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Enhancing the Role and Effective participation of Parliamentarians in the APRM process 12 -14 May 2010, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Strengthening African Parliaments Role through the use of ICTs : ECA’s Experiences. Girma Dessalegn
Enhancing the Role and Effective participation of Parliamentarians in the APRM process 12 -14 May 2010, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Strengthening African Parliaments Role through the use of ICTs : ECA’s Experiences Girma Dessalegn ICT and Science & Technology Division (ISTD)Economic Commission for Africa
Contents • Background • AISI Implementation: ECA activities with African Parliament • ICTs for effective Participation of MPs in the APRM process • The Way Forward
Information Society – A Development challenge • Potential threats • Tendency to expose and exploit inherent weaknesses in the economies of developing countries, particularly Africa • Widening the disparities at domestic levels and internationally • Consequently, new thinking on the relevance of Information Society to development
Information Society – A Development challenge? • Digital gap in Africa represents a development gap, and also • Information factor of production • Critical factor in poverty reduction • Important in socio-economic sectors, health, education, agriculture, etc • ICTs useful tool in addressing all MDGs • Effective implementation of national and sub-region ICT strategies can address APRM Goals
AISI IMPLEMENTATION & African Parliaments What is the AISI ? AfricanInformationSociety Initiative Regional framework for ICT development – 1996 Effective mainstreaming of ICT in national development agendas: PRSPs, MDGs, etc
AISI Launched in 1996Focus Areas Outreach&Communication E-Strategies AISI Info & KnowledgeDevelopment Partnership & Networking
E-Strategies AISI • Regional Information and Communication Infrastructure (RICI) • National Information and Communication Infrastructure (NICI) • Sectoral Information and Communication Infrastructure (SICI) • Village Information and Communication Infrastructure (VICI) RICI NICI SCAN-ICT SCAN-ICT SICI VICI Parliaments’ Involvement
AISI & African Parliament ECA’s work with Africa Parliaments, is geared towards equipping members and staff of African parliaments with the ICT tools and adequate knowledge to support its primary functions of representation, law-making and oversight more effectively - Strategies include: • Strengthen Human and Institutional Capacity: Making ICT Work within Parliament • Strengthen oversight over Policies role • Strengthen capacity in harnessing ICT for good Governance (e-Governance) and democratic processes (e-democracy) • Promote ICT for constituencies development and inter-parliamentary cooperation
Making ICT Work in Parliaments • Train MPs and Staff to use ICTs to access information, as well as Internet / Intranet document • Support/ advise on the development, extend the deployment of ICT infrastructure • Develop strategies to raise awareness within parliaments on practical benefits of ICT for development, national and sub-regional e-strategies • Enhance the parliamentary-constituency interaction and outreach • A total of 500 MPs and staff benefited for training, 120 Ethiopian MPs by ITCA , Swaziland, Gambia and Niger Parliaments
ICT to strengthen Oversight role • Organise capacity building workshop for the role of Parliament in building the Knowledge Society Promoting ICT Committee creation • Ensure that policies are inclusive, sustainable and equitable • Ensure adequate national budget and mobilize other innovative financing mechanisms • Adopt adequate legislation for the Information Society • Ensure that policies monitoring portal made available by government • Deploying ICT applications tools for better Hearings, questions to Governments, other policy setting and scrutiny documents • SADC PF, Niger, Gambia, Swaziland, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia have benefited from this activity more requests are received from ten other Parliaments
Promoting ICT for Good-Governance and effective Democracy • Learn from best Practices in e-Governance and e-Democracy • Undertake research on strategies for promoting e-governance and e-democracy • Deploying ICT applications tools for better inter-action with citizens • Promote e-governance/ e-democracy legislations
RICI NICI SICI -Promoting e-democracy Tools: - E-Government - E-Governance - Effective e-strategies implementation - Mainstreaming ICT in development Agendas: MDGs-PRSP-YP • Democracy and Political Governance; • Economic Governance and Management; • Corporate Governance; and • Socio-Economic Development • What are we expecting to assess under APRM? • How can ICT Contribute? • Good governance • Trust and Accountability • Citizen’s awareness and empowerment • Citizen’s welfare • Democracy • Nation’s economic growth
How ICT can empower Parliament in APRM Process- what are the opportunities? • Informed elected representative required access to real time information, best practice • It is vital that Parliament knows what it knows, where to find this knowledge, and how to share accumulated information • ICT can help MP to connect to existing networks, (South African) ex: Government Communication andInformation System (GCIS) • ICTs make it easier and faster for constituents to interact with Parliamentarians and influence lawmaking and oversight of public affairs of direct concern to them
How ICT can empower Parliament in APRM Process- what are the opportunities? • ICT enable MPs know the demands of the stakeholders and hence become more Responsive to their needs • ICTs can render the MP role in APRM process more efficient by providing the means for citizens to express their concerns online • ICTs, therefore, have a vital role to play in providing both MPs and citizens with access to ready-to-use, reliable data and specialized information
What are the opportunities? • Knowledge repository, blogs, personalized websites, citizen portals, webcasting, radio-streams, public access points, database, e-mails, e-forum can be used by MP in the APRM process, these applications can help to : • to strengthen interaction between Parliament, Government Departments, civil society and the public (case of India) • to get views, analyze, assess a situation etc • to undertake research tasks to be well informed about citizens’ concerns • benchmark with other best practices in other countries • assess any shortcomings in the performance of ministries in APRM framework
What are the opportunities? • Civil society participation in diagnosis • Monitoring of results on the ground • Transforming representative democracy into a participative one;
Way Forward Create in the Parliament or strengthen • APRM COMMITTEE • ICT COMMITTEE
Thank You ! http://www.uneca.org/aisi/ aisi@uneca.org