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Cosmic Ecosystem: Animism, Totemism , Shamanism. HRT 3MO. Early Religions: historical backdrop. Most adherents of world religions believe their religions to be eternal Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution (1859) had a profound effect on the study of religion
Early Religions: historical backdrop • Most adherents of world religions believe their religions to be eternal • Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution (1859) had a profound effect on the study of religion • If humans have slowly changed and developed over time (=evolved), due to the forces of nature (rather than God’s direct hand), it meant that: • All religions, too, are subject to historical development, which warrant careful study, and; • Humans have been actively involved in creating the religions they follow
Early Religions: historical backdrop • As important as this was, to encourage the study of religious development over time, it also engendered an historical bias: • The belief that religions of the past were “primitive” • modern, monotheistic religions are more advanced/sophisticated than early religions
Developmental theory: Monotheistic Bias Complex I ty Monotheism Polytheism Animism/Totemism/Shamanism Time: Primitive------------ to--------------- Advanced
Monotheistic Bias • Religious scholarship in the West has been dominated by Christian scholars, blinded by their own cosmology • So, what are these early religions and how are we to understand them? • Rather than view these religions as ‘primitive’, instead we need to identify the correct cosmology they belong to • Cosmic Ecosystem….which is very different to Monotheistic Cosmology
Monotheistic Cosmology All of creation, is subject to God’s will and mercy, in this cosmology. All of Creation is the ‘subject’ to God, as ‘object’ (Tillich) The singular, invisible, infallible God whose form is beyond manifestation, and who’s power is absolute, yet whose character and will is revealed through revelations to historical prophets, and canonized in historical texts
Cosmic Ecosystem: Basic Religion Cosmology • self-sustaining system • animal, vegetable, mineral, humans, planets, forces of nature all play a part in upholding the system. • everything is connected: seen and unseen, animate and inanimate = “quantum system” • Cosmic Ecosystem not controlled by any one source • Cosmic Ecosystem simply exists as a self-sustaining, multi-faceted system • Eternal, without beginning or end • But the actions, and reactions of the individual parts, effect the sum of the whole….
Animism, Shamanism, Totemism • Pg 13-27 from text • 1.) Why is it inappropriate to refer to religions as primitive? • 2) Animism: summarize • A) Cite modern ‘versions’ of animism • B) How is “magic” a function of animism? • 3) Divination: (or Shamanism)-Summarize • 4) Totemism: summarize • 5) Explain how Animism, Shamanism, and Totemism work together…
Animism • Universe : alive with spirits (anima)—seen and unseen • these spirits—in animal, vegetable, mineral—effect people’s lives, through dreams, signs, possessions or through totems. • So, spirits influence the living. But they also can be influenced. Why?.... • Cosmic Ecosystem….everything is connected • Different from Monotheistic Cosmology: spirits, if they exist, are the function of God or His opposite– the devil. • In the conventional world, humans use their normal behaviour to influence each other and their surroundings… • But how does one interact with, and influence the world of spirits? • “Magic” can be invoked, to influence spirits for earthly ends. Link with Totemism and Shamanism here. • Technology nor time, interestingly, has removed this belief • it has found its way into contemporary religions too • explains for the nature of sacred sites (mountains—Gods; deserts—God talks to prophets; burnish bush—God; stone fortifications (Stonehenge) and spirituality, water (Hindus and Ganges; zam zam and Islam; amrit and Sikhism) ; sand (Zen Buddhist sand gardens)
Ganges River Jesus-temptation in the desert Zen Garden Cave Hira, Prophet’s 1st revelations
Shamanism/Divination • the belief that a spiritual medium (=bridge) is capable of communicating with the spirit world, and relay messages to the rest of society, for the following purposes: • i) to communicate messages about present circumstances (spirits looking out for the world of the living; past ancestors) • ii) to communicate about future events • iii) to cure spiritual maladies • basis is in an animistic universe, or cosmic ecosystem • Key: The “journey”, to gain better understanding of the unity of all creation. • Journey to upper, middle and lower “worlds” • Idea still present in ‘modern religions’, but as: heaven, earth, hell, and as ethical systems • Miraj: Night journey in Islam • Chariot Metaphor: key mystical concept in Judaism. Shaman is analogous, to prophets, within Monotheistic faiths. • Also: Fakirs, Medicine men, warlocks, pagan priestesses, etc
Totemism • extension of animism • where inanimate objects—or animals with specific anima—are revered (respected/taken care of) • in exchange, a particular blessing, protection is bestowed on a family, clan or state, by the anima • It is a reciprocal (two-way) relationship • Also, very human: “seeing is believing”. Focused worship without prayer, song, material symbolism very difficult for most people. • Survives in modern forms: “lucky” personal possessions; laughing buddha; exists in religions where material idols/deities are revered
Domestic Totems- Mesopotamia Chinese Idol Fertility Idol, Ancient Syria
Virgin Mary and Jesus: Not an idol, but can you see the link to the human interest in sculpture? Natraja: The cosmic dance of Lord Shiva
Unit 1 reflection • The following ideas were new to me… • The following ideas surprised me • The following ideas really interested me…. • I still have questions about… • 1 page single spaced (minimum). 12 Font • Due Friday Sept 24 • 10 marks for thoughtfulness/analysis • 10 marks for detail & use of specific terms/ concepts from this unit