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HS-8 Traffic Calming / Control Committee Draft Plan February 29, 2012 Belmont Ridge Middle School

HS-8 Traffic Calming / Control Committee Draft Plan February 29, 2012 Belmont Ridge Middle School. 1. Vicinity Map – River Oaks and Highlands Suggestions . Recommendations – River Oaks: Traffic Control Plan - DRAFT.

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HS-8 Traffic Calming / Control Committee Draft Plan February 29, 2012 Belmont Ridge Middle School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HS-8 Traffic Calming / Control CommitteeDraft PlanFebruary 29, 2012Belmont Ridge Middle School 1

  2. Vicinity Map – River Oaks and Highlands Suggestions

  3. Recommendations – River Oaks: Traffic Control Plan - DRAFT Note: Intersection #’s are not consecutive and are based on the initial feedback received from the community.

  4. Recommendations – River Oaks: Traffic Calming Plan - DRAFT Note: Intersection #’s are not consecutive and are based on the initial feedback received from the community.

  5. Recommendations – Highlands: Traffic Control Plan - DRAFT Note: Intersection #’s are not consecutive and are based on the initial feedback received from the community.

  6. Recommendations – Highlands: Traffic Calming Plan - DRAFT Note: Intersection #’s are not consecutive and are based on the initial feedback received from the community.


  8. QUESTIONS FROM JANUARY 11, 2012 MEETING 1. VDOT Standards for All-way Stop Signs? - Decision is based on an engineering study that would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection - Five or more reported crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction with all way stop - Vehicular volume for major street approaches: 300 vph for any 8 hours - Vehicular volume for minor street approaches: 200 vph for same 8 hours 2. Speed Humps Guidelines? - Spacing about 500 feet - Clearly visible for 200 feet and placed at least 200 feet from intersections 3. Direct contact with VDOT to seek traffic safety measures /speed limit signs? - http://www.virginiadot.org/travel/citizen.asp - Customer Service Center: 800-FOR-ROAD (800-367-7623) 4. Examples of existing traffic calming measures? - List Included on the last slide 5.HS-8 Walk zone size?

  9. EXAMPLES OF EXISTING TRAFFIC CALMING FEATURES Roundabout – Catoctin Circle, Leesburg Bulbout/Neckdown – Riding Center Drive, Chantilly Median Landscape – Viking Drive, Herndon Raised Crosswalk – Kinross Circle, Herndon

  10. EXAMPLES OF EXISTING TRAFFIC CALMING FEATURES • lIST OF AREAS/LOCATIONS WHERE TRAFFIC CALMING FEATURES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED: • Town of Leesburg: • Catoctin Circle between Edwards Ferry Road and Marshall Drive • Roundabouts • Raised Crosswalk on Marshall Drive • Country Club Drive west of Route 15 • Raised Crosswalk • Loudoun County: • Riding Center Drive, Chantilly • Bulbouts/Neckdowns • Fairfax County: • Kinross Circle, Herndon • Speed Humps • Raised Crosswalks • Hidden Meadow Drive, Sully • Speed Humps • Raised Crosswalks • Viking Drive, Herndon • Raised Crosswalk • Speed Humps • Neckdown • Chicane

  11. NEXT STEPS – TRAFFIC CALMING PROCESS • Initial Community Meetings Held • Committee Finalizes Draft Plan • Draft Plan submitted to Board of Supervisors (BOS) • County Staff/BOS initiates Traffic Calming Process • Support Data Required: • Eligible Streets, Issues/Concerns and Petition (75% Petition Area Approval) • BOS passes resolution with Support Data • Plan submitted for review to various agencies • Feedback received from the review agencies • VDOT provides final recommendations and approval • County Staff (OTS) coordinates implementation of the plan • Construction, Implementation and Evaluation • Timeline for the process would generally be about 12 to 18 months from the time the committee finalizes the Draft Plan

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