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Themes<br>IS A HUMAN BEING INHERENTLY SINFUL?<br><br>THREE PROGRAMMES THAT ARE CHANGING THE WORLD<br><br>MAKTUB Every woman is a gift from Allah that adorns this life
Issue 1 Good is where you are EUROPE MASS MEDIA OF A NEW FORMAT INTERNATIONAL ALLATRA IPM PROJECT The international project «Good is where you are» newspaper - is a unique public initiative, aimed at filling the information space with positive news, creative and constructive ideas, informative articles, and "FOR CREATIVE AND CONSTRUCTIVE SOCIETY!" International press conference of a new format on the ALLATRA platform other positive information. Design creation, selection of the information, and layout — everything is done jointly by volunteers from different countries of the world in their spare time. On June 22, 2019 a press conference “FOR CREATIVE AND CONSTRUCTIVE SOCIETY” took place in Atlanta, Georgia (USA), uniting people from around the world including Germany, Spain, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Poland, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and many other countries via an online video conference. 4 IS A HUMAN BEING INHERENTLY SINFUL? Those present at the conference included ALLATRA International Public Movement participants, representatives of various public, social and religious organizations and officials from diplomatic and political circles as well as members of the media. Robby Wells announced his intent to run for President of the United States of America in order to implement the values and foundations of ALLATRA. Robby Wells formulated his campaign platform based on the will of thousands of people, which was voiced at the large- scale, international conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE” held on May 11, 2019. The event took place on the ALLATRA IPM platform and through live video broadcast, united people that gathered at conference and congressional halls across the world. (The post-event press release can be viewed on the allatra.tv website). 6 "NO TO VIOLENCE IN THE FAMILY AND SOCIETY" The international social project The press conference opened with Robby Wells’ speech on current problems of the consumer society, which started 6,000 years ago. He spoke about the cause-and- effect relationships that have impacted people’s lives today and the importance of transforming society, as well as about the significant activities of ALLATRA International Public Movement. About how ALLATRA IPM participants, through personal example, show the possibility of changing the vector of society’s development from a consumer format to a creative and constructive society by peaceful means. 9 THREE PROGRAMMES THAT ARE CHANGING THE WORLD In his speech, Mr. Wells voiced the key theses and priorities concerning the construction of a creative world society in a peaceful way as well as real proposals for concrete steps and transformations in this direction. 10 MAKTUB Every woman is a gift from Allah that adorns this life Continued on page 2
2 CREATIVE AND CONSTRUCTIVE SOCIETY CREATIVE AND CONSTRUCTIVE SOCIETY International press conference of a new format on the ALLATRA platform Continued from page 1 “People can live in peace and in harmony, people can truly be happy. People can change the consumer format of society to a constructive and creative one. There is an example for this. An example of this is ALLATRA. People are uniting all over the world. People are acting all together, regardless of their country of residence, religion or social status. People are uniting only on basis of the best of humanity, the qualities that distinguish us, humans, from animals. I believe it is time for all of humanity to join the ALLATRA Movement and once and for all get rid of what is not human in all of us. Let us all together unite based on the highest human qualities.” “Development of the consumer format of our civilization began with the Sumerians, six thousand years ago. And the meaning of it is the immeasurable wealth of a few and the impoverishment of the masses. All the history of humankind known to us is built on wars and conquests, which gave rise to many big and loud names. But history is silent about the global enslavement of the masses, about how for the benefit of a few, millions of people were killed. So I want you to think about it.” GLOBAL CATACLYSMS this is a common misfortune and it will aff ect everyone CLIMATE THE PROGRAMME THE FUTURE IS NOW “Together with the whole world we must create a unified well- planned economy of a creative and constructive worldwide society. The beginning of this is the complete cancellation of all debts between countries, this includes private loans for citizens of the United States and the entire world... It will be impossible for one single nation to do this, no matter how powerful it might be. It takes all the countries to begin a new economy from scratch.” HOW CAN HUMANITY survive tomorrow? “Today, this is an extremely urgent and critical task for all of us, we all face the most serious, vital challenges we ever had in the history of mankind. We are on the threshold of climate catastrophe, which can happen in the coming decade. What will it lead to if the consumer format of relations in our society continues to dominate? The economies of all the countries will collapse and massive wars for territories and food will begin. It will be the most terrifying war in the history of mankind - the war for survival. The self- destruction of human civilization will begin. If we do not die from climate change, then we will die from nuclear war. “We will not admire those who kill and rob us, but those who do good for all of society!” "In fact, in a global sense, we have nothing to divvy up! After all, we all have one nationality – humanity! One place of residence – the Earth, one value – Life" This means that with the dominance of the consumer format of relations between countries and between people, we are all already inevitably dead. But we want to Live! Is it possible to change the future now? It is! And it must be changed by all of us together, without wasting any time. Only then we have a chance to survive, but we will be able to survive only as one big united human family! Being separated, we will die. We have to come together.” allatraunites.com
