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Plan. Analyze. Design. Systems Development Life Cycle . Develop. Cowboy Burger Online. Test. Implement. Maintain. Plan. Project Plan.

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  1. Plan Analyze Design Systems Development Life Cycle Develop Cowboy Burger Online Test Implement Maintain

  2. Plan Project Plan System Requirements: Cowboy Burger Online is an ordering system that allows customers to peruse our menu, build and place orders, and store contact and payment information securely. The customer begins by visiting our website, and can see our deals and specials on the front page. They can click on a digital menu and see all our products and the prices for each item. They make their selections, customize their orders and add the items to their shopping cart. Once they submit their order, account, contact and payment information, the order is sent to our in-store location. There, the order is displayed on a computer near where the food is prepared. The cook prepares the food and groups it into a complete order for delivery. The critical success factor for this system to succeed is that it must as fast and efficient and calling the store and having a store employee enter the order manually, if not faster and more efficient. Our company is looking to implement this system very soon to keep up with competition who offer similar services, but its implementation is not imminent. The following is a timeline for completely implementing the website ordering system. April 21: Project planning and budget meeting April 22: Select a domain hosting company and begin design of website April 24: Select a CRM/DBMS for collecting customer info securely April 28: Begin coding HTML/CSS May 5: Have website beta complete and begin testing May 12: Begin final website and training documentation May 19: Final website and training documentation DUE Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain

  3. Plan Project Plan Analyze Below we have outlined specific systems requirement we will need to implement in order to make our website effective for taking our customer’s orders: • Ordering System • Our customers have the ability to order online. In order for this work, we need the following: • They need to be able to see the menu and prices • They need to be able to make selections (shopping cart) • They need to be able to enter payment information • Food Preparation System • We need to be able to receive and view the order • We need to verify we have enough product in inventory • We need to access customer information stored securely in a database • We need to send confirmation to the customer that their order has been received Design Develop Test Implement Maintain

  4. Plan Project Plan Project feasibility: for this project we will conduct a technical feasibility study in order determine our ability to build and integrate the online ordering system. This feasibility study will help us to decide whether we should create the website in-house, or turn to a professional web developer to create the website for us. The study will determine whether we have the resources and knowledge to develop a system that meets all the requirements our system needs in order to be successful. We will conduct this study by researching how to build and implement a website for collecting customer information and transmitting orders to our cooks. Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain

  5. Plan Business Requirements: • The system must keep track of all the products the customer wants per order. • The system must track the customer’s contact information, including their address, payment information, name, phone number and special delivery instructions. • The system must be able to transmit the order to the computer where the cooking staff is located so that can prepare the order. • The system should keep track of what items are on which order The system focus will mainly be concerned with the customer side of things. The website is less useful to the cooking staff, since it’s main purpose is to act as a portal for the customer to deliver the order to our store. Build vs. Buy: Considering our time-to-market window, available resources and our core competencies, we have determined that will build the website system ourselves. Time to market is not the major priority, we have the monetary resources secured and available for use on this project specifically and our desire to build a technical core competency indicates that we should build as opposed to buy. Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain

  6. Plan Use Case Diagram Analyze Creating an Order Design Develop Preparing the Order • Customer creates an Order using Cowboy Burger Online (CBO) • Employees receive the Order from customers via CBO • Employees prepare the order • Employees deliver the order to the customer • The customer receives the order. Cowboy Burger Employees Customer Test Delivering the Order Implement Maintain Prepared by: Cowboy Burger Prepared: April 2014

  7. Process Diagrams Plan Creating an Order Customer Databases Analyze Peruse Menu Customers begin by browsing our menu. As they decide on what they want, the Make Selections and add them to a virtual shopping cart. Once they are finished making selections, they can Login and verify their status as USERS. New users are redirected to an Add User page. Existing users move on confirm their contact and payment information. Invalid logins result in a return to the Login page. Once users have confirmed their Contact and Payment information, they move to Confirm their ORDER and submit the order to us. Design INVENTORY Make Selections Login Develop Verify USERS CONTACTS & PAYMENTS ORDERS Add User [New user] [Invalid Login] [Existing] Test Confirm Contact & Payment Info Implement Confirm Order Maintain Prepared by: Cowboy Burger Prepared: April 2014

