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高中英语动词短语和词组复习. 害怕,担心,唯恐. 在 … 的管理之下/负责,主管. 抓住某人的胳膊,领子.脖子. 击中某人的脸. 苏醒过来. 1. sb be in fear of, for fear of, 2. sth be in the charge of sb, sb be in charge of sth 3. sb catch sb by the arm / collar / around the neck 4. hit sb in the face 5. Sb come to / oneself

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  1. 高中英语动词短语和词组复习 害怕,担心,唯恐 在…的管理之下/负责,主管 抓住某人的胳膊,领子.脖子 击中某人的脸 苏醒过来 1. sb be in fear of, for fear of, 2. sth be in the charge of sb, sb be in charge of sth 3. sb catch sb by the arm / collar / around the neck 4. hit sb in the face 5. Sb come to / oneself 6. To be hone st / frank 7. sb be down with sth . sb be ill with sth 8. sb be dressed in . sb dress oneself/up 9. Begin with 10.associate…with 实话说,老实说 生病,病倒 穿着..的衣服/穿衣/打扮 从…开始 与…有关系

  2. 除以外没(不包括)/接从句 1. except / except for/ that 2. sth come to an end 3. sb entertain sb with sth4. sb inquire of / about5. keep in touch with keep contact with 6. sb /sth be short of sth /sb7. sb inform sb of sth8. sb make up for sth9. sb run the risk of sth10.sb threaten sb with sth11.sb be caught in the rain12.sth come into existence13.sb make a living 14.sb think back to 15.sth be open to the public16.sth add up to …结束 用…来款待… 打听,询问  与…保持接触,联系 缺少,短缺  通知…某事  弥补… 冒…风险 用…去威胁… 淋了雨 ….形成…  谋生 回顾 向公众开放 …增加到

  3. 与…作比较 17. Compare …with 18. from generation to generation 19. recover…from 20. sth come true 21. be known as / for 22. sth remind sb of sth sb remind sb to do sth 23. sb explain sth to sb 24. sth be worth doing sth be worthy of sth / being done she be worthy to be done 一代又一代 从…恢复过来 …成真 以…而出名/因…而闻名 让某人想起… 某人提醒某人做… 向某人解释…. …值得去做

  4. 用…作交易 25. Sb trade sth for sth 26. Sb meet the need of sth 27. Sth be wrapped in sth 28. Sb be powerless to do anything but do sth 29. Sb follow the direction 30. In the direction of 31. Sb be lost in thought 32. Sb be greatful to sb for sth 33. Sb do sth without difficulty 34. Sb be at a loss 35. Glance at / glare at 36. On one’s way to ... 36. All the way / in the way / in a way the way sb do sth / by the way 37. Sth be filled with sth 满足…的需求 …被裹起来 除了…无能为力 遵照…指示/说明 朝…的方向 陷入沉思  因…而感谢某人  做…不费吹灰之力  不知所措  去…的路上  一路/挡路/从意义上      行事方式/顺便说一下  挤满/充满

  5. 38. on tiptoe 39. Be likely to do sth 40. pick up 41. turn away from sb 42. sb set out to do sth 43. sb grow tired of sth 44. within sight 45. sb be astonished/ surprised at sth / to do sth 46. in the fields of 47. sb focus on / concentrate on sth 48. instead of / instead 49. sth be equipped with sb equip sth with sth 50. sb be ready / prepared to do sth 51. sb do sth with gratitude 踮着脚尖走 愿意做… 拣起来/学会/接客人 转身/不理睬… 着手去做… 对…感到厌倦 …看得见 对…感到惊奇/吃惊 在…领域里 把注意力集中在…上 而不是… 用…装备起来 准备去做… 怀着感激之情

  6. 在…现场 52. sth be on the scene 53. sb be quick to do sth 54. sb devote sth/ oneself to sth sb be devoted to sth/doing sth 55. sb point at / to sth / out 56. sth/ sb be suitable/suited for sth 57. sth be available to sb 58. last but not least 59. sb be in favour of sth/ sb favour sth 60. sb supply / provide sb with sth sb supply / provide sth to / for sb 61. sb prefer…to 62. sb be to blame/ sb blame sb for sth / sb blame sth on sb 63. sb rely / depend on sb / sth 64. sth be resistant to sth 反应很快 某人把…奉献给… 指着/向/指出 …适合于 可利用的/可行的 最后一项要点是… 喜欢/偏爱 向某人提供… 宁愿/比较…更 因…受指责/把怪罪到 依赖/依靠 对…有抗性

  7. 忽略.. 65. sb be ignorant of sth 67. sb be determined to do sth 68. sb substitute…for sth 69. sb/sth end up doing / with sth 70. sb be on diet 71. sth be more than enough 72. sb be honored for sth / sb do sth in honor of sth / sb 73. sb prevent/protect/stop/keep…from 74. sb think highly of sb 75. sb make fun of sb 76. attitude to / toward sth 77. contrary to sth /on the contrary /by… 79. sb be used / accustomed to sth 80. sth be covered with sth 81. sb lean against sth 决心去做… 用…代替 以…结束 减肥 足够 因..而受到表彰/向表敬意 防止/保护/阻止 对…给予很高的评价 对…开玩笑 对…的态度 与…相反/ 相反地 习惯于… 被…覆盖 靠在…上

  8. 好好/从充分利用… 82. make good / full use of sth 83. sb be qualified for sth / to do sth 84. sb assure sb of sth / sb that sb ensure sb sth / that 85. give a general idea of sth / sb 86. sb make a list of sth 87. sb be capable of sth 88. sth impress sb with sth 89. sb follow one’s career 90. sb appoint sb as / to be sb 91. sth be located in / on 胜任/适合于… 向…保证… 对…有一个大致了解 列一个表 有….能力做 给…留下印象 从事…的生涯 任命…当 位于…

