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Ameet Parekh Review | Most Common Mistake Entrepreneurs Make

Ameet Parekh is Indiau2019s Leading Business Success Coach & author of upcoming book Your Mind is Your Enemy.He is a multi faceted personality with an innovative mind which has led him to create some incredible coaching programs to help entrepreneurs acquire success mindset & develop business skills.

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Ameet Parekh Review | Most Common Mistake Entrepreneurs Make

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  1. MOST COMMON MISTAKE ENTREPRENEURS MAKE Being an Entrepreneur Is Not An Easy Task And The Biggest Problem We Have A Country Is There Is No Formal Training On How To Be An Effective Entrepreneur Neither is there any community or support system that helps entrepreneurs in the challenges they face Now today what I, Ameet Parekh, want to discuss with all of you is about the most common mistakes most entrepreneurs make when they go about their business And here is why this so important… Almost all of us at some point in our life have thought this including me. That I wish someone would have told me this earlier, my life or my business would have been so different. We all make mistakes which is totally okay, but what is not okay is to make those mistakes when someone who has already made them before is coming and telling you how to avoid it. So brace yourself &Lets Dive Deep in Understand The Most Common Mistakes People Make in Business. You can also check Ameet Parekh Reviews for business evolution. #1) I Only Need a Good Product or Service to Win in Business This is such a BIG MYTH that has been circulated around the world and by the media. That all you need is a really good product, or a service & the market will run towards you and give you all the money in the world Well, let me break that myth for you!! You might be the best product in the market, or the highest quality service provider and market will not give a shit about you Until!! You market yourself & make yourself visible!! This is the 21st century!

  2. Having A Good Product Or A Service Is The BASELINE Requirement To Do Business What matters is being proactively in front of your customers!! Here one line that I live by –“BEST KNOWN WILL ALWAYS BEST THE BEST” #2) I am the Best Customer for My Product or Service So many of us start our business or get into business and make all our decision keeping us in the customers shoes.. Feeling that we are the ideal customer for our own business Many of us start the business in the first place because we feel that way.. Here is the bitter truth.. You are not your customer!! You Have No Idea How Your Customer Thinks Or Behaves Or Feels About Your Product Or Service You know how you feel or behave or think about it because you are invested in it.. And this is the biggest mistake you will ever make when doing a business.. Let me ask you a question – PVR which a big movie multiplex chain, how much sales do they get online vs offline? Most of us will say easily 50 to 70% of their sales comes online through the online ticketing apps Right? Well here is the truth.. 60% of PVR ticket sales comes from the ticket counters (Offline) & of that 60% - 80% of the sales happens 30 Mins before the show!! Shocking right?! But let me tell you the mistake you made.

  3. You thought who books ticket on the counter Because you don’t You felt a good 50 to 70% of people would also do the same because you behave that way But not the actual customer A BIG Chunk of customer for PVR shows a strong behavior of buy tickets from the counter So never make the mistake of thinking you are the ideal customer Find Out About The Real Customer, Ask Them Questions, Survey Them, Take Feedback & Then Take Calls #3) Do Not Build A Team This yet another mistake that entrepreneurs make And Here Are Some Common Reasons They Give #1) Because It Will Cost Me Money #2) Because People Learn And Leave #3) Because I Can Do A Better Job Than Them Now here is what I want to tell you If you are doing everything in the business Things are bound to fail in the long run When you have a few clients, I get it you can manage Once you go scaling up, you cannot become BIG by being a solopreneur Yes, it will cost you money but not investing that money will make you invest your time & you think your time is cheaper that hiring someone else to do the repetitive tasks in the business? Think of the value of your time And As A Business Owner Keep Focus On Increasing The Value Of Your Time Which requires you to Start Getting Out Of The Business, Delegate The Work & Focus On The Strategic Growth Of The Business Which is your actual role

  4. #4) Don’t Build Their Capabilities so here is how most entrepreneurs operate, they feel by starting a business, they will learn how to succeed in business this is not true!! You Win In Business By Constantly Exposing Yourself To New Learnings & Building Your Capabilities As A Business Owner &A Leader This is the only way you will ensure continual growth in business no matter the market or competition . #5) Do No Build a Growth Mindset This is the side of business that almost no one speaks .. Let me be honest, its hard building a company It’s hard managing people It’s hard making good revenue and profits It’s hard leading people It’s hard facing rejections So Being In Business Requires You To Have A Warrior Mindset And I always tell people Entrepreneurship is not for everyone But for those of us who are courageous enough A big part of our time also must go on building the mindset for growth Making sure you are ready to build your business like a warrior Because Believe It Or Not But The Results You Achieve In Life Are Only 20% From The Skills You Have & 80% Is The Mindset So, I Genuinely Believe Ameet Parekh Reviews will be a great help for every entrepreneur to grow their business.

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