EUROPE 3 Informational and analytical portal Relevant Information and Latest News: How climate is changing on the planet ALLATRA.TV The main threat to the survival of all humanity in the era of global natural disasters is not so much the nature itself, but the consumer-based format of society in which people are not ready to unselfi shly help each other, to take care of their neighbors. We cannot infl uence the climate but we can create the conditions in which people can survive during global cataclysms. FLOODS WILDFIRES EARTHQUAKES DROUGHTS We need urgent extraordinary measures that would unite people into one friendly world family as no one can cope with the global problems of the coming years on their own, whether its a person, family, company, city or country. For this purpose, ALLATRA International Public Movement was created (from the Report “On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Eff ective Ways to Solve These Problems”). The global climate change on Earth is mostly a derivative of astronomical processes and their cyclicity. This cyclicity is inevitable. The geological history of our planet indicates that the Earth has already repeatedly experienced such phases of global climate change. There is no doubt that human acti- vity has a negative impact on the environment across the globe. But this infl uence is minimal compared to what is happening on the planet as a result of infl uence of a range of natural factors, which in the near future will only grow and about which respectable scientists of the world keep repeating. To date, anthropogenic impact has not been a cause of massive planetary cataclysms for the above-mentioned reasons. Global climate change on Earth takes place for reasons beyond human control and requires a real consolidation of eff orts of all people on the planet for the survival of the civilization in the near future. Each inhabitant of the planet should think about this. Taking into account the most recent scientifi c data (including in the fi eld of physics, astrophysics, cosmology, helioseismology, asteroseismology, and climatology of planets), the range of impact of cosmic factors is quite wide. Today, mankind is unable to infl uence these processes, therefore one should not underestimate their consequences, possible risks, and diffi culties for people in connection with future events on Earth; we must prepare ourselves for these events. The conferences “The Game of Professionals. Climate. The Future Is Now ” keep taking place on the ALLATRA IPM platform and every non- indiff erent person has the opportunity to connect from anywhere in the world and participate in the unifi cation of people. After all, today all of humanity and every person is facing a choice. And whether we have future depends on our actions. III INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CONFERENCE The policy of certain international organizations and developed countries, as well as some scientists sponsored by them, supports the theory that one of the main causes of global climate change on Earth is the anthropogenic impact on nature, which is related to greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Read the full post-release version at allatra.tv/en SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE. CLIMATE #ALLATRACLIMATE geocenter.info/en THE LAST CHANCE. “We are all human beings, and all of us have the same place of living ‒ the Earth, one nationality – mankind, one common value – life, thanks to which we can worthily attain self-fulfi lment and the meaning of our existence in the highest spiritual and moral aspect.” The Report "On the Problems and Consequences OF GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE ON EARTH. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems" allatra.tv/en
4 WHAT IS THE ORIGINAL SIN? IS A HUMAN BEING INHERENTLY SINFUL? The answers to these questions are given by Igor Mikhailovich Danilov in the programme "Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive" Under the editorship of Anastasia Novykh. WHAT IS THE ORIGINAL SIN? Note, the abbreviations used in the text: Tatiana — Т; I.M. Danilov— IМ; ‘the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’ or as it also called ‘the Tree of Life and Death’. And, as a result, they were banished from Paradise and became mortal beings, and that is why afterwards all people have already become sinners. And today there are a lot of different interpretations about this legend from the Book of Genesis. Among theologians of various organizations, confessions and trends, there is also no single opinion concerning this question, everyone just refers to their own authorities, to those who, what and when talked about this question, about whether a person is sinful from birth. T: Igor Mikhailovich, we were just now talking about the creation of the fi rst people, and it would be quite interesting to throw light on one more very important