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What to do if you’re in a road traffic accident

If the accident wasn’t your fault, then you should get in touch with a lawyer. Do this as soon as possible after the accident, so you can get the process underway quickly. Dealing with insurance companies is not always simple, and their job is to ensure that they pay out the least they can get away with. <br>

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What to do if you’re in a road traffic accident

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  1. http://www.westernmorningnews.co.uk/8217-road-traffic-accident/story-29355425-detail/story.html?dwrMeth=addComment&afterReg=Yhttp://www.westernmorningnews.co.uk/8217-road-traffic-accident/story-29355425-detail/story.html?dwrMeth=addComment&afterReg=Y

  2. What to do if you’re in a road traffic accident

  3. http://www.westernmorningnews.co.uk/8217-road-traffic-accident/story-29355425-detail/story.html?dwrMeth=addComment&afterReg=Yhttp://www.westernmorningnews.co.uk/8217-road-traffic-accident/story-29355425-detail/story.html?dwrMeth=addComment&afterReg=Y • If the accident wasn’t your fault, then you should get in touch with a lawyer. Do this as soon as possible after the accident, so you can get the process underway quickly. Dealing with insurance companies is not always simple, and their job is to ensure that they pay out the least they can get away with. When you’re already feeling shaken up and distressed from the accident, it can be a great help to have someone take care of it for you. Some law firms will take your case on a no-win-no fee basis, so you don’t pay a penny until your claim is successful. • Accident Advice Helpline

  4. Please Visit Our Website: • http://www.westernmorningnews.co.uk/8217-road-traffic-accident/story-29355425-detail/story.html?dwrMeth=addComment&afterReg=Y

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