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Professional Development Competency—Teamwork and Inclusion

Professional Development Competency—Teamwork and Inclusion. Objective. To develop a deeper understanding of teamwork and inclusion qualities, skills, and behaviors in support of individual and institutional growth. Agenda. Questionnaire Competencies What are we doing? How are we doing it?

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Professional Development Competency—Teamwork and Inclusion

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  1. Professional Development Competency—Teamwork and Inclusion

  2. Objective To develop a deeper understanding of teamwork and inclusion qualities, skills, and behaviors in support of individual and institutional growth.

  3. Agenda • Questionnaire • Competencies • What are we doing? • How are we doing it? • My next steps

  4. Competencies • Champlain College Professional Staff Career Competencies: Fundamental to the successful implementation of our 2020 Strategic Vision. Needed for every staff member. • Functional/Job Competencies: Capabilities needed in order to successfully perform current or future job responsibilities (i.e. marketing, finance, education, technology, etc.). • Leadership Competencies: Needed for successful leadership of a team of individuals.

  5. Teamwork and Inclusion Scale

  6. Teamwork and Inclusion Scale

  7. Collaborates Well with Others • Deals honestly and fairly with others, showing consideration and respect for individual differences.  • Does own fair share of the work.  • Seeks assistance from other team members, as needed.   • Assists other team members.  • Shares all relevant information with others. 

  8. Proactively Assists and Involves Others • Initiates collaboration with others.   • Assumes additional responsibilities to facilitate the achievement of team goals.  • Seeks input from other team members on matters that affect them.

  9. Fosters Teamwork • Gives credit and acknowledges contributions and efforts of other team members.   • Makes outstanding efforts to help other team members.   • Fosters team spirit.   • Ensures that all group members have an opportunity to contribute to group discussions.  • Helps build consensus among team members. 

  10. Coaches Others and Resolves Conflicts • Coaches others on teamwork skills to promote high team performance.   • Provides constructive feedback to fellow team members.   • Facilitates beneficial resolutions to conflict among team members. 

  11. Builds Bridges Between Teams • Facilitates collaboration across teams to achieve a common goal.  • Breaks down barriers (structural, functional,and cultural) between teams, facilitating the sharing of expertise and resources.   • Creates opportunities for groups to work together and get to know each other to further organizational objectives.   • Promotes agendas that support the organization's broader goals.   • Creates cross-functional teams to solve problems. 

  12. Two Parts to Teamwork and Inclusivity

  13. GRPI Model Team Development Diagnosis of Issues

  14. GRPI and Your Current Team

  15. High Functioning Teams

  16. The 4 Cores of Credibility Self Trust

  17. The Core of Trust Integrity • Congruence, Humility, Courage Intent • Your Motive, Agenda, Behavior Capabilities • TASKS: Your Talents, Attitudes, Skills, Knowledge, Style Results • Your Track Record Adapted from Stephen MR Covey, Speed of Trust 14

  18. Trust Orientation I extend trust when I first meet people People need to earn my trust through actions and behaviors over time HighTrust Earned Trust

  19. High Trust / Earned Trust

  20. Confront Reality Clarify Expectations Practice Accountability Listen First Keep Commitments Extend Trust Talk Straight Demonstrate Respect Create Transparency Right Wrongs Show Loyalty Deliver Results Get Better The 13 Behaviors to Build Trust Adapted from Stephen MR Covey, Speed of Trust 23

  21. Agreement Scale—Driving Force During Conflict

  22. Your Agreement Level

  23. Communication Style Indirect Direct

  24. Intent vs. Impact

  25. Inclusion

  26. Included and Excluded

  27. Diversity and Inclusion Visible and invisible differences, thinking style, leadership style, gender, ethnicity, religious background, sexual orientation, age, experience, culture etc. DIVERSITY A quality of the organizational environment that maximizes and leverages the diverse talents, backgrounds and perspectives of all employees INCLUSIVENESS

  28. 4 Model and Embed inclusive practices Identify exclusion behaviors and patterns Transform exclusion behaviors and patterns Value differences of self and others Developing Inclusive Teams Inclusive Teams DIVERSITY INCLUSIVENESS 4-B

  29. Behaviors that Support Inclusivity • Being open to growth and learning • Be curious—the opposite is judgmental • Practice the Platinum Rule • Be brave—speak out when necessary • Clean up the messes

  30. Closing One thing you will practice in the next month to grow your competency in teamwork and inclusion.

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