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Fauna in eastern Slovakia

Fauna in eastern Slovakia. Michal Leško, Jakub Kovář. High Tatras (TANAP). T here are 8 species of amphibians, three species of reptiles, 115 kinds of birds and 42 kinds of mammals. Mammals

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Fauna in eastern Slovakia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fauna in eastern Slovakia Michal Leško, Jakub Kovář

  2. HighTatras (TANAP) • There are 8 species of amphibians, three species of reptiles, 115 kinds of birds and 42 kinds of mammals. • Mammals Wolf(Canis lupus) packs prowl TANAP territory. The wolf is the main predator of large hoofed animals such as deer and other wild ungulates. Red deer(Cervuselaphus) are the most numerous of large ungulates within TANAP. Wild boar(Susscrofa) is common wild animal, both in TANAP and throughout the Carpathian Mountains. Chamois, the symbol of the TANAP, lives in the Western, High and BelianskeTatras, a separate subspecies: the Tatra Mountain Chamois (Rupicaprarupicapratatrica).

  3. Slovak Paradise • Slovak paradise is an area with different spieces of animals.100 species of birds,40 species of mammals, 6 species of reptiles, 8 species of amphibians, 2162 species of papilions • From more than 200 spieces of vertebrates are 130 spieces protected by law. • Notable and rare animals include the brown bear, Golden Eagle, Common Kestrel and the black stork. Quite common are red deer and wild boars.

  4. LowTatras(NAPANT) • The territory is also a habitat for some rare insect species and other small animals or bigger mammals, precious beasts and numerous fowls as well. • Fauna in NAPANT is similar as TANAP.

  5. PIENAP • In the park was found 5 981 known species of invertebrates and 294 kinds of vertebrates. In2004 there was brought a small herd of bison maned. • Bison maned(Bison bonasus)is the largest animal in our wildlife.

  6. Saris castle hill • Of animals live here as green tree frog (Hyla arborea), common lizard (Lacerta vivipara),buzzard (Buteo buteo) and windhover (Falco tinunculus). From surroundings herefly theeagle (Aquila pomarina) and rare Ural owl (Strix uralensis).

  7. Other animals Blue Beetle for big moneyRosalia alpina is among the protected species of European importance. His "social value"was determined on the 5000th - Sk per individual. Dormouse hen (Dryomys nitedula) is a small rodent of.Live for 5-6 years. Weighing 26-32 g. In slovakia is protected. Vipera berus is the only poisonous snake in our country. It grows to a length of 60-70 cm

  8. Thanks for watching.

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