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Do you want dua for safety of pregnancy then you can consult with our Molvi peer Mohammad qadri Ji and get also dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. He will also give you dua for protection from miscarriage and dua for a successful pregnancy. For more information visit us @ https://amliyatdua.com/dua-for-safety-of-pregnancy
Dua For Safety of Pregnancy Dua For Safety of Pregnancy For every woman, it is the most beautiful feeling when she is carrying a new world inside herself. No one can describe this feeling in words. And the love between mom and child is unconditional. In the whole world, mom and child love is selfless and pure. Every woman wants to feel this feeling in their life. But in this time safety and successful pregnancy is important. If you have been confirmed that you are pregnant then you should thank Allah and pray for success and safety pregnancy. If you get pregnant then you wish that Allah bless you with a healthy child. Pregnancy time is very sensitive and you should care about you and your child. If you want a successful pregnancy then you can recite this dua for the safety of pregnancy. If you want to avoid all types of problems during pregnancy then you can also recite this dua for a successful pregnancy. Dua F Dua For Successful Pregnancy or Successful Pregnancy So if you want Islamic dua and wazifa to avoid all pregnancy problems and want a healthy baby then you can get powerful dua from Amliyat Dua Molvi Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji. Dua for successful pregnancy Dua for successful pregnancy:
WAS WAS- -‘BIR WA MAA S’ABRUKA ILLAA BILLAAHI WA LAA ‘BIR WA MAA S’ABRUKA ILLAA BILLAAHI WA LAA TAH’ZAN A’LAYHIM WA LAA TAKU FEE Z’EEQIM MIMMAA TAH’ZAN A’LAYHIM WA LAA TAKU FEE Z’EEQIM MIMMAA YAMKUROON INNALLAAHA YAMKUROON INNALLAAHA MA MA- -A’LLAD’EENAT A’LLAD’EENAT- -TAQAW TAQAW WAL WAL- -LAD’EENA HUM MUH’SINOON LAD’EENA HUM MUH’SINOON Recite this dua from 5 month of pregnancy at 3 times in a day. For any problem solution you can contact us: Name: Name: – – Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji Contact: Contact:- -8306324220 8306324220 Work Email: Work Email: – – pirmuhammadqadri@gmail.com pirmuhammadqadri@gmail.com Website: Website: – – https://amliyatdua.com/ https://amliyatdua.com/