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IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION Yildiz Technical University is established in 1911, and today serves with; • 9 faculties, • 2 Institutes, • Foreign Languages College, • vocational high school and • approximately 20000 students. As the student number and required space increased, Davutpasa campus is added to current campus located in Besiktas. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION Davutpasa Campus is located on a 1.312.500 m2 field and has newly built and historical buildings inside. Turkey’s largest techno park project is going on a 40 acre area. Today, approximately 5000 students study in this campus. In time, as other buildings are finished, some other departments will be moved to Davutpasa campus and student number will increase considerably. This campus also has closed and open sports halls, stadium, and indoor swimming pool. Istanbul Science Center is planned to be built here and 1 million people of yearly visitors are expected. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION Additionally, it is planned to have a campus where education and daily life are combined with dormitories and lodgments of 3000 capacity, social facilities. All this data show the importance of this campus (www.yildiz.edu.tr). 2004 values of electricity and heat consumption of this campus show that the most suitable system to supply energy is cogeneration system. It will be possible to add cooling system and turn the system into a trigeneration system in the future. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY WHAT IS COGENERATION? Cogeneration is producing both power and heat together where they both will be used. Working principle of cogeneration is very simple. Cogeneration system consists of an electrical generator and a heat source. Dual production of heat and energy together is known as “total energy”. Known power generation systems have an efficiency of about 35%. 65% of the energy potential remains as waste energy. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY WHAT IS COGENERATION? This heat energy can be used in industry, residential heating and cooling and the total efficiency can get to 55%. As seen in Figure 1, with usage of heat energy, the thermal efficiency of the cogeneration plant can be 90% or higher. Additionally, since the electricity generated by the cogeneration systems used locally, conduction and distribution losses are at minimal level therefore, compared to a conventional electricity generating plant, 15 to 40 % economy is obtained. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY WHAT IS COGENERATION? Thus, cogeneration systems are applicable on chemical facilities, refineries, paper industry, food industry, educational facilities and hospitals, large residential facilities where heat and electricity are needed together. Today, the electricity and heat power produced in American universities is at 600MW level. In Figure 1, a gas turbine cogeneration system is shown. (Yumurtacı, Z.,et al.,2002) IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY System and Capacity Determination of Cogeneration System determination criteria for such applications are as follows: (Aras, H. et al., 2004) (Aras, H., 2003) • Electricity heat consumption structure of the establishment and electricity-heat balance, • Annual working time of the establishment, • Energy need level of the establishment, • Availability and feasibility of primary energy sources. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY System and Capacity Determination of Cogeneration The first two are the most important criteria. In order to make a healthy plant selection, if possible, annual, monthly or weekly consumption values must be determined and indicated with graphics. First the annual electricity consumption values are analyzed and capacity is determined as a little lower than this value, to prevent idle capacity. Primary objective is to determine electrical capacity. After the electrical capacity of the plant is determined, heat production values are investigated. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY System and Capacity Determination of Cogeneration Another important feature of the cogeneration systems is the quality of the useful heat.In case of gas turbine, exhaust gases can be utilized as direct usage of heat. For instance, drying processes in cement industry, ceramic factories ( Hepbasli.A. and Ozalp.N., 2002). Cogeneration plants are known to have a total efficiency above 90% diesel engines and combined cycle plants have a higher electrical efficiency, on the other hand, gas engines, gas turbines and steam turbines are capable of higher thermal efficiency values. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY System and Capacity Determination of Cogeneration Bound to compliance with maintenance procedures, cogeneration technologies have a long working life (Atikol.U. , et al., 2003). Power values for different cogeneration systems are given in Table 1. After analyzing this table, gas turbine is the most appropriate selection. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY System and Capacity Determination of Cogeneration Table 1. Typical Cogeneration Systems (Guide to Cogeneration) IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information about Cogeneration System There are some points to be taken into consideration while designing cogeneration system of Yildiz Technical University Davutpasa campus. For instance; when the system demand of electricity and heat are maximum, whether their peak is at the same time or separate etc. In this study, in order to analyze feasibility, it is considered that electricity and heat demand is between 07:00 and 22:00 hours. These values will decrease in summer season because the heat demand will almost become zero. However, since there is summer classes in the campus, decrease of electricity demand will not be as much as heat demand decrease. