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Branches and Procedure Calls

Branches and Procedure Calls. Lecture 14 Digital Design and Computer Architecture Harris & Harris Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 2007. Review: Instructions, Operands. Instructions add, sub, addi, and, lw, sw, etc. Operands Registers Memory Immediates (constants). Review: MIPS Register Set.

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Branches and Procedure Calls

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Branches and Procedure Calls Lecture 14 Digital Design and Computer Architecture Harris & Harris Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 2007

  2. Review: Instructions, Operands • Instructions • add, sub, addi, and, lw, sw, etc. • Operands • Registers • Memory • Immediates (constants)

  3. Review: MIPS Register Set

  4. Review: MIPS Memory

  5. MIPS Memory: Big- and Little-Endian Little-Endian: Big-Endian:

  6. Review: Instruction Formats

  7. Shift Instructions # shift left sll $t0, $s1, 2 # $t0 <= $s1 << 2 # shift right logical srl $t0, $s1, 2 # $t0 <= $s1 >> 2 # shift right arithmetic sra $t0, $s1, 2 # $t0 <= $s1 >>> 2

  8. Shift Instructions

  9. Review: The Stored Program

  10. Branching Conditional Branching: • branch if equal (beq) • branch if not equal (bne) Unconditional Branching: • jump (j) • jump register (jr) • jump and link (jal)

  11. Conditional Branching (beq) # MIPS assembly addi $s0, $0, 4 # $s0 = 0 + 4 = 4 addi $s1, $0, 1 # $s1 = 0 + 1 = 1 sll $s1, $s1, 2 # $s1 = 1 << 2 = 4 beq $s0, $s1, target addi $s1, $s1, 1 sub $s1, $s1, $s0 target: add $s1, $s1, $s0 # $s1 = 4 + 4 = 8

  12. Conditional Branching (bne) # MIPS assembly addi $s0, $0, 4 # $s0 = 0 + 4 = 4 addi $s1, $0, 1 # $s1 = 0 + 1 = 1 sll $s1, $s1, 2 # $s1 = 1 << 2 = 4 bne $s0, $s1, target addi $s1, $s1, 1 sub $s1, $s1, $s0 target: add $s1, $s1, $s0 # $s1 = 1 + 4 = 5

  13. Unconditional Branching (j) # MIPS assembly addi $s0, $0, 4 # $s0 = 4 addi $s1, $0, 1 # $s1 = 1 j target # jump to target sra $s1, $s1, 2 # not executed addi $s1, $s1, 1 # not executed sub $s1, $s1, $s0 # not executed target: add $s1, $s1, $s0 # $s1 = 1 + 4 = 5

  14. Unconditional Branching (jr) # MIPS assembly 0x00002000 addi $s0, $0, 0x2010 0x00002004 jr $s0 0x00002008 addi $s1, $0, 1 0x0000200C sra $s1, $s1, 2 0x00002010 lw $s3, 44($s1)

  15. High-Level Code Constructs • If/Else Statements • While Loops • For Loops

  16. If Statement // high-level code if (i == j) f = g + h; f = f - i; // MIPS assembly # $s0 = f, $s1 = g, $s2 = h, $s3 = i, $s4 = j

  17. If / Else Statement // high-level code if (i == j) f = g + h; else f = f - i; // MIPS assembly # $s0 = f, $s1 = g, $s2 = h, $s3 = i, $s4 = j

  18. While Loops // high-level code int result = 5; while (result > 0) { result = result - 1; } // MIPS assembly # $s0 = result

  19. For Loops // high-level code int sum = 0; for (i=0; i != 10; i = i+1) sum = sum + i; // MIPS assembly # $s0 = i, $s1 = sum

  20. For Loops: Using slt // high-level code int sum = 0; for (i = 1; i < 101; i = i * 2) sum = sum + i;

  21. For Loops: Using slt # MIPS assembly code # $s0 = i, $s1 = sum addi $s1, $0, 0 # sum = 0 addi $s0, $0, 1 # i = 1 addi $t0, $0, 101 # $t0 = 101 loop: slt $t1, $s0, $t0 # if (i < 101) $t1 = 1, else $t1 = 0 beq $t1, $0, done # if $t1 == 0 (i >= 101), branch to done add $s1, $s1, $s0 # sum = sum + i sll $s0, $s0, 1 # i = i * 2 j loop done:

  22. Procedure Calls Definitions • Caller: calling procedure • Callee: called procedure How it works • Caller needs to call a procedure without any unintended side effects • Callee returns to point of call (place it was called from) when done • Caller passes arguments to callee • Callee returns result to caller

  23. Procedure Calls // high-level code int main() { simple(); ... } // void means the function returns no value void simple(){ return; }

  24. Procedure Calls # MIPS assembly code 0x00400200 main: jal simple 0x00400204 add $s0, $s1, $s2 ... 0x00401020 simple: jr $ra

  25. Input Arguments, Return Values // high-level code int main() { int y; ... y = diffofsums(2, 3, 4, 5); ... } int diffofsums(int f, int g, int h, int i) { int result; result = (f + g) - (h + i); return result; }

  26. Input Arguments, Return Values # MIPS assembly # $s0 = y main: ... addi $a0, $0, 2 # argument 0 = 2 addi $a1, $0, 3 # argument 1 = 3 addi $a2, $0, 4 # argument 2 = 4 addi $a3, $0, 5 # argument 3 = 5 jal diffofsums # call procedure add $s0, $v0, $0 # y = returned value ... # $s0 = result diffofsums: add $t0, $a0, $a1 # $t0 = f + g add $t1, $a2, $a3 # $t1 = h + i sub $s0, $t0, $t1 # result = = (f + g) - (h + i) add $v0, $s0, $0 # put return value in $v0 jr $ra # return to caller

  27. Next Time • More on Procedures • Addressing Modes • Linking and Launching Applications

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