  8. Process Diagrams Plan Preparing the Order Customer Databases Analyze Employees begin by logging into the company computer located near the production table in our restaurant. From there they can Access Orders submitted to the ORDERS database from the customers. The computer then runs a test to Confirm Inventory levels are adequate to complete the order that has been accessed. If inventory is sufficient, an email is automatically sent by the computer to notify the Customer that their order is about to be prepared. Otherwise, an alert is displayed and the employee is prompted to call the customer to have them alter the order or cancel it. Finally, if there is sufficient Inventory and the customer has been emailed, the cook can begin to prepare the order. Login Design EMPLOYEES Access Orders Confirm Inventory Develop [Sufficient] USERS ORDERS INVENTORY [insufficient] Email User Test Contact Customer Make the Order Implement Maintain Prepared by: Cowboy Burger Prepared: April 2014

  9. Plan System Model – ER diagram Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain

  10. Plan System Model – ER diagram EMPLOYEES Analyze PREPARING THE ORDER Design USERS ORDERS Develop Test Implement INVENTORY Maintain

  11. Plan Design phase System Model - website Analyze Phone Number Social Media Logo Design Header Image Develop Test Navigation Menu Item Menu Item Menu Item Implement Maintain

  12. Plan System Model – Navigation Analyze Login Design Order Now Confirm cart Menu Develop Home Menu Items Continue Shopping Test Store Submit Order Implement Add to Cart Navigation About Contact Maintain

  13. Plan Develop – The finished website Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain http://www.cowboyburger.weebly.com

  14. Screen / Form Tested Date Tested Tester Test Condition Expected Results Actual Results Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail (Circle one) Plan Testing Home Page Analyze 4/23/2014 Cowboy Burger Design The user logs on to the system The system fails to verify the user and sends them back to the login screen. The user database verifies the the customer as either a new user or an existing one. Develop The system confirms payment and order information. The contacts and payments database verifies customer order and payment information The database does verify payment and order information for the customer. Test The inventory database confirms sufficient inventory on hand and emails the administrator. The inventory database finds insufficient inventory for the order and contacts the customer The administrator confirms inventory Implement The users database emails the administrator to confirm the order The administrator checks to make sure the order has gone through The administrator recieves an email from the users database confirming the order. Maintain

  15. Plan System training: we will implement this system through work-shop training when the employee starts and semi continuous group training throughout the rest of their employment. This means that we will be showing each of them how to run the system on a one-on-one training session when they first start. We will then have monthly meetings to inform the employees how to run new features and make sure they are up to date with all of the changes that are made to the system. This will make sure everyone knows how to use the system. This will be helpful for management to make sure everyone is using the system the same way. User documentation: Wewill have a user manual. The manual will include details on every aspect of the system. Instructions will be simple and easy to follow. Employees will be able to refer to the manual for any technical questions they may have with the system. The manual will also include solutions to common problems that may occur with the system. Implementaion Method: We will use the Pilot method. This will let us set up a small range for delivery. For example, only 10 miles from our store front will be able to order delivery until we know that we will be successful. After we know it is successful, we will be able to adjust our paramiters. Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain

  16. Plan System maintenance process: We willmake sure the system is up to date and accurate by having management run necessary system updates as they are available. We will do daily,weekly, and monthly maintenance checks. We will also have help desk phone number to call so that they can identify what is malfunctioning, and how to solve the problem. Management will be the ones who are responsible for all updates. Things in our business that will need to be updated will include our inventory list and customer information. We will identify and respond to customer input by sending out emails and by making changes or updates when necessary. Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain

  17. Plan Types of system maintenance: We will be using adaptive maintenance, perfective maintenance, corrective maintenance, and preventive maintenance. Adaptive maintenance will be used to increase the functionality of our system andmake sure that all orders and new inventory orders are processed correctly. We will use perfective maintenance to make sure that our website is as user-friendly as possible for our customers. Corrective maintenance will be used when ever it is necessary. When a part of the system malfuntions, this is when we will perform corrective maintenance. Finally we will be using preventive maintenance to help prevent any system failures that would make it so our customers could not place an order. Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain

  18. Plan Maintenance Schedule: Daily:we will constantly be updating our inventory list. New customer information will also have to be added daily. Weekly: On a weekly basis, management will have to identify any system enhancements that might make our website easier to use. If there are any issues or customer concerns with how to use the website, they will also be dealt with on a weekly basis. All major corrective maintenance dealing with the system will be done weekly. Monthly: Every month, all new features will be installed. All the data from the month will be identified and used for further marketing techniques.We will also be able to make any preventive system updates to make sure that there aren’t any issues with the next month’s ordering or food preparation processes. Analyze Design Develop Test Implement Maintain

  19. References • Laudon, K., & Laudon, J. (2011). Management information systems. (12 Edition ed.). Prentice Hall. • Weeblyis the easiest way to create a website, store or blog. (n.d.). Weebly.com. Retrieved April 24, 2014, from http://www.weebly.com/

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