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PAN: Protecting Animals and Nature Through Politics

The Party for Animals and Nature focuses on protecting sentient beings and the environment, governed by principles of non-violence. Learn about PAN's history, goals, and structure.

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PAN: Protecting Animals and Nature Through Politics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Party for theAnimalsandNature 18 Junho 2014

  2. 1 • PAN’sHistory– How, whenandwhy

  3. PAN’sHistory 1 • Howandwhen • António Rui Santos • Petition to exclude a portuguese stylistfromPortugal Fashionevent’s • Theneed to givevoice to animals • 2009 (22 May) • 04th ofDecember 2009 – Signatures delivery CC

  4. PAN’sHistory 1 About Us The PAN, Party for Animals and Nature, is a political party nationwide governed by the Constitution, by law, by-laws and resolutions of their competent organs. Goals The protection of rights and interests of the sentient animals, which includes the human being; Protection of the environment and nature. Princípios O PAN rege-se pelo princípio da não-violência, mental, verbal e física, e lutará firmemente pelos seus princípios contra ideias e práticas e nunca contra pessoas.

  5. PAN’sHistory 1 13 de Janeiro de 2011 O PAN , Partido pelos Animais e pela Natureza, foi oficialmente aprovado pelo Tribunal Constitucional 07 de Fevereiro de 2011 A oficialização do PAN , Partido pelos Animais e pela Natureza, foi publicado em Diário da República CoordinatingCommittee Nacional Council Financial office Strategyoffice Comunicationoffice Legal office General CoordinationofCores IT office General CoordinationofWorkinggroups Cores Workinggroups

  6. 1 PAN’sHistory CoordinatingCommittee António Santos Pedro Oliveira Fernando Leite Paulo Borges

  7. 1 PAN’sHistory Nacional Council 1 - António Santos 2 - Pedro Oliveira 3 - Fernando Leite 4 - Paulo Borges 5 - Fernanda Roxo 6 - Fátima Mano 8 - Sofia Costa 9 - Jorge Ribeiro 10 - Paula Pérez 11 - João Tapada 12 - Célia Feijão 7 - Pedro Sena

  8. 1 PAN’sHistory General Coordinationof Cores NorthandIslands CenterandSouth Jorge Ribeiro Célia Feijão

  9. 1 PAN’sHistory Cores

  10. 1 PAN’sHistory Main Secretary and Internal Organization Célia Feijão

  11. 1 PAN’sHistory Oficialization 13th January2011 Officially approved by the Constitutional Court 07 thFebruary2011 The formalization published in the Republic Diary

  12. 1 PAN’sHistory • Oficialization • 22 Março 2011 – Partyaffiliation • 10 Abril de 2011 – InternalElections • Direcção Nacional (DN), Conselhos Locais (CL’s) e Delegados ao Congresso • 16 Abril de 2011 – FirstNationalCongress • Maio 2011 – ElectionCampaign • 5 de Junho de 2011 - Elections

  13. 1 PAN’sHistory (LegislativeElections ) 58 000 Votes

  14. 1 PAN’sHistory (LegislativeElections)

  15. 1 PAN’sHistory (LegislativeElections)

  16. Internalstructure 2 • Organs • Nacional • Regional • Local

  17. Internalstructure 2 Órgãos Nacionais .

  18. Local internalorganization 3 Local Council

  19. Local internalorganization 3 CoordinationoftheOfficesandsecretaries • President: Mainsecretary, Strategy, Financial, comunicationand IT offices. • Vice-president: Strategyoffice • Treasurer: Financial office • Vowel: Comunicationoffice • Vowel: IT office

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