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Q U E S T I O N S & A N S W E R S. ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS Whose country is this ? “Bu ülke kimindir?” It is OUR country. Who cook s delicious dishes in restaurants? “Kim lokantalarda lezzetli yemekler pişirir?” A chef does . A chef cook s delicious dishes in restaurants.
ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS • Whose country isthis? “Bu ülke kimindir?” Itis OUR country. • Whocooks delicious dishes in restaurants? “Kim lokantalarda lezzetli yemekler pişirir?” A chefdoes. A chefcooks delicious dishes in restaurants. • What year isit? “Hangi yıldayız?, Bu hangi yıldır?” Itis 2013. • Write TBMM in English? “TBMM nin İngilizce açılımını yaz” The Turkish Grand National Assembly. • What is the importance of October 29, 1923? “29 Ekim 1923’ün önemi nedir?” Atatürk FOUNDS The Turkish Rebuplic.
What doesa secretarydo?“Bir sekreter ne yapar?” ShetypeS letters. • What doyouneed to write a letter?“Mektup yazmak için neye ihtiyaç duyarsın?” I need a pen and a paper. • How long doesan online shoppingtake?“İnternetten alış veriş ne kadar sürer?” Ittakes only a few minutes. • What dothe doctorsdo?“Doktorlar ne yaparlar?” Theyexamine patients. • What isonline shopping?“İnternetten alışveriş nedir?” Itis shopping on the net.
actOR • DefinITON • signATURE • salutATION • shopPER • creatIVE • artIST • absentEE • examINATION • foundER MAKE NEW WORDS act define sign salute shop create art absent exam found
PUT THESE WORDS IN THEIR RIGHT ORDERS • tick words the hear you Tick the words you hear • of what they shoppers kind are? What kind of shoppers are they? • before an expensive buying car, before buying an expensive car, • shopping she is addicted to. She is addicted to shopping. • can me use how tell you to this? Can you tell me how to use this?
kind • Buyer, shopper • Several, a lot of • help X sender • want • lessons • Text, passage, paragraph • chance X near • WRITE SYNONYMS (=) or ANTONYMS (x) • sort • customer • multiple • assist • recipient • would like • courses • extract • opportunity • away
websites • WRITE the MOST appropriate words to complete the sentences • There are a lot of online shopping …………………………….. . Hızlıal is one of them. • A Mouse and a/an …………………….. mean online shopping. • This shirt is big for me. Do you have a smaller ………………………..? • He always watches tv all day long and does nothing. • He is a tv ……………………….. . • A: ………………………….. are these shoes? B: They are $29. trolley size addict How much
try • WRITE the MOST appropriate words to complete the sentences • That dress looks wonderful. Can I ……………………………….. it on? • Your sentences don’t have any meanings. They are all ………………………………. . • Walk ……………………………….. the street. Don’t turn right or left. Go straight ahead. • I am ……………………………….. we don’t have any. But I can order if you want. • Kadir is not between but ……………………………….. the children because there are a lot of children there. meaningLESS along afraid / sorry among
TRANSLATE into ENGLISH • senSİZ WITHOUTyou • sen gelmeden ÖNCE BEFOREyou come • sen yürüRKEN WHILE you are walking • seni gördüğümzaman WHEN I see you • sen gittikten SONRA AFTERyou go