  9. 位于… / 在于… 92. sth lie in / on / to 93. sth be similar to sth 94. be familiar to sb sb be familiar with sth 95. sb object to sth 96. sth occur to sb/ It occur to sb that 97. sth range in sth from sth to sth 98. sb see to do sth / see to it that 99. sb be ashamed of sth 100.sb apologize to sb for sth 101.sb have a good command of sth 102.sb have/gain access to sth 103.sb comment on sth 104.sb be absent from 105.sb accuse sb of sth 与…相似 熟悉的,看惯的 反对… 突然想到… 从…到…的范围 务必,一定要 对…感到羞愧 因…而抱歉 对…很精通 接近…的机会 对…进行评论 缺席 控告…人…事

  10. 突然爆发 106. sb burst into.. 107. sb be burded with sth 108. sb be strict with sb 109. sb suffer sth / from sth 110. sb conceal sth from sb 111. sb congratulate sb on sth 112. sb be aware / conscious of sth 113. sb be infected with sth 114. sb long for sth 115. sb take advantage of sth / over sb 116. sb adapt sth /oneself to sth 117. sb major in / specialize in sth 118. sb oblige sb / force sb to do sth 119. sb be obliged to sb 120. sb share sth with sb 使..负担 对…严格 吃苦,受难 隐藏… 就…向某人表祝贺 意识到… 感染到… 渴望 利用 使自己适应… 主修,专攻 迫使,强迫 因…感谢 与…分享

  11. 尽管… 121. In spite of sth / despite 122. separate…from… 123. sb be sentenced to sth 124. sb graduate from 125. st the sight of sth 126. sb be occupied in sth 127. sb be opposed to sth 128. sb be eager to do / for sth 129. sb get rid of 130. in return 131. for the sake of sth 132. sb make progress 133. sth be related to sth 134. sth result in / from sth 135. to say nothing of sth 把…与分开 被判… 从…毕业 一看到…就… 埋头做… 反对… 渴望 改掉 回报 为了…起见 取得进步 与…有关 导致/由于…发生 更不用说

  12. 同意某人/事 136. sb agree with sb / to / on sth 137. in answer to sth / sb 138. sb be anxious about sth 139. sb apply for sth / sth to sth 140. sb give birth to 141. sb be out of breath 142. sb call on / for / off 143. sb operate on 144. sth be free of charge 145. sb cure sb of sth 146. sb delay (in) doing sth 147. sth be due to sth 148. sth be crowded with / full of 149. sb catch up with sb 150. in case of sth / sb do sth in case that 作为对…的回答 对…感到焦虑 申请/把应用到 生…,造成…的原因 上气不接下气 拜访/请求/取消 给…动术 免费 治好…病 耽搁 由于,因为 拥挤,挤满了… 追上,赶上 万一,以防…

  13. 捐献/有助于 151. sb/sth contribute sth to sth 152. sb be absorbed in sth 153. sb take sth into consideration 154. sb warn sb of sth 155. sb rob sb of sth 156. sb be second to none 157. sb excuse for sth 158. sb be excluded from 159. sth in detail 160. thanks to sb / sth 161. sb be in high sprit 162. sb starve to death 163. sb be jealous of sb / sth 164. sth have influence on sb 165. sb bride sb into sth 埋头于… 把…考虑进去 警告…事 抢夺…物 第一 找…借口 被排除到… 详情 幸亏…,由于… 情绪高涨 饿的要死 妒忌…人…事 对…有影响 贿赂…

  14. 在远处 166. in the distance 167. sb be in bad mood 168. sth come into effect 169. sb base sth on sth 170. sb quote…from… 171. sth refer to sth 172. sb be blind to sth 173. sb turn a blind eye to sth 174. sb forbid sb to do sth 175. There is no sense in doing sth 176. at the mercy of sth 177. sb involve in sth 178. sb keep an eye on sth 179. sb be engaged in sth / to sb 180. at the request of sb 心情好 奏效 把…建立在 从…引言 说到,提到 对…视而不见 睁一眼,闭一眼 禁止…做… 没…道理 任凭…的摆布 涉及到,牵扯到 留心… 专心于/与…订婚 应…的请求

  15. 找…岔,挑错 181. sb find fault with sb 182. sb escape from 183. sb deserve sth / to do sth 184. sb be confident of sth 185. sb fall asleep 186. sb bump into sth / sb 187. sb forgive sb for sth 188. by no means / by all means 189. by means of sth 190. no more …than / not …any more than 191. no less…than / not less…than 192. no less than / not less than 193. sb be equal to 194. in the eye of sb 195. beg one’s pardon 从…逃脱 应得/该 对…有信心 倒下就睡着 撞到/偶遇 原谅…人…事 一点也不/千万务必 以…/借助于… 与…一样…不 与…一样,不比..差 平等 在…看来 请再说一遍

  16. 做..有难度 196. sb have trouble / difficulty in sth 197. sb try one’s luck 198. anything but 199. have nothing to do with 200. sth/sb be nothing to sb 201. sth be nothing but 202. sb do nothing but do sth 203. owing to sb / sth 204. none/no other than 205. other than 206. sb take sth for granted 207. sb set aside sth 208. as far as sb concerned 209. as / so long as 210. lay aside 碰运气 除…以外的任何事 与…无关 对…不算什么 只有..,不过是 除了…什么也不做 归功于,由于 不外乎是,正是 想当然 留出.. 就…而言 只要.. 留出

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