CoreWork Diagnostics Online service to diagnose and improve content and practice areas College and Career Readiness System 1986 1992 1959 CCRW Manual p. 1
EXPLORE 8th and 9th grade (score range 1 to 25) • PLAN 10th grade (score range 1 to 32) • ACT 11th and 12th grade (score range 1 to 36) 69% 89% 100% ..\..\..\..\..\Desktop\PLAN-AP Study.pdf
Example: Mathematics College Readiness Standards ACT’s College Readiness Standards™ http://www.act.org/standard/pdf/CRS.pdf
ACT College and Career Readiness Standards HSCE’s GLCE’s
Shows academic strengths and weaknessesin English, Math, Reading and Science. • Helps you search for careers and learn which ones might be right for you. • Helps you choose high school courses that will prepare you for college and work. Why Students should take the PLAN?
Why HS should offer the PLAN? • Can predict ACT - MME performance • Identifies early problems, informs interventions • Guides curriculum and instruction
Michigan Dashboard – Education 2011 Michigan Dashboard- Education - 2011 Source - http://www.michigan.gov/midashboard
Michigan ACT-Tested graduates meeting benchmarks by Subject Michigan – Class of 2011
2007-2011 ACT-Tested graduates meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Michigan – Class of 2011
ACT-Tested benchmark attainment by subject Michigan – Class of 2011
Michigan PLAN-Tested Meeting Benchmark Scores (N=91,611) Michigan – Class of 2011
EXPLORE-Tested Meeting Benchmark Scores (N=53,870) Michigan – Class of 2011
ACT reports for schools • Student Report • Item Response Summary • Profile Summary • Early Intervention Roster
Student Score Report Share with students and Parents to help them interpret each section. Help them understand what to do next with this information A. High school coursework to be career & college ready B. Career Center programs C. Include information in EDP using Career Cruising D. College and Career Exploration
Ann Taylor and Marcus Jones - 2011 Future Spartans?? Ann Taylor EXPLORE score = 15 PLAN score = 18 Marcus – Does w Marcus Jones EXPLORE score = 18 PLAN score = 24
Score Report Using Your PLAN Results
Using Your PLAN Results Testing Scores
Using Your PLAN Results Estimated PLAN Composite Score Range Choose a score you predict you will get on the ACT.
Using Your PLAN Results Are you ready for college?
1. Take additional math and science 2. Change study habits 3. Get help from teachers, counselors and parents Anne and Marcus could…….
What is your college goal? MSU 25 Marcus Ann
More SCHOOLS to choose from More SCHOLARSHIPS to earn Greater INCOME for those who graduate and pursue career What are 2 points worth?
Admissions Guidelines for Michigan Colleges U of M Ann Arbor GPA: 3.8ACT: 29 - 33 Kalamazoo College GPA: 3.65 ACT: 26 - 31 Michigan State University GPA: 3.4 ACT: 23 - 28 Alma College GPA: 3.5 avg. ACT: 21 - 27 CMU WMU GPA: 3.3 ACT: 22 avg ACT: 22/ 17 min GPA: 2.9-3.3 SVSU Ferris State GPA: 2.5 avg. ACT: 18 - 24 Community Colleges High School Graduation or GED
Using Your PLAN Results Your Career Possibilities Career Area List
Using Your Plan Results This is what your student should be focusing on. Your Skills
Shows how test group performed on each assessment question. 2. Compares your test group to national reference group. Item Response Summary
Who should be looking at the data? 1. Students 2. Teachers 3. Administrators 4. Parentsem Analysis for students (4 steps) • Item Analysis for staff (4 steps) • Item Analysis for parents
Math: PLAN Test Results Item Analysis for Staff • STEP ONE: As you review the Math section questions and answers, if the students have an 80% or higher on an item, circle “strength” and if the students have a 60% or less on an item, circle “weakness.” This will allow us to focus on very strong items and those that we need to readdress. Make any necessary notes that you notice about each type of question (content issue, question type or testing issue). • Pre- Algebra> 80% < 60%Notes • 1. AF Strength Weakness • 11. BG Strength Weakness • 21. AF Strength Weakness • DJ Strength Weakness • 32. BG Strength Weakness • 37. BG Strength WeaknessElementary Algebra> 80% < 60%Notes • 7. CH Strength Weakness • 12 AF Strength Weakness • 14. CH Strength Weakness • 16. BG Strength Weakness • 24. AF Strength Weakness • 27. DJ Strength Weakness • 29. AF Strength WeaknessCoordinate Geometry> 80% < 60%Notes2. CH Strength Weakness • 4. D J Strength Weakness • 5. AF Strength Weakness • 10. BG Strength Weakness • 17. DJ Strength Weakness
Item Response Summary Report College Readiness Standard: Math - Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities (XEI): 601 (28-32) – Manipulate expressions and equations
Math 2 charts Strengths Challenges SChalltrengthsStrengths Item’s 1,5,22 Solving problems in one or two steps using whole numbers Item’s 3,9, 18, 27 Distinguishing between area and perimeter
Profile Summary Report Summarizes the performance of the entire test group 2. Compares your students to all students nationwide 3. Determines “ On track for college” 4. Shows career interests 5. Shows response to local items
188 Total Students Where we want students to be 140 Students Above Benchmark Students on track to be college ready 50 Students on the Cusp -31 in danger of slipping -19 within 2 points of benchmark 8th Grade English College Readiness Benchmark Students on the cusp Benchmark Students in real need of remediation 48 Students Below Benchmark
12 Supplemental Questions – Student Perspective 1. Have you ever been bullied at Williamston Middle School? A. Not at all B. Somewhat C. Most of the time D. All of the time 2. How physically safe do you feel at Williamston Middle School? A. Not at all B. Somewhat C. Most of the time D. All of the time 3. Do you think the adults at Williamston Middle School care about your safety? A. Not at all B. Somewhat C. Most of the time D. All of the time 4. The Principal/Dean of Students at Williamston Middle School care about you. A. Not at all B. Somewhat C. Most of the time D. All of the time 5. Williamston Middle School ’s environment is a good environment for learning. A. Not at all B. Somewhat C. Most of the time D. All of the time 6. Compared to last year, I am more successful academically. A. Not at all B. Somewhat C. Most of the time D. All of the time Have you ever been bullied at Williamston Middle School? A. Not at all B. Somewhat C. Most of the time D. All of the time
1. Will be looking at EXPLORE and PLAN data to inform interventions at MS and HS. 2. Leadership teams will be focusing on EXPLORE and PLAN data in 2012/2013 3. Survey questions agreed to as a county to be used on EXPLORE and PLAN Ingham County RtI
CCRIS • College & Career Readiness Information System • Five years of data for EXPLORE/PLAN/ACT • Down to the student level • At the aggregate level • Follow cohorts as they move through • Item-analysis to the standard level, including common core! Sometime soon!!