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Agriscience, Unit Two: Recognize the influence and impact of agriculture on the development of nations around the world. 681002. Farm Mechanization. Today helps 2% of America’s workforce meet the food and fiber needs of our nation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agriscience, Unit Two: Recognize the influence and impact of agriculture on the development of nations around the world 681002

  2. Farm Mechanization • Today helps 2% of America’s workforce meet the food and fiber needs of our nation • Farm mechanization has changed agriculture from 90% to about 2% of the U. S. population being farmers or workers evolved over a 200-year period. Farm machinery has help make this possible

  3. Green Revolution • In the 1960s, countries became self-sufficient in food production by utilizing improved varieties of seeds and farming practices

  4. Eli Whitney • Invented the cotton gin to remove the seed from cotton fiber in 1793

  5. Early Cotton Gin

  6. Early Cotton Gin

  7. Benjamin Holt • Invented the tractor and which is used to perform daily activities on the farm in 1904

  8. Early Steam Tractors

  9. Thomas Jefferson • Invented the first iron plow in the early 1800’s

  10. Cyrus McCormick • Invented the the reaper in 1834 to cut grain • Later, a threshing device was added to the grain reaper, and it became know as a combine

  11. John Deere • Improved the iron plow by inventing the steel moldboard plow in 1837

  12. Joseph Glidden • Develop barb wire, with sharp points to discourage livestock from touching fences

  13. Edmund Quincy • Invented the mechanical cotton picker in 1850

  14. Anna Baldwin • Invented the milking machine to replace hand milking of dairy cows in 1878

  15. Agriscience • Is an applied science and it will play a major role in advancing agricultural productivity in undeveloped countries around the world today

  16. U. S. Workforce 2 % of U. S. workforce is found on the farm in the United States today

  17. Farming The average farmer produced enough food and fiber for 128 people in 1997

  18. Corn • Was the number one grain crop export from the United States from 1992 to 1997 and stills holds true today

  19. The number of farms in the U.S. decreased doing the period of 1985 to 2007 and this trend still exist today

  20. Agriscience employment The percentage of jobs in agriscience in the United States today is 20% • Agriscience Areas include: Production, Processing, products and distribution

  21. Broilers • Are meat type chickens that United States consumers (citizens) consumed in the largest amount in 1997 and still hold true today35

  22. Poultry • Was the number one meat export as far as tonnage shipped from the U.S. during the mid 1990’s

  23. Pork • was the number one livestock export from the United States from 1992 to 1997 to other countries

  24. Soybeans • Are the world’s most important source of vegetable oil, it provides the basic materials for hundreds of products

  25. Corn • Ranks in the top five U.S. grain exports year after year

  26. Hogs, Broilers, Tobacco • Are the top three agricultural commodities in cash receipts for NC during the late 1990’s (1997-1998) and still holds true today

  27. Farm Size • The average farm size has increased by less than 50 acres from the period of 1985 to 1995 • At the present it is projected that the average size of farms in the U.S. will significantly increase while the number of farms will decrease

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