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Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels

?Libraries and innovation" 2 December 2008Brussels. 2. 1 ? La Biblioth?que de l'Office des Nations Unies ? Gen?ve ? Histoire (1). Don de John D. Rockefeller Jr. pour la construction d'une Biblioth?que qui serve de ??centre de recherche internationale et d'instrument d'entente entre les peuples ?.

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Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 1

    2. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 2

    3. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 3

    4. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 4

    5. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 5 Synergie entre les trois activits Taille critique de la Bibliothque (budget, personnel, rsultats) Partage des connaissances et des comptences Bibliothconomie et archivistique Numrisation des documents Utilisation conjointe des fonds documentaires Meilleur service aux utilisateurs (rponse sur lensemble des ressources si ncessaire) Meilleure visibilit et communication Mise en valeur conjointe du fonds darchives et du fonds documentaire Expositions documentaires Muse de la Socit des Nations

    6. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 6

    7. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 7 2 Les archives de la Socit des Nations et des Nations Unies Un trsor cach頻 Source de premire importance pour lhistoire des relations internationales au XXe sicle Mouvements pacifistes Socit des Nations ONUG depuis 1945 Plus de 12 km linaires dont 6 kml pour les archives historiques Photothque de lONUG (1945-1997) Muse de la Socit des Nations Un systme de gestion informatise des archives ScopeArchiv

    8. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 8 Histoire, tradition et modernit History, tradition and modernity Si nous ne faisons pas honneur notre pass, nous perdons notre avenir. Si nous dtruisons nos racines, nous ne pouvons pas grandir. If we do not honour our past we lose our future. If we destroy our roots we cannot grow. Hundertwasser

    9. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 9

    10. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 10

    11. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 11

    12. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 12

    13. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 13

    14. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 14 4 Activits culturelles - Cultural activities Dvelopper un culture de paix et de dialogue To nurture a culture of peace and dialogue Places sous le programme mondial pour le dialogue entre les civilisations (rsolutions A/RES/56/6 et A/RES/60/4 de lAssemble gnrale des Nations Unies) Faire connatre dautres cultures Rapprocher la Genve internationale et la Genve civile Relayer les messages de lONU (MDGs, annes internationales, journes mondiales,...) Expositions, concerts, films, pices de thtre, confrences culturelles, grands spectacles (moyenne de 55 vnements par an)

    15. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 15 Rapprocher la Genve internationale et la Genve civile

    16. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 16 Les expositions documentaires, artistiques (peintures, sculptures, photo)

    17. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 17 5 Et linnovation dans tout cela ? Where is the innovation ?

    18. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 18 De la bibliothque hybride vers le portail From the hybrid library to the library portal La bibliothque hybride gre les documents imprims et leur circulation The hybrid library deals with traditional library printed materials and their circulation En parallle, la bibliothque hybride gre des ressources et outils lectroniques multiples : catalogues informatiss, bases de donnes et moteurs de recherche In parallel, the hybrid library deals with the plurality of e-resources and tools: online catalogues, databases interfaces, search engines Le paradigme de la bibliothque hybride est progressivement remplac par le nouveau paradigme du portail de bibliothque et dun nouvel espace The paradigm of the hybrid library is progressively replaced by the new paradigm of the library portal and new space

    19. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 19 tre llment-cl pour fournir linformation / connaissance pour le travail de lONU To be the key-element in providing information / knowledge for UN work Devenir le point focal pour : To become the expert focal point for: Les ressources lectroniques pour nos utilisateurs e-resources for our users La gestion de linformation Information management (ECM) Le Records Management Dfis pour lavenir (3-5 ans) Challenges for the future (3-5 years)

    20. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 20 Axes de travail Work Programme Sappuient sur les dfis pour lavenir Based on challenges for the future Conservation de la mmoire institutionnelle Preservation of the institutional memory Dveloppement des services aux utilisateurs Development of user services Mise en uvre dun plan de communication Setting-up a communication plan Formation du personnel de la Bibliothque Training of UNOG Library staff

