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HUNGARY: the Reliable Partner

Hungary: The R eliable P artner. YES. to Investments. www.gkm.hu www.itd.hu. Favourable Political and Economic Environment. HUNGARY: the Reliable Partner. No political risk

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HUNGARY: the Reliable Partner

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  1. Hungary: The Reliable Partner YES to Investments www.gkm.hu www.itd.hu Favourable Political and Economic Environment HUNGARY: the Reliable Partner No political risk No strikes No social conflicts No institutional risk Completed deregulation EU compatible institutions Developed banking system No financial risk Moderate income policy Sound & transparent fiscal policy Stable monetary policy … 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 .. On an investment and export driven growth path together with the EU since the 1990s

  2. www.gkm.hu www.itd.hu Favourable Political and Economic Environment Connecting the most developed and the fastest developing countries Ideal geographic location Increasing competitiveness Well-developed infrastructure 4 Pan-European Corridors Gate to South East Europe Favourable legal environment Direct access to the EU Qualified and innovative labour force A BRIDGE binding West with East, North with South in Europe

  3. www.gkm.hu www.itd.hu Favourable Political and Economic Environment • Region of the Future Award 2004/5 in Central Europe granted by fDi Magazine (Financial Times) • EU and NATO membership • Highly developed logistical and transport infrastructure; 166 industrial parks • Strong presence of foreign and multinational companies (27,000 firms) • High productivity • EU conform investment incentives

  4. www.gkm.hu www.itd.hu Favourable Political and Economic Environment Long-term political stability (29.) (31.) (35.) (27.) Source: Business Monitor International, December 2004

  5. www.gkm.hu www.itd.hu Favourable Political and Economic Environment Dynamic macroeconomic growth in figures * in billion Euro ** at current prices Source: Hungarian Central Statistical Office, GKI Economic Research Institute of Hungary

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