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Ameet Parekh, India's leading business coach empowering entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship has been booming in India for the last decade. Doing business is seen as respectable work now. But as the interest in entrepreneurship increases, so does the competition

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Ameet Parekh, India's leading business coach empowering entrepreneurs

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  1. Ameet Parekh, India's leading business coach empowering entrepreneurs

  2. HE IS ALSO THE AUTHOR OF AN AMAZON BEST-SELLING BOOK, YOUR MIND IS YOUR ENEMY. Entrepreneurship has been booming in India for the last decade. Doing business is seen as respectable work now. But as the interest in entrepreneurship increases, so does the competition. It's getting harder and harder to stand out among others. Additionally, it's getting harder to be a successful business owner in the first place. This is exactly where a business coach comes in. They are people with a good bundle of experience and business expertise under their belt, sharing it with entrepreneurs through training and coaching engagements. LET'S GET STARTED

  3. Ameet Parekh is one such business coach, who is currently known as India's leading business coach for a variety of reasons. He is the author of an Amazon best-selling book called "Your mind is your enemy". Because of his various contributions, many budding & established entrepreneurs have been able to either establish their new businesses or scale up their business operations that were already in place. The Online Workshop by Ameet Parekh has itself managed to create a lot of buzz among netizens. In that workshop He talks about business tactics through storytelling, which connects with the people a lot. The experiences he has gained along the way bring a personal touch to these workshops. Because of this unique style, his “Business Freedom Challenge Workshop” has gained a lot of attention and helped multiple people across the country in building profitable and scalable businesses. Considering this, it’s no wonder why he is such a sought-after business coach.

  4. His multi-faceted personality paired with a creative mind has resulted in him creating some incredible coaching programs that have helped many business owners throughout the years. Ameet Parekh has set a mission To Help New and Established Entrepreneurs In Setting Or Scaling Up Their Business. With his post-graduate degree in Business Management and multiple certifications including coaching certification from Canada, he is now a formally recognized member of various renowned coach associations. Ameet Parekh’s style of speaking and distinctive way of simplifying complex business problems make him an effective business coach. The fact that his workshops are always at capacity, consistently over the years, is a sign of that. Every business needs a little push or a magical touch. New business owners often find it hard to maintain sales, generate consistent profits, and expand at the same time. And understandably so. To achieve all of these can be incredibly hard. On top of that, when the country is going through a financial crisis, it only becomes harder. Many businesses fail to go past the first year itself. The reasons behind that are plenty but majorly it’s the fact that most businesses don’t have solid enough business plans. These plans sound good in theory but they don’t necessarily work out in the real world. So, the need for some guidance is obvious.

  5. While owning a new business has its challenges, it isn’t exactly easy to scale up an already established business. There are a lot of variables and risks involved there. It may seem easy on paper, but sometimes scaling up could endanger the already set part of the business. Overall, it is a risky endeavor that needs to be handled with utmost caution and patience. In this situation too, some external guidance from someone more experienced is always welcome. Mr. Ameet Parekh has been that source of guidance and support for many. Ameet Parekh coaches business owners with a focus to maximize their revenue and profits. He is a master in creating business systems and strategies that aid businesses fast track their growth. His Training & Coaching System helps a business owner in a Step by step manner and he supports them with all the aspects of running a business. From creating a feasible business plan to marketing, understanding the customers’ needs, and helping with managing the finances, he does it all. His seminars and classes are an effective way for anyone with a dream to achieve success, if they place their trust in themselves and in Ameet Parekh’s expertise. Ameet’s “Business Freedom Challenge Webinar” has been designed to support entrepreneurs to build a successful, scalable business by teaching validated tools & techniques.

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