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Workshop 2: Approaches to using technology to promote active learning

O nline learning pedagogies at UEL . Workshop 2: Approaches to using technology to promote active learning. Simon Walker Head of Educational Development University of Greenwich, London , UK. Workshop 2 : Session Outline . 9.30 - 9.45: introductions 9.45 - 10.15: presentation:

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Workshop 2: Approaches to using technology to promote active learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Online learning pedagogies at UEL Workshop 2: Approaches to usingtechnology to promote active learning Simon Walker Head of Educational Development University of Greenwich, London , UK

  2. Workshop 2: Session Outline 9.30 - 9.45: introductions 9.45 - 10.15: presentation: 10.15 - 11.00: hands on Moodle activity in computer suite (part 1). (move to ITC.01) 11.00 - 11.15 - break/refreshments 11.15 - 11.45: plenary 11.45 - 12.15: actionplanning (groupwork) 12.15 - 12.30: wrap up/ evaluation/close

  3. Context and drivers • Curriculum design and delivery • Pedagogies of distance learning • Staff development • Business models/ USP

  4. New Approaches to Teaching, Learning and Assessment needed? • Drivers towards teamwork, critical thinking, effective communication, problem-solving, collaboration: • “21st Century skills” in K-12 schools • “Graduate Attributes” in universities • The “inverted (flip) classroom” Academics claim that their courses produce these skills, yet the evidence is unclear. What does assessment say about priorities in a course?

  5. From 20thC to 21stC learner? Learners’ activities Key: 20th Century 21st Century Ref: Laurillard, D. (2012) Online support for academics' collaborative learning about teaching. Presentation. Royal Geographic Society. Epigeum 20/10/2012

  6. Context and drivers • Curriculum design and delivery • Pedagogies of distance learning • Staff development • Business models/ USP

  7. What pedagogies exist for DL? pedagogy that exploits dialogue and conversation pedagogy that allows learner and course content to be self-contained technology Generations of distance education technology (all still in existence) postal correspondence mass media of television, radio, and film production Interactive technologies: audio, text, video, web and immersive conferencing Fourth use of ‘intelligent’ data bases (intelligent flexible learning), semantic web technologies?

  8. Pedagogical neutrality - example? http://www.mapmyprogramme.com

  9. Comparison of DL pedagogies. Anderson, T andDron, J (2011) Three Generations of Distance Education Pedagogy. International review of research in Open and Distance Learning; Special Issue - Connectivism: Design and Delivery of Social Networked Learning. Vol 12, No 3 ONLINE< http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/890/1663> Accessed 15/06/13

  10. What are learners doing? A Inquiry learning Collective intelligence Resource-based E-Assessment Drill & practice Associative Focus on individual Learning through association and reinforcement Constructivist Building on prior knowledge Task-orientated Ref: Mayes & De Freitas, 2004 Conole 2010 Situative Learning through social interaction Learning in context Connectivist Learning in a networked environment Reflective & dialogic learning, Personalised learning Experiential, Problem-based Role play

  11. Examples. http://celtt.gre.ac.uk/ http://www.olds.ac.uk/home

  12. Whats a MOOC? X-mooc/ c-mooc/p-mooc/ouch Design Principles • Aggregation • Remixing • Re-purposing • Personalised • Multiple channels • No ‘right’ pathway Ref: Conole, G. Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs) -, University of Leicester DL Forum presentation. 26thMarch 2013 Martin Scorsese 1973 Mean Streets

  13. Context and drivers • Curriculum design and delivery • Pedagogies of distance learning • Staff development • Business models/ USP

  14. What tools are available? Expression Audience Who I know What I say Publication Avatars What represent me What I share Profession Knowledge What I know Where I work Thema: Exploring the experiences of Master's students in a digital age. Masterman, L. March 2007- 2009; iViva Opinion Purchase What I like What and how I buy FOAF Certificates Details How and where to join me Who can certify my identity Reputation Hobby What‘s said about me What interests me Jones, S based on ideas by.Dickinson (2007) & Cavazza. Digital Literacy CISCO Presentation. Bucks New University 2012

  15. Yerkes-Dodson law of arousal . Yerkes RM, Dodson JD (1908). "The relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit-formation". Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology 18: 459–482

  16. Learning activity design model (2006) Beetham, H. (2004), Review of e-Learning Models. In Effective Practice in e-Learning, JISC. http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/programmerelated/2004/pub_eff_prac_elearn.aspx

  17. Learning activity design model (2009) Beetham, H (2007) ‘An approach to learning activity design’, in Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age, Beetham, H & Sharpe, R (eds), Routledge, pp26–38

  18. Help and Support

  19. Learning activity or Resource Creates Mediating Artefacts (MA) Teacher Activity Theory Division of labour Rules Community

  20. Context and drivers • Curriculum design and delivery • Pedagogies of distance learning • Staff development • Business models/ USP

  21. What’s your USP? www.uel.ac.uk/research www.uel.ac.uk/teaching

  22. Useful links • Moodle Course: https://moodle.uel.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=4860 • Digital Literacy in Higher Education: http://dlinhe.ning.com/ • Greenwich Connect: http://blogs.gre.ac.uk/greenwichconnect/about/ • Map my Programme: http://www.mapmyprogramme.com/ • Larnaca Declaration on Learning Design: http://www.larnacadeclaration.org/ • Summer of Innovation: http://elevator.jisc.ac.uk/content/about

  23. s.walker@gre.ac.uk Sialker Simon Walker Simonwalker hughsnook Hvala,谢谢, Asanti, Dík, Tack, Danke, Merci, Tak, Kiitoksia, köszönet, Grazie, Dank, Takk, Dzięki, Obrigado, naagoodee……thank you for listening and participating.

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