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Bell Ring er. Time for a Revolution. What is a REVOLUTION ? What makes something REVOLUTIONARY ?. Housekeeping: New Semester!. Grade book starts over! Clean out your binder. Keep the following items: Syllabus “How to DBQ” – DBQ Bible Binder Organizers hand out
Bell Ringer Time for a Revolution What is a REVOLUTION? What makes something REVOLUTIONARY?
Housekeeping: New Semester! • Grade book starts over! • Clean out your binder. Keep the following items: • Syllabus • “How to DBQ” – DBQ Bible • Binder Organizers hand out • If you are missing any of the above items DOWNLOAD them from the school website. • FIRST BINDER CHECK IS Friday! • Grade weights and distribution (REVIEW) • Projects, Presentations, and Essays: 30% • Classwork, Homework, Assessments: 20% • Daily points: Classwork (50pt), Homework (25pts) and Assessments (100pts)
GRADE WEIGHTS AND CLARIFICATION • Grading Policies: • Formative Assessments (20%): Classwork, bell ringers, discussions, homework, portfolio (binder), Cornel notes, exit slips • Class Participation (20%): Binder/note checks, lecture notes, in-class participation, • Quizzes (10%) weekly content quizzes • Summative Assessments (20%): End-of-unit tests, 5 and 10 week exams, mid-terms, finals • Projects & Presentations (30%): Performance tasks, , essays/critiques/analysis writing
Absent Work Late Work Same as last semester: Absent work will be accepted for credit (all absent work must be turned in by the following Monday from the original due date.) Same as last semester: Late work will be accepted for reduced credit (all late work must be turned in by the following Monday from the original due date.)
Q3 Themes • Area of Interaction: • Environments • Essential Questions: • How do our choices impact environments? • How can human responsibilities and capabilities help or harm the environment?
WS Q3 Topics French Revolution Haitian Revolution Agricultural Revolution/Scientific Revolution Industrial Revolution What similarities do you notice?
WS Q3 Performance Task • Proposal for the United Nations Industrial Organization Summit that: • Presents a solution to a contemporary environmental and industrial issue in your assigned country. • Analyze how this growing industrialization impacts their country on a social, economic or technological level.
Bell Ringer Time for a Revolution What is a REVOLUTION? What makes something REVOLUTIONARY?
Revolution Revolutionary • a involving or causing a complete or dramatic change. • a person who works for or engages in political revolution. a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system
Things that could cause a Revolution? Mistreatment of people, animals. Struggle of poverty Unfair laws – unequal rights and consequences Belief systems!
1. What potential problems could develop when the gap between the rich and poor is too big?2.What connections do you see between the social classes in French Society and the wealth distribution in the United States?
Wealth Distribution in America http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0ehzfQ4hAQ
Exit Ticket • Reflect on the following in your journal: You will free write for four minutes straight. Put your pens down when I say stop. • How do our choices impact environments? • How can human responsibilities and capabilities help or harm the environment?
Wealth and Revolution How could a large gap between the rich and poor cause or lead to a revolution? How would this “gap” impact the environments of both the wealthy and the poor?
Block Party: Class Participation Read your quote and reflect on it for 1 minute. Find a another person who has the same color paper as you, and share your quote with that person. Read your quote, form an opinion about the quote and explain why, based on prior experience. Your partner should then do the same. (3 minutes) Each pair should then join another pair to form a quad (SAME COLOR PAPER). Each person in quad should read their quote aloud to the group. After all quotes are read, each person should identify the quote that they either most agree with OR most disagree with and why. (7 minutes) Return to your seats for a whole group discussion.
Block Party: Whole Group Discussion Was there a quote or statement that you heard that was shocking or provocative?
Reading Groups Only way to improve reading scores is by reading…. Student are placed into reading groups according to their reading score from their last EPAS test. All students will be assigned the same assignment within these reading groups but each group will have specified questions targeted at growing their individual reading score. Students are eligible to move out of their current reading groups by improving their reading score on in class or school wide administered tests.
Bell Ringer Notes on the French Revolution • Take out your notes. We will begin by taking notes on the French Revolution. Below is a list of the Key Terms and Ideas, which belongs on the left of your Cornell Notes. • Estates General • King Louis XVI • Marie Antoinette • National Assembly • Napolean Bonaparte • French Revolution
Estates General • Made up of 3 social classes or “estates” • First: Nobility or Aristocrats • Second: Clergy- members of the church • Third: Commoners- everyone else
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette • Louis XVI, King of France during the French Revolution • Lavish life- wealthiest of the nobles • France was almost bankrupt • Ordered higher taxes on the COMMONERS • Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI • Notoriously lavish • “play village” • “Let em’ Eat Cake!”
National Assembly Commoner: doctors, lawyers, lower level officials, merchants, farmers inflation and unemployment led to: much more violent, far reaching and radical character than AR Reign of Terror
Napoleon Bonaparte Rose to power during later stages of French Revolution French military and political ruler Became Emperor of the French Began colonizing and conquering neighboring territories
French Revolution Wanted to create a whole new society Executed Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Began colonizing neighboring and overseas territory.
Agenda • Return to Reading Groups. • Complete Secondary Reading French Revolution • This assignment must be turned in before the end of the period • When you group is finished,raise your hand. • Begin working on Primary Source: Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. • This assignment should also be finished before the end of the period. • Homework: Using your Secondary Source Reading, take notes on the French Revolution.