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Summary of day 4 Performance Based Navigation

Day 4 of the symposium emphasizes the significance of Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) and its implementation goals. It underlines the necessity for ICAO and stakeholders to expedite the adoption of PBN to meet operational needs effectively and efficiently. The event discusses key performance objectives, safety enhancements, aerodrome readiness, and ICAO's role in aiding regions and states. The session also delves into the levels of requirements, expectations, technology standards, and a performance hierarchy for effective communication and performance tracking. Lastly, a safety-focused approach is highlighted, stressing the importance of data, analysis, just culture, and a robust Safety Management System (SMS).

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Summary of day 4 Performance Based Navigation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Summary of day 4Performance Based Navigation The symposium fully supports the PBN concept. It acknowledges that it addresses the States’ current and future operational requirements and therefore encourages ICAO, in coordination with all stakeholders, to accelerate its implementation. To this end the following goals and tasks are considered essential:

  2. Summary of day 4Performance Based Navigation Implementation Goals: • Efficiency: Enroute continental and terminal airspace • PBN 100% implementation by 2018 • Safety:APV for all runway ends • Aerodromes for international use : 100% by 2016 • Domestic Aerodromes: 100% by 2018

  3. Summary of day 4 Performance Based Navigation • ICAO to maintain the PBN concept and coordinate new operational requirements • ICAO to develop a PBN implementation strategy • ICAO to take a pro-active role in assisting regions/sub regions and States

  4. Summary of day 4 Level 1: Political and Socio-Economic Requirements Level 2: Expectations - RASP Level 3: ATM Component Functionality - RTSP Level 4: System Requirements (e.g., RNP, RCP) Level 5: Technologies (incl. standards, specifications) Performance Hierarchy • Initially defined in Global ATM Operational Concept • Layers represent different views of the ATM system • Allows tracing of performance impact • Changes at lower levels impact next layer above • Leads to expectations • Helps understand and communicate performance case

  5. Summary of day 4 A performance-driven approach to safety • Requires • Data • Just Culture • A measurement system • Analysis capability • Key Performance Indicators • A fully functioning SMS

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