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The True Cost of a Pest Control in Stuart FL

Rats, cockroaches and other common pests may seem commonplace, but what is their financial impact on an average family budget? Read now…

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The True Cost of a Pest Control in Stuart FL

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  1. www.ambassadorpest.com

  2. How do Pests Impact an Economy? Farmers in the US spend approximately $4.1 billion annually to prevent pests from destroying their crops. * Australian looses around $740 million every year because of a direct impact of pest animals such as foxes, rabbits, etc. ** Americans spend around $520 million to keep their houses pest free** $3 billion is spent every year for pest control services alone. *** Termites can cause around $22 billion in structural damage around the world **** Source: - http://www.epa.gov/agriculture/ag101/croppesticideuse.html - http://www.invasiveanimals.com/research/phase1/goals/goal-12/12d6/ - http://ohioline.osu.edu/b512/b512_2.html - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/11/031124072220.htm

  3. How do Pests Affect an Average Family Budget? A simple cockroach extermination program can cost around $100-$400 depending on the severity of the infestation But periodic maintenance visits to avoid an infestation is around $30-$100 depending on the area to be covered Insurance companies do not cover for damage caused by termites, rats, birds and similar such pests Extermination treatments to get rid of ants can cost around $400-$1000 Termite treatments using the fumigation system begin at $1000 while those using the electrocution start at around $1,200.

  4. Psychological and Other Impact of Pests Psychological distress: People whose homes are infested with bed bugs are 5 times likely to suffer from sleep disturbance and anxiety disorders and 2.5 times likely to suffer from depression* Social Rejection: The stigma of a bed bug infestation spreads faster than the infestation. Businesses lose sales and may even have to shut down. (Further read: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/21/nyregion/21bedbugs.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 ) Structural Damage: Rats and mice gnaw through electric cables and can cause fires. Health: Pests are known carriers of various diseases.

  5. How do we help? We offer pest control services to residential and commercial properties in and around West Palm Beach, Florida. Besides pest control, we also undertake: • Lawn and Ornamental Treatment • Wild Animal Capture and Removal • Equestrian Grounds and Buildings

  6. For more details, visit http://www.ambassadorpest.com/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmbassadorPestManagement • Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmbassadorPestM

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