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information about the Facility Facility type: University campus Elevation: 70 meters Average temperature: 20 °C Annual work hours: 8000 h / year (one year is assumed to be 24 x 365 = 8760 hours) Load factor: 8000 / 8760 = 0, 91 Fuel to be used: Natural gas IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information about the Facility There is no demand for steam at the facility; only 70-90 °C hot water is demanded. Monthly distribution of the annual fuel consumption of Yildiz Technical University Davutpasa campus (according to fuel costs paid) is given in Figure 2. (YTU data, 2004). Monthly distribution of the annual electricity consumption of Yildiz Technical University Davutpasa Campus is given in Figure 3 (YTU data, 2004). IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information about the Facility Fig. 2. Monthly distribution of natural gas bills of YTU Davutpasa campus IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information about the Facility Fig. 3. Monthly distribution of electricity gas bills of YTU Davutpasa campus IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information about the Facility Table 2 shows the equivalent kWh values of the payment values given in Fig.2 and Fig.3. As it can be seen in this table, the moth that maximum electricity demand takes place is December and the electricity demand is 403.920 kWh. Considering that the facility is working 20 hours a day and 26 days a month, the power of the system can be calculated as follows: 403920 / 15* 26 = 1035,7 kW IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information about the Facility Considering that the system will be working at higher power, electrical power (EP) of the system is selected 1155 kW. After taking the alternator losses into account, and selecting a standard turbine from the catalogues, the turbine with 1204 kW mechanical power is selected. Approximately 4-5% of this power is alternator loss. Generator efficiency is 95% Annual electricity energy (AEG) generated by the system (8000 hours) is calculated as: AEG= EP x working hours= 1204*8000 = 9.632.000 kWh/year IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information about the Facility Table 2.Monthly electricity and heat consumption IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information about the Facility The system generates 9.632.000 kWh electrical energy each year. After the demands are analyzed, it is obvious that electricity demand is high, and the heat demands are lower. For such facilities, it is recommended to choose a counter-pressure steam turbine. However, the costs of a steam turbine are high and operation and maintenance of such systems are more difficult, thus steam turbine is not selected in this case. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information about the Facility There is a steam demand by the industrial facilities around the campus; therefore, any steam generated in the campus can be utilized as profit. Taking all these points into consideration, an easier operational, multi-fuel driven system that has a short installation process, a low establishment cost, and that can easily start/stop must be preferred. According to these criteria, from Table 2, a gas turbine system is preferred. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information on selected gas turbine After the explanations and calculations mentioned above, the gas turbine with the technical data given in Table 3 is selected. The average electrical efficiency of the system is (ηe) 40%. Average thermal efficiency of the system is also assumed to be (ηı) 45%. The efficiency rate of the present boiler is 90%. The fuel of the system is natural gas. (Z.Yumurtacı, H.Obdan,2005). All the cost calculations are conducted according to these assumptions and data. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Information on selected gas turbine Table 3.The specifications of the selected Gas turbine (www.turbomach.com) A:Gas, B:Liquid fuel, C:LPG, D:Medium/low BTU Gas IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Specifications and the price of natural gas Higher heating value of natural gas is= 9155 kcal/Nm3 = 38267,9 kJ/Nm3 (January,2005)(www.botas.gov.tr) Lower heating value of natural gas is (Hu) = Higher heating value x 0.90 Hu= 8239,5 kcal/Nm3 = 34441,11 kJ/Nm3 Unit cost: 0,438609 YTL/Nm3 = 0,04122 YTL/kWh =0,0556 $/kWh = 0, 324 $/Nm3 (January, 2005) (www.igdas.com.tr) ($=1,35 YTL) IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Specifications and the price of natural gas • Specific fuel consumption of the system is: 0,235 kg/kWh • Hourly fuel consumption of the system is: 282,94 kg/h • Annual fuel consumption of the system: 2263520 kg/year • Annual heat generation of the system: 10.827.519,63 kWh Calculations according to these statements show that there is no need for an additional boiler since the heat generated from cogeneration is higher than the heat the system consumes. (10.827.519, 63 kWh > 9.391.181, 11 kWh) IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Operational economy of the system Economy of electricity: The amount not to be bought from TEDAS: 9.632.000 kWh/year Average electricity price: 0,094 $/kWh (January, 2005) (www.tedas.gov.tr) Economy from generation of electricity: 905.408 $/year Amount to be sold to TEDAS: 8.089.368 kWh/year Buying price of TEDAS: 0,094 x 0, 8 = 0, 0752 $/kWh (TEDAS buys approximately 20% cheaper) Annual net profit of selling to TEDAS: 608.320, 47 $/year Annual total profit of electricity: 905.408 $/year + 608320, 47 $/year = 1.513.728, 47 $/year IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Operational economy of the system Economy of heat: Economy from the heat to be generated at the boiler: 10827519,63 kWh/year Annual natural gas saving: 1.131.760 Nm3/year Annual saving of cogeneration heat: 496.400 $/year Heat to be sold: 1.436.338,52 kWh/year Natural gas consumed in order to generate that heat: 135.121,56 Nm3 natural gas. Cost of that amount of natural gas: 43.779,38 $/year IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Operational economy of the system Total annual operation income of the system : 1.513.728,47 $/year + 496.400 $/year + 43.779,38 $/year = 2.053.907 $/year IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Operational costs of the system Annual Fuel Cost : Lower heating value of natural gas Hu= 38.267,9 kJ/Nm3 Specific fuel consumption: 14.798 kJ/kWh, Fuel consumption: 4.949 kJ/h (www.turbomach.com) m=515, 8 (Nm3/h) x 8000(h) =4.126.400 Nm3/year Annual fuel costs of the system: 4.126.400 Nm3/year x 0, 324 $/Nm3 = 1.336.953, 6 $/year IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Operational costs of the system Annual Service, spare part and oil costs of the system: Annual service, spare part and oil cost of the system is assumed to be 10% of the first establishment costs. Annual service, spare part and oil cost of the system: 70.000 $/year IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Operational costs of the system Personnel costs: Personnel gross cost: 2 $/h System supervision time of the personnel: 8350 h/year Annual personnel cost: 2 $/h x 8.350 h/year=16700 $/year IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Operational costs of the system Internal consumption cost: Internal electricity consumption amount: 45kW Annual internal electricity consumption cost: 15.000 $/year IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Operational costs of the system Total costs: 1.336.953, 6 $/year + 70.000 $/year + 16.700 $/year + 15.000 $/year = 1.438.653, 6 $/year As it can be seen, about 95% of the costs consist of fuel cost. Therefore the unit price of natural gas has a great importance. Especially in countries that are out-dependant on fuel, the unit price has a great effect on the case. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Amortization calculation of the system Total investment costs of the system: 700.000 $ (www.turbomach.com) Net operational income of the system: 2090128, 47 $/year – 1.438.653,6 $/year = 651.474,87 $/year Amortization time of the system: 1,1 year All the assumptions and the resulting values are given in Table 5. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY GAS TURBINE EMISSIONS When the emission value of the selected turbine system is analyzed, it can be seen that the system is environment-friendly. Since the system is located in a residential area, the emission values must be at decent levels. Emission values of an approximately 1.000 kW turbine energy plant are given in Table 4. These values are significantly lower compared to the other fossil fuel plants. Today, there are studies to decrease these values. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY GAS TURBINE EMISSIONS Table 4. Gas turbine emission characteristics (Environmental Protection Agency Climate Protection Partnership Division, 2002) IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In this study, the cogeneration system to be applied at the university has shown a total income of 2.053.907,85 $ and a total cost of 1.438.653, 6 $. The system amortizes itself in 1,1 years. Net operation income of the system is 651.474, 87 $. As the campus enlarges, the heating demand will increase, the heat generated by the cogeneration system will become more efficient, and the costs will decrease. As these values are analyzed, the system is profitable.The most important factors that determine the costs of the system are electricity and natural gas unit prices. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS As these increase the amortization period becomes longer. One of the most important advantages of this system is that it is an independent system. In today’s world that the energy resources are decreasing and the environmental pollution is rapidly increasing. It has gained a great importance to use clean energy sources and to use them more efficiently. Especially in the developing countries energy generation without being out-dependant is one of the first things to be considered. In this study, the analyzed cogeneration systems are leading systems regarding the efficient resource utilization and environmental sensitivity. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS As seen in the case study of Yildiz Technical University Davutpasa Campus, although the investment cost are high for a cogeneration system, the opportunities as selling redundant energy and efficient utilization of resources makes cogeneration systems attractive for such applications. Pre-design studies must be carried out carefully and the demands must be fully evaluated. It is easily possible to gain great economy using a cogeneration system that has adapted present conditions. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In this study, cogeneration system is calculated using 2004 electricity and natural gas values of Davutpasa Campus. As the campus enlarges, some other faculties are planned to be moved, constructions to be completed, and techno park to be completed, thus, the energy demand values should be re-evaluated in order to make a healthy system design. IGEC-197
IGEC-2 INTERNATIONAL GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY THANK YOU Prepared by: Olcay Kincay, okincay@yildiz.edu.tr Zehra Yumurtaci zyumur@yildiz.edu.tr IGEC-199