question. In various religions, this question is called the Fall of the fi rst human, and in Christianity, it is named as ‘the original sin or ancestral sin’. Well, and from here arises such a disturbing question for a thinking person: “Am I sinful from birth owing to the fact that people are initially sinful as the human race? Am I initially sinful or, for example, are my children or babies sinful if they have not yet done anything bad?” What does the Bible say about the original sin? Generally speaking, Jesus didn’t say it, people said it. ‘The original sin’ – it is purely a theological term in Christianity. It was introduced 400 years after Jesus at the time when Christianity acquired the status of state religion. On the whole, it is as usual: people seem to go around the Truth in circles, only when they try to understand it with the mind, then this age-old controversy arises where the comma should properly be, as you correctly noted. What frightens and oppresses the believer? The fact that he is sinful from birth, that he has a sinful damage. What has he heard in the church? That spiritual purifi cation, liberation from the power of ‘the original sin’ occurs in the Sacrament of Baptism – this is a rite which is considered as a spiritual birth of a human in Christianity, meaning, as if he formally dies for a sinful life and is already born into a new blessed life. And that precisely owing to Baptism he will be granted freedom from the tyranny of the devil. People believe in this, but it does not go further than belief in the majority of cases. As a rule, people count on a ritual, but not on their personal transformation, not on inner work on themselves. To put it briefl y, what does a layman know about this question? That which is written in the third chapter of the Book of Genesis – that the sin (the Fall) was committed by the fi rst human couple – Adam and Eve in Paradise, when they were tempted by the devil and tasted the forbidden fruit from IM: Speaking of a sin, it is important to realise that a human is initially free and there is no sin behind him. A human – I mean as the Personality. What is ‘the first sin’? In various religions, we often come across that a person is initially sinful. And here we should examine what a sin is. Well, let’s say it this way, in fact, a human is sinful only before himself, before his soul… The problem is that the factor of sin is placed in our subconscious from childhood. We are told that, regardless of the religion we belong to, all of us are guilty before God. But none of us is guilty before God! We are guilty just before ourselves. God, He does only good. We push ourselves into the dirt. That’s why when we admit that we are animals stuck in the dirt and when we pray for forgiveness from God, we admit the fact of His existence, we admit His power, and, what’s more important, we attune to Love, to the positive... Download the books at the website allatra.tv/en So alright, if a human is not inherently sinful, then why does Christ’s death constitute redemption for human sins? Just reflect deeply on this sentence. What kind of a redemption can there be? If it were in fact true, if only Christ took our sins, then whatever sins we commit now, everything is already forgiven. Is that right?! All this is "Sensei. Book I" Anastasia Novykh
allatra.tv/en EUROPE 5 WHAT IS A SIN? insatiable, illusory nature, it cannot be called otherwise, he simply wastes his life. And he, well, let’s say, like a woman’s ovum which turned out to be unfertilized. It is the same with the Personality, if it is ‘not fertilized’, then it becomes a subpersonality. It continues, of course, its existence as no one has repealed energy conservation law and as long as there is energy, as long as there is a carrier, the information will exist. That is why a person remains exactly in the state of subpersonality. THE PURPOSE OF COMING OF EACH HUMAN BEING INTO THIS WORLD AS A PERSONALITY T: Yes, the question is that the notion of a sin, committed by a fi rst human, of his Fall – it also exists in legends of other religions, for example, in that same Zoroastrianism. But we will return to this again. We really very much want to get to the bottom of how it is in actual fact… IM: The fi rst sin is actually – it is that moment of the fi rst, the very fi rst sin, when a human as the Personality had believed his consciousness. It is the fi rst belief in a lie. That is exactly what the fi rst sin is. When he was tempted by consciousness, as the Personality, he was tempted by the illusions of consciousness, by something material. Download the books at the website allatra.tv/en But the sin as such ceases to exist as soon as a human as the Personality, I am stressing, becomes free from the slavery of consciousness. A person already starts to exist independently. He will not allow anything bad to happen. He puts his main efforts and all his attention precisely into the Spiritual World, in the beginning, into the search for this path, and later on, into being in this state until he gains Life. Well, and in the future, we can simply say that a human as the Personality is not initially sinful. But then a question arises, if a human as the Personality is not sinful, then why does he pass into the state of the subpersonality or, speaking the language of religion, why does he end up in hell if he is not sinful? But here, there is such a concept as an inaction. So, a sin as such – this is a relative concept, and it is mainly imposed on the Personality. Everything is simple. In real fact, everything is simple, very simple. There is consciousness; there is the Personality, there is the Soul as a conductor or, let’s say, as a transport tool, it might be called so. If the Personality managed to unite, meaning if the Personality became free from the control of consciousness, threw off its fetters, it saw the reality, it felt the Spiritual World. And having felt the Spiritual World, one already doesn’t want to move away from it. A human as the Personality comes into this world in order to gain freedom from the material world and unite with the Spiritual World, meaning, to come into the Spiritual World as a mature being. But his inaction as the Personality, when a person lives by the world of illusion and puts all his attention into the illusions from consciousness, into his Watch the full version of the programme "CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONALITY. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive" at allatra.tv/en “But a human in his essence is not a slave of God; he is a son of God. A Father cannot hate His son, He can only Love him. For God is Love, and Love cannot have any fear. God gave people freedom of choice, and this is His most precious gift to people as to His children.” "Sensei. Book I" Anastasia Novykh nonsense. Each human himself is responsible for his sins before God. “The death of Christ has been made the greatest mystery, and religious leaders still argue about it. Why did He let them crucify Him? Jesus was the Son of God, He was able to destroy the whole planet, not just a group of miserable people, as the power of God was given to Him. People wanted it to happen when they crucified him. They said, if you are the Son of God, come down from the cross. But Christ could not be tempted, He allowed them to crucify His body. Why? Because the whole purpose of Christ’s coming was not only in the Teaching that He gave to people, but, most importantly, it was all about people’s choice. Jesus agreed to these tortures in order to demonstrably show God’s will, the essence of which is Freedom of human choice: either he decides to turn to God or he decides to remain in the darkness of thoughts of his animal nature. In other words, Christ brought the Freedom of choice to people.
6 THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL PROJECT «NO TO VIOLENCE IN THE FAMILY AND SOCIETY» RAISING AWARENESS IS THE MAIN CURE A unique project initiated and implemented by people from diff erent countries of the world, aimed at: ■ mass coverage of international public opinion on the problems of violence in the family and society; ■ collective search for joint ways of solving them; ■ providing informational support as well as informing the public about positive international experience and examples of resolving similar situations from people in diff erent countries. away to protect the child because that environment would be dangerous for him or her. So, always keep these things in mind in order not to do more harm than good. Yaser Alsultan EXPERT OPINION I can really understand the diffi culty of that situation for someone who is working in psychiatry. Sometimes you want to be involved, but also you do not want to be too much involved because sometimes it might cause a problem for you. You really need to fi nd out where this balance is. First, do not harm yourself, protect yourself and then, if you can help others, do so. Hi. My name is Yaser Alsultan. I am a psychiatry intern in Mullingar, Ireland, but originally, I am from Saudi Arabia. Violence has never been a solution to anything, really. It is rather a problem than a solution. People tend to resort to violence when they do not have solutions to their problems or they are just fed up, or when they are suffering from violence themselves. Therefore, violent behavior should always be stopped and never be committed by anyone towards anyone. I believe that violence should not be tolerated anywhere — whether it be in schools, homes, streets and street fi ghts, or wars… Violence can take different forms — it is not only physical, but also verbal violence or emotional violence as well, and I would say sometimes verbal or emotional violence is more severe than physical violence, and sometimes they say: “A word can be stronger than the sword.” social@allatra.org stopviolence.allatra.org and I believe that violence is a result of a lack of respect towards oneself and towards others. In all aspects of life, it's important to raise awareness and to talk about issues in society in order to try to solve them. Some issues can be easily solved by just raising awareness. Whether it is related to medicine (since this is my fi eld) or whether it is related to social or mental violence or even war. We can always start with small things, a small act of kindness here and there because kindness is really contagious. One act of kindness could trigger a circle of kindness around. Some people would think that a small act of kindness such as helping an elderly person to cross the street or lifting a little bit of waste from the gardens, or parks, or the beach… some people would think this is very small, but it does affect the world. If everybody was doing those small acts, the world would be a better place. And as far as a society goes, I think we should all form a community and it does not matter whether it is a community for peace, a community against global warming, a community for whatever goal you really want to achieve, but if you want to really change the world in a big way, you need to unite as a community and have this common goal and try to achieve it. Because whenever I say to myself “I want to change the world” I can not do that overnight. I need to start with