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TEAGASC WORKSHOP July, 25, 2007 Dietrich Knorr dietrich.knorr@tu-berlin.de. Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering. Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering. Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering. Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering.
TEAGASC WORKSHOP July, 25, 2007 Dietrich Knorr dietrich.knorr@tu-berlin.de Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering
Food Quality & Manufacturing Value-added innovative food products will be manufactured fulfilling consumer requirements for superior product quality, convenience, availability and affordability Key success factors • Improved innovation system: deliver real products faster; • Impact on lifestyle changes: “providing what you need” • From product to diet • Preference, Acceptanceand Needs of the consumer (pleasure, health, performance) at the heart of the SRA: Directs all steps in the food production process. Reverse engineering. • Robustness of new technologies: applicable to various commodities. SMEs can use local biodiversity to produce and possibly export a diversity of niche products. • Re(de)fine food technology curriculum at educational instituttions, including nutrition, integrating food properties and process, etc.
Goal 1. Producing tailor-made food products • Major research challenges • To develop and apply novel processes for the implementation of the PAN profiles through innovative product functions • To develop convenient, tailored personalised food products to meet all consumer preferences, acceptance and needs. • To identify bioactive food constituents from plant, animal and microbial sources, and beneficial microorganisms and their mechanisms of action. • To develop environmentally friendly sustainable food processes, such as better utilization of side streams and innovations to avoid excessive packaging. Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering
Goal 2. Improving process design and –control and packaging • Major research challenges • To provide improved PAN functions through the redesign and optimisation of food processing and packaging, in order to increase competitiveness and sustainability. • To introduce scaleable and flexible food manufacturing techniques and their intelligent in-line control. • Risk-benefit balanced innovative, sustainable, and safe food packaging for implementation into integrated food chain concepts. Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering
Goal 3. Improving understanding of process-structure-property relationships • Major research challenge • To understand relationships of food structures from molecular via • nano to macro scale with respect to product and process design, and • to develop new processing principles for improved PAN profiles. Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering
Goal 4. Understanding consumer behaviour in relation to food quality and manufacturing Major research challenge 1. To integrate consumer-orientation in new product development, and to understand consumer responses to new products, processes and packaging technologies across different target groups. Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering
EU – FW 7: Food Processing • Assessment and improvement of existing food feed technologies • Network for facilitating the implementation of high tech processing at industrial scale • new solution for improving refrigeration technologies along the food chain • observing and understanding the microstructure of food • Innovative and safe packaging Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering
1st EC- HP project meeting 1992 Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering
FOOD RELATED EU NETWORKS GEFoST (GDL, DLG, DFG, FEI, GDch, VDI- GVC, DECHEMA etc.) DFG- FEi Research Cluster EFoST- FiSEC EFCE (Section Food) – EFFoST EFFoST – IFT (USA) nonthermal workshops Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering
(German et al 2004) Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering