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Shi’ite and Sunni Divisions within Islam

Shi’ite and Sunni Divisions within Islam. The Dividing Issue. Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims share the same Islamic beliefs. The division is political and revolves around the succession of Muhammad.

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Shi’ite and Sunni Divisions within Islam

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shi’ite and SunniDivisions within Islam

  2. The Dividing Issue • Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims share the same Islamic beliefs. • The division is political and revolves around the succession of Muhammad. • Should the successor be of “bloodline…or leaders most likely to follow the tenets of the faith,” is the question and conflict.

  3. Sunni • Sunnis believe that the first four caliphs - Muhammad's successors - should be close advisors or companions of Muhammad. • “Sunnis chose Abu Bakr, the prophet’s adviser, to become the first successor to lead the Muslim state.”

  4. Shi’ite • Shia Muslims believe leadership should be based on bloodline and “passed directly to Muhammad’s cousin/son-in-law, Ali.” • “Ali and his successors are called imams,” and are considered to be descendants of Muhammad. • “Ali was martyred during Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting.”

  5. How did the violence start? • “In 656, Ali’s supporters killed the third caliph. Soon after, the Sunnis killed Ali’s son Husain. • Fighting continued but Sunnis emerged victorious over the Shiites.”

  6. Populations and Spatial Distribution • Sunnis account for about 85 percent of the world's Muslims. • The Taliban are fundamentalist Sunni Muslims. • Shi’ites account for about 15 percent of the world's Muslims. • Shiites are dominant in Iran and are also the largest sect in Iraq. • Pockets of Shiite Islam also exist in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

  7. Sources • http://hnn.us/articles/934.html • http://islam.about.com/cs/divisions/f/shia_sunni.htm • http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/art/news/nation_world/sept_11/understandingthecrisis/islammap.pdf • http://www.google.com/imgres (Life Magazine: Unforgettable Photos

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