myself, with really small acts. Once I build myself, I can try to integrate into a community where we share a common goal and then, as a community, as a whole, we can change the world. Raising awareness is the main, let's say, cure to problems because if you raise awareness and those people become knowledgeable, they will have the power of knowledge in order to continue with their lives, to deal with their problems and to deal with other people the way a human should deal, that is, with respect and if not with love — at least without hatred. Violence in all its forms should not be tolerated. If you can do something about it without hurting yourself, hurting those around you or hurting the people who are under violence, then, by all means, do so. But you also have to keep in mind that domestic violence has other factors around it. For example, if it was a child, then you have to be careful how to approach that as an authority because this child could be left without a home if you interfere in the wrong way. That is why you have to deal with that from the root. You need to see who is committing the violence, see if they have any mental problems that could be treated so that this family could live a happier life together, or if you should actually just take the child Rather than being a consuming or a materialistic person, a human being should care about the essence, the morals, and the feelings of other people. I would say, above all, there should be respect. If I respect you, I would not act in a violent way. If I respect the boundaries and I respect the fact that you have privacy, I would respect the way I deal with you and the way you deal with me. Then the world would be a better place. When there is no respect, problems and consequences follow that, Please send your ideas and suggestions to social@allatra.org
allatra.tv/en EUROPE 7 ALLATRA INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MOVEMENT PROJECTS THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN The fundamental social research project of ALLATRA International Public Movement, the purpose of which is to study and discover universal spiritual grains, which underlie the religions and cultures of the world. While studying the sacred texts of all existing religions we have seen that the teachings of all the peoples of the world are based on the same grains of Truth. The awareness of this gives people an understanding that we are all one, that our cultures and religions teach and talk about the same thing. ALLATRA GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT The ALLATRA Global Partnership Agreement is the basis for practical implementation of the spiritual and creative society model by means of establishing an entirely new format of relationships between people in the labour fi eld of society. It is based on the 7 universal human spiritual and moral ALLATRA Foundations. SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE The global conference of humankind "SOCIETY 2020" will be held on the second Saturday of May 2020. People understand that this is a real opportunity to unite on the ALLATRA universal independent platform and fi nd a joint solution to the urgent issues in the era of global climate challenges and all together to adopt a creative and constructive vector of our civilization development before it's too late. SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE MAY 9, 2020 NO TO VIOLENCE IN THE FAMILY AND SOCIETY The global signifi cance and importance of the project lie in creating conditions for the transition from the consumer society to the format of a new creative one, the basis of which is universal human spiritual and moral values. One of the indicators of a creative society is a healthy psychological microclimate in various social groups, an atmosphere of friendship, mutual understanding and respect for each other and the understanding that all of humanity is one family. ALLATRA TV International Internet TV with interesting up-to-date videos on different topics: psychology, science, good news, informational analytical programmes, interviews with famous people, kind humor, educational animated videos, family programmes and many other sincere and positive programmes which multiply humaneness, kindness, and unity in society. ALL PROJECTS OF ALLATRA INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MOVEMENT
8 PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS EZOOSMIC GRID From the report PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS EZOOSMIC EZOOSMIC EZOOSMIC EZOOSMIC At the core of the material Universe there is a specifi c “spatial frame”, non- material structure – the EZOOSMIC GRID. Any resident of the three- dimensional world would perceive this energy “construction” as a very fl attened object, similar to a fl at brick, with a side height of 1/72 from the size of its base. In other words, the ezoosmic grid has a fl at geometry. The ability of the material Universe to expand is limited by the size of the ezoosmic grid. Outside the ezoosmic grid, as it was stated in ancient sacred legends of various nations of the world, there is the spiritual world – a qualitatively different world which has nothing in common with the material world, its laws and problems. ALLATRA SCIENCE The EZOOSMIC GRID is stable and motionless. It consists of a certain number of identical EZOOSMIC CELLS in the form of a cube in the three-dimensional space (although for the dimensions higher than the third the structure becomes more complex). Every ezoosmic cell consists of, relatively speaking, 6 “walls” in the form of EZOOSMIC MEMBRANES. Inside, in the