    21. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 21 Conservation de la mmoire institutionnelle Preservation of the institutional memory Plan durgence - Emergency plan tude pour un nouvel espace de stockage respectant les normes internationales Study for a new storage space for archival material compliant with international standards Numrisation des documents officiels des Nations Unies Digitization of UN documents Numrisation des archives historiques Digitization of historical archives

    22. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 22

    23. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 23 http://www.onug.ch/archives-recherche

    24. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 24 http://www.onug.ch/archives-recherche

    25. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 25

    26. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 26 Dveloppement des services aux utilisateurs - Development of user services Accs un nombre croissant de ressources lectroniques Access to more and more e-resources Sessions dinformation sur la Bibliothque Library Information Sessions (LIS) Gestion personnalise des connaissances Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) Adaptation de lespace de la Bibliothque aux nouveaux besoins des utilisateurs Adaptation of library space to new users needs

    27. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 27 Des collections aux connections From collections to connections Users are faced with learning a multiplicity and complexity of search systems Library Information Sessions (LIS) Personal Knowledge Management programme Step by step, a new information system is built: OPAC with a Link Resolver giving access to full text Library Resource Guides (Wiki) through iSeek, the UN Intranet A federated search engine GlobalSearch (Webfeat) EZ-Proxy to facilitate the access from outside the UN A portal project through the future Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system

    28. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 28 A Library Resource Guides (wiki) accessible through iSeek

    29. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 29 Gestion personnalise des connaissances Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) Constat : mconnaissance des besoins des utilisateurs Mconnaissance des services offerts Matrise limite des outils lectroniques Approche : top-down et bottom-up Mthodes : interviews, assistance Thmes : recherche des documents UN, utilisation des moteurs de recherche, ressources lectroniques, etc. Outils : sessions individualises de coaching, fiches pratiques (knowledge pointers)

    30. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 30 Mise en place dun plan de communication Setting-up a communication plan Gagner en visibilit To gain more and more visibility Crer une identit forte To create a strong identity Meilleure connaissance de nos utilisateurs Better knowledge of our (potential) users La Bibliothque va lutilisateur The UNOG Library goes to the user

    31. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 31 Gagnez du temps, demandez un bibliothcaire Save time, ask a librarian Tlphone, courriel, Web et intranet Phone, e-mail, web and intranet Prt en ligne et livraison dans les bureaux Online loans, direct delivery to the offices Coaching sessions (PKM) Crer une relation de confiance avec les utilisateurs Create a trust relationship with users

    32. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 32 Actions de communication Communication events

    33. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 33 Formation du personnel Training of UNOG Library staff Crer une culture professionnelle commune : groupes de travail, approche transversale Create a common professional culture: working groups, transversal approach Former de nouveaux bibliothcaires Train new librarians Mieux communiquer Develop communication skills Amliorer la numrisation et la gestion des ressources lectroniques Improve digitization and management of e-resources

    34. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 34

    35. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 35 Bibliothques du systme de lONU UN System Libraries Coopration Fields of cooperation One UN wide coherent system Consortium dacquisition (UNSEIAC) Cooperation to buy e-resources Commercial agreements Intellectual property rights Licensing Partage de connaissances et dexprience Share know-how, experience and competencies Numrisation - Digitization (hardware and software, workflow, programmes) Conservation numrique - Digital preservation valuation des ressources lectroniques - Evaluation of e-resources tools Create a common set of frameworks to evaluate services Impact and performance measures Statistical frameworks Develop access for everybody to e-resources produced by each institution Exchange our training programmes (both for staff and users) and, if necessary, develop some common programmes Plan our services strategically and complementarily

    36. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 36 Juste une mtaphore Only a metaphor

    37. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 37 Mtaphore et contexte Metaphor and context Tenir compte de diffrents facteurs Taking different factors into account Environment, the bays ecology Pratiques sociales Social practices (tourism, pilgrimage) Dveloppement des transports Transport development Agriculture, pche Agriculture, fishing, etc. Une mtaphore - A metaphor Sea information Mont access to knowledge Transport Tools to access de la complexit de notre monde of our complex world Changement social Social change Changement technologique Technological change Changement environnemental Environmental change

    38. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 38 A vision

    39. Libraries and innovation 2 December 2008 Brussels 39 http://www.unog.ch/library Merci de votre attention Thank you for your attention

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