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Huancavelican Adolescents towards a More Responsible Masculinity – AHMAR Project Ascencion District - Huancavelica, Peru. LUIS BREÑA – Huancavelica Regional Ministry of Education RICHARD CCENCCHO – CARE Peru FERNANDA LOAYZA – CARE Peru ARIEL FRISANCHO – CARE Peru afrisancho@care.org.pe.
Huancavelican Adolescents towards a More Responsible Masculinity – AHMAR ProjectAscencion District - Huancavelica, Peru LUIS BREÑA – Huancavelica Regional Ministry of Education RICHARD CCENCCHO – CARE Peru FERNANDA LOAYZA – CARE Peru ARIEL FRISANCHO – CARE Peru afrisancho@care.org.pe Social Change and Family Planing Workshop Rwanda, October 13-18, 2008
OBJECTIVE To contribute with improved sexual and reproductive health of adolescents within Huancavelica Region, through more responsible and equitable attitudes and behaviors related to a better understanding of masculinity amongst both male and female adolescents
EXPECTED OUTPUTS • Strengthened and empoweredadolescent leaders promote and practice responsible masculinity • Improved access and acceptance of male adolescents to good quality sexual & reproductive health care and health & education counseling services • Diverse social actors (Health & Education Regional Authorities, Asención Local Government, Parents? Associations and regional & local NGOs) make decision and take commitment towards recognition and support of a more equitable understanding of masculinity • Lessons learning and Knowledge Sharing
COMPONENTS Pilot Project focus on América Public Educational Institution (male and female adolescents) and – indirectly – on America’s Parents’ Association. This educational public institution was chosen because all its students are local – born Huancavelica adolescents. Project is working with male and female adolescents amongst 12 to 15 years old. It is expected that the Project will directly reach 100 male adolescents and 20 – 30 female adolescents and their families; 15 health & education public officers and 6 local government officers
Main Strategies The Project implements an integrated working framework: • Strengthening (sensitization and capacity building) of male and female adolescents leaders to promote and practice better understanding / more equitable masculinity • Sensitization and capacity building for improved responsiveness of health & education services • Social Communication Strategies • Political Incidence and strategic alliances building • Lessons inter-change and knowledge sharing within CARE and outside CARE
KEY ACTIVITIES • Base line (Qualitative and Quantitative baseline) Collection of evidence from the young men on how they understand their priorities and problems in their own environment • Sensitization and advocay on public sectors, local government, NGOS • – Reflective analysis and project design with participation of health & education public officers, local governments and other key stakeholders (focus groups on key actors) • Leaders’ selection and capacity building
KEY ACTIVITIES (II) • - Capacity building amongst health & education sectors • Constitution of “Ascencion District Adolescents’ Committee”, with Local Government, Male & Female Adolescents Leaders, Regional NGOs, Public sector officers • “Adolescent’s House” Implementation and peer – learning process • Community theater & social comm. strategies • Follow-up by key actors & stakeholders • Joint Workshops amongst CARE Bolivia and Perú for joint construction of lessons and knowledge • Systematization and dissemination of the experience and lessons learned
TRENDS for LESSONS LEARNED • Project has promoted a different, fresh dialogue amongst CARE staff’s adolescents sons and daughters • Project staff is learning more on adolescents’ views and understanding of masculinity • Addressing traditional vertical, hierarchical relations from the providers – they are not necessarily “participatory champions”! • Adolescents do want to participate in their free time, and counting with a space where their opinions are respected. Women participation challenged by domestic labour
TRENDS for LESSONS LEARNED (II) • Qualitative research & participatory analysis is time and effort consuming, but it is worth it. Contributes with a better community mapping • On the other hand, time and effort consuming methodologies are not easily transferred to public, time-limited officers • For addressing key stakeholders resistance (i.e. catholic church), alliance building (local governments, public officers, parents’ associations, local NGOs, etc) and advocacy strategies are needed