centre of the cube of every ezoosmic cell, there is a STATIONARY PO PARTICLE. myths, sacred drawings, depicting the world structure, in texts of various philosophical, religious teachings, in legends telling allegorically about the creation of the Universe and the world. Unfortunately, the closer we get to our times the more we see the loss of the knowledge and misunderstanding of its essence, substitution of the sacred metaphorical meanings by earthly sense. We will provide only some examples of information we have found about relevant artefacts. Within the ezoosmic grid there are 72 dimensions (Note: for more information please refer to the book "AllatRa"). Еverything that is called by modern science “the material Universe” exists only within the fi rst 6 dimensions and the last 66 as a matter of fact are controlling superstructures which restrain “the material world” within a certain constraining framework – six dimensions. According to the ancient knowledge, 66 dimensions (from the 7th through the 72nd inclusively) also belong to the material world but they are not like it in essence. Today you can fi nd a lot of references to the ezoosmic grid, which have been preserved from ancient times by different nations of the world living on different continents. They can be found in etymological and cosmogonic It is interesting that the Old Slavic word “Вселенная” (Universe) is just a translation of the Greek word "oikoumenh", which means “inhabited”, “populated part”. 1 2 1 — Ezoosmic membrane (side of the cube) 2 — Real (stationary) Po particle ■ Woman working at an ancient weaving loom ■ China. Pottery jar of Yangshao culture, 5000-2000 BC ■ Late trypillian amphora, the end of the 4th millenium BC ■ Trypillian cup, 5000-4000 BC
allatra.tv/en EUROPE 9 THREE PROGRAMMES THAT ARE CHANGING THE WORLD. THE CHANCE HAS BEEN GIVEN. PEOPLE ARE TAKING ACTION. THE CHANCE HAS BEEN GIVEN. PEOPLE ARE TAKING ACTION. GAME OF PROFESSIONALS SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE NULLIFICATION OF THE FOREIGN DEBT OF ALL COUNTRIES GAME OF PROFESSIONALS CREATIVE ECONOMY GAME OF PROFESSIONALS CREATIVE ECONOMY FAIR UTILITY PAYMENTS AND SOCIL LOANS IN CREATIVE SOCIETY THE WAY THE WORLD WILL BE DEPENDS ON US HEALTHCARE IN A CREATIVE SOCIETY Unified Creative And Constructive Economy CANCELLATION OF LENDING RATE START AT 14:00 GREENWICH MEAN TIME 12.10.19 STEPS TO BUILDING CREATIVE SOCIETY PART l: LIMITATION OF CAPITAL AUGUST, 31ST 2019 LIVE VIDEO BROADCAST AT ALLATRAUNITES.COM NOVEMBER 2, 2019 10 AM EST (ATLANTA, USA) AT 8 AM, ATLANTA #allatraunites 26.10.2019 LIVE VIDEO BROADCAST AT ALLATRAUNITES.COM START AT 13:00 GMT discussion #allatraunites 21.09.2019 Start at 13:00 greenwich mean time Live Video Broadcast on allatra.tv Live video broadcast on allatraunites.com “THE CHANCE ON THE VERGE” PROGRAMME has awakened thousands of people around the world, inspired them to act decisively for the benefi t of society as a whole. “THE TRICKS OF CONSCIOUSNESS” On July 16, an incredibly important programme “THE PRECEDENT” Igor Mikhailovich Danilov gives the answers to the questions that we ourselves didn't even dare to voice. The programme that reveals substitutions and tricks of consciousness on the Spiritual path. with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov was released on the ALLATRA TV website. It contains valuable information on how each of us can begin to take real action today, to build a society based on spiritual and moral values. Humanity still has a chance, and each of us has a responsibility as to how we use it. How to achieve a constant state of joy and Love? Only by uniting all of humanity, we have a real chance to change the vector of civilization’s development, making it Creative and Constructive instead of consumer-based one. Right now, each of us can really do a lot! The future depends on the personal choice of each individual! The common thread of the pro- gramme is the VALUE of a HUMAN LIFE on the verge of climate change on the planet, which is rapidly advancing on humanity. The programme touches upon very important issues of survival for all of us living at this time. How to start feeling oneself as a Personality and not to lose contact with the Soul? The knowledge that has been the foun- dation and structure of a constructive society for centuries. The programmes with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov are the map to the revival of Spiritual humanity and the choice is up to each of us! What verge is modern humanity rapidly approaching? Does humanity have a chance to survive? What can each of us do to not only survive, but become truly ALIVE? The unifi cation of people on the basis of spiritual and moral values is the key to the survival of all humankind. The openness with which ALLATRA IPM participants exposed the currently acute issues at the international online conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE” on May 11, 2019, has become the world PRECEDENT, a turning point for all of humanity! This programme gives a real CHANCE to all humankind, and shows the Path to salvation, to Life. The chance to become Alive! This programme raised issues which are important for the entire world community. What is the basis of the consumer society? Why is there a need for an unlimited capital? Is rapid climate change an anthropogenic factor or is it a result of cycles that are repeated every 12 thousand years? And now our common future depends on the choice and real actions of absolutely everyone of us. WHAT EACH OF US CHOOSES TODAY — TO CREATE OR CONSUME — THAT WILL BECOME THE HERITAGE OF THE WHOLE SOCIETY TOMORROW.
