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Pitch TOWN Rocket Pitch Template. The following slides are a guide to help you with the presentation of your business idea with a local focus.
PitchTOWNRocket Pitch Template The following slides are a guide to help you with the presentation of your business idea with a local focus. Feel free to incorporate your own branding or supplemental information as you deem necessary. Keep in mind you only have 7 minutes to make your presentation. Good luck!
Company Name & Key People What is the name of your business? Include any logos and slogans. Cite the qualifications of the management team and other key personnel. Be sure to not only mention the founding entrepreneurs, but also active investors, key employees, company directors key advisors and/or an advisory board. If you have not yet hired your team, include the key attributes and skill sets that are required for the position(s) you will be filling for key posts.
Opportunity Recognition & Value Proposition State the opportunity you have identified in the marketplace and how you are qualified to meet it. State your value proposition - What makes your business unique? Why people will choose your business over your competitor? Cite your mission statement, if you have developed one.
Description of the Business/ Business Model Business Model is one part product and one part infrastructure, so provide a quick overview of the key logistical and operational aspects of the business. What type of business (retail, wholesale, manufacturing, or service-oriented) you will be starting? In as concise a way as possible, describe the product and/or service to be offered. Don’t get bogged down in the details; just mention any unique aspects of the product (if applicable), its use and appeal, and what stage of the product life cycle you are in.
Market Size and Target Customer Overview of the current market and competition – note time spent researching what products and/or services are currently being offered and by whom. Define what niche areas you may be focusing on. Description of target customer (also known as the target market): Who will be most attracted to your product or service? What is their demographic description? Where will you reach this prospective customer (from what location will you conduct your business)?
Innovation and Technology How will your business strive to be innovative in its approach to the marketplace? How will your business incorporate technology into its operational plan? How will your business utilize e-commerce and the Internet in its marketing? How will you implement environmentally friendly business practices?
Resource Requirements Your resource requirements are composed of Start-Up Costs and Working Capital (Operating Costs). Both are required before you generate any sales revenue (income). List your start-up costs including: licenses and permits, outfitting your physical space, business vehicle, tools and equipment, sufficient inventory, and shipping and duty for all. List your operating expenses for the first 3 months (or to carry you to where you are generating enough income to cover such costs) including: payroll plus benefits, rent, utilities, insurance, and payments on any loans you secure.
Sales Forecast • What is your average cost for your product/service? • How many sales can you generate weekly, monthly? • What are your assumptions to support your projected sales (i.e. you will sell 10 widgets a day, 5 days a week at $5 a widget for a total weekly income of $250) • What is your breakeven point (Breakeven point = fixed costs/ (unit selling price – variable costs)?
Conclusion and Call-to-action Wrap up your Pitch with a strong statement and call-to-action. Be sure to ask the judges/investors to kindly consider supporting your venture.