Live Support By Dominic McDonnell
Idea 1 My first idea was with teammates Anirudh and Alan. We thought of a hovercraft testing it with different body styles and including headlights and maybe a cup holder. Me and Anirudh built one before but something went wrong and we had to leave it and start again.
Idea 2 My second idea was with teammate Adam. We came up with a live support system that can be imbedded into a website to get support on a subject that they chose.
Overall Idea I decided to go with Adam and help build the live support chat. Adam did the overall project but I helped with typing up the presentation and doing all the documented work.
Design We didn’t really have a design to go with our project because there was nothing to design but the template. This couldn’t be changed and had to remain the same.
Plan First of all we go all the important files that make the hole project work and without these files our project wouldn’t work. We used only open source files to do this project.
Create Adam did most of the creating because he is more experienced in the field of creating the live support help system and knows more about Crafty Syntax.
Evaluation Feed Back: The feedback that we received was ok. Some of the feedback was a little disappointing such as: we didn’t direct it at a set audience and we directed it to everyone. Overall we got a 9/10 and we were very pleased with this due to the fact that our project was hard because we had to be careful with what files we use and where we place them within filezilla.