10 end of times. And through him, we will send them a message. By hearing and accepting it, our followers will be able to easily pass through all the diffi culties of that truly awful time.” camels were particularly valued. However, following his exclamation, the one whom he called the Messenger of Allah answered with the same friendly and wise smile, allatravesti.com/en/maktub “O my uncle's son! Don’t bother your heart. If Allah brings at least one person to the Truth through you, this is more precious than all the red camels of the world!” Ali uttered leisurely, “Yeah… Women... It's impossible to be with them, but it's impossible without them either.” “Yet, whom can we bring to the Truth here?” Ali exclaimed. T gaining its dominance... Therefore, tardy travellers who hadn't had time to return to the city were hastily preparing for the overnight stay, looking for fi rewood for the campfi re and hobbling their horses… he twilight was falling… The desert’s cold night was gradually The Messenger of Allah said with a smile, The Prophet smiled and nodded at the adolescent who was listening to them attentively, with his gaze fi xed on the fi re. A woman is what entrusted from Allah! And she’s a casket with jewels. The womb of women contains grace... bliss. Ali smiled back and said, “But he’s already in the Truth since he’s in Islam. And he is following your path, O Messenger of Allah! What else do you want to teach him today?” There were three travellers. An older man, a young daring fellow, and an adolescent…The daring fellow didn't let the older man to take part in the preparations and tried to persuade him to rest. He treated him with great respect and love, taking care of him like a younger brother of an elder brother. In fact, that was really so. They were cousins. And not only that. With some of them, it is surely unbear- able. But haven't we faced the same among men? The Prophet stirred the fi re with a stick, lay down comfortably with his left hand on his forehead, and looked at the stars thoughtfully. Then he uttered slowly, If a person is ruled by shaitan, then believe me, whether it’s a man or a woman, it’s really difficult to live with them. They are slaves of Iblis, and this makes them inevitably dead. It is diffi cult and unpleasant to communicate with the dead. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether it’s a woman or a man. The essence is only in what a person lives inside, in his heart, with. With Love and Gratitude to Allah or with vanity, lust for power and salacity from Iblis, with envy, hatred…” “The one whose heart is open to knowledge always has something to learn, and there are no limits after achieving which a person can say that he has comprehended everything. Each day teaches us something, but only if we are open in our hearts.” “O Messenger of Allah, take a rest! You don’t have to worry!” he was saying. However, the one whom he addressed, smiling with a kind and friendly smile, didn't say anything in response and continued to take an equal part in the joint arrangements for the overnight stay. When the campfi re was kindled, and the tired travellers settled down around it, the young daring fellow started a leisurely conversation between the people whose bodies were tired, but who were happy in their heart… Ali nodded silently, agreeing with the Messenger of Allah. “He is maturing,” the Messenger of Allah continued, “and soon he will have to become a tree, in the shadow of which many will be able to fi nd help and support along the way. And in order to be able to give people this support, he also has to know... some important truths concerning women, which I actually would like to share with our young friend while we are far from the city rush. Ali agreed, “Yes, of course, this is so.” “Besides,” the Prophet continued, “these manifestations are more com- plicated in women just because they have more inner strength. That is why, if a woman is controlled by her shaitan (and, after all, there is a shaitan with every person), then these manifesta- tions intensify through them.” “Yes, we've been riding all day in the desert, but still haven't found these camels… And these are actually red camels!” he said with a note of regret in his voice. Therefore, O son of my uncle, do not underestimate this youth! With his help, we will send a letter for the future centuries. Maktub for our followers who will face severe diffi culties at the “O Messenger of Allah! Is there a shaitan with you, too?” the young man asked. The whole point was that early in the morning three red camels had strayed from the caravan, and now the travellers were looking for them. After all, red “Yes,” the Prophet responded simply.
allatra.tv/en EUROPE 11 “But Allah gave me the strength to overcome him, and he obeys me.” that this source would feed them. And this is such an interrelationship, such a harmony conceived by Allah the Almighty! You just missed the time of jahiliyyah, the time of ignorance... At that time, it was the girls who were buried alive by ignorant people. Iblis ruled in the heads of the latter to such an extent that they committed this sacrilege. Truth that a woman is actually a source of Love. And every true, faithful source of Love. And every true, faithful Truth that a woman is actually a source of Love. And every true, faithful servant of Allah will not allow himself to disrespect women. “Hence, every person can subdue him?” “Of course! That’s the way it should be! And this is the essence of worship to the Almighty! That’s exactly what Islam is! And the more righteous a person is, the more respectfully he treats women! Therefore, I edify my followers to treat women with respect and consideration. When only Love for Allah, Love, Re- spect and Esteem for Allah reign in a person's heart. And there is no place for shaitan there. Shaitan performs only what a person tells him. After all, he’s just a tool. A tool who's got a false opinion of himself as a master.” Yet, when a girl is born in a house, Allah the Almighty sends angels there, and they greet, “Peace to you, the inhabitants of this house!” Then the angels cover the newborn girl with their wings, stroke her head, and say, “How weak and helpless she is, and she has come out of a weak body. If her father raises her, then until the Day of Judgement he will have help from Allah. “So,” the Prophet continued, “when some of our men say that women have chicken brains, and that they don’t understand anything… Yet, aren't there men of the same kind? They might not have chicken brains, but monkey brains are no better. So, this has nothing to do with the essence of what I want to tell you. While the essence is simple. And, above all, the point is that every woman is able to bestow life! Both life to our body and Life to our Spirit! And therefore, every woman is a gift! A gift from Allah! Every woman who unfolds the source of Love for Allah in herself is a gift that adorns this life. Indeed, the point is that women are fl owers of this life. Flowers that adorn this desert. And to take care of them. And be- sides... By the end of times, when Iblis will confuse everything so much, when all religions will be confused... In some religions he‘ll remove the work on them- selves, meaning jihad, while in others he’ll remove the very concept of Allah. I mean, he will entangle everything to such an extent… Truly, this is a real grace and a gift to this house in which the girl was born. And that’s why the best of the Muslims is the one who treats his wife and daughters the best. However, over time Iblis, when we leave, — oh, Ali! — Iblis will anyway continue to fi ght against this source, in every way possible he will try to eliminate it, to enslave it, and to hide this Truth from people. And by the end of times this Truth will be so much hidden from people that my heart is in a fl ood of tears when I see all the trials that people of that time will have to go through. After all, Iblis will fool and trick people so much that people will start selling their sisters into slavery, and debauchery will be everywhere. And where there is no debauchery, there will be oppression of women in other forms. And those who call themselves Muslims will be more cruel slave-owners than Umayyah ibn Khalaf. Their hearts will be like stones. The Prophet raised his hand from his forehead and made a broad gesture towards the endless expanses of the desert. “This worldly life is just a desert, but fl owers are given to us in it, fl owers that not only delight our eyes, but also fi ll our hearts with power. These fl owers are women! That’s why every real fatana is obliged to be a daring good man and a courageous defender of a woman, the one who protects women, and who helps them to reveal their essence!” So, at that time, those who are truly athirst for the Grace of Allah must turn to and follow the faith of the ancient religious women. The ancient, eternal, primordial women! I mean the Allat Sis- ters. From time immemorial, the Allat Sisters were the ones who were bring- ing God's Love to this world, making this world more perfect. They served Allah, and therefore their faith will be revived with the help of Imam Mahdi! With the help of the Knowledge that Al- lah will pass through Mahdi! Thus, I ed- ify all true believers to turn to the faith of the ancient religious women – the Allat Sisters! “Yes, because a woman is Reyhan, while a man is Kahraman!” Ali said in a singing voice, as if recalling something. “That’s not all,” continued the Prophet. “A woman is a mother! Paradise lies under the feet of mothers! Moreover, a woman is a mother not only for the body, but also a mother who with her inner strength is able to help our Spirit to become strong by helping men to be alive on this path, while the task of men is to protect these fl owers so In their hearts, there will be neither re- spect nor mercy for women. And then, at fi rst a small group of people, led by Mahdi, will begin to tell the Truth to people, and from this Truth the hearts of true Muslims, righteous Muslims will start infl aming, and this Truth will spread among all people. The
12 SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE. AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF A NEW FORMAT MAY 9, 2020 #allatraunites UNITE ALL HUMANITY UNITE ALL HUMANITY Join us in organizing and participating in an even larger international conference «SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE 2020» on May 9, 2020 How can we, as humanity, change the vector of society’s development from a consumption-based society to a constructive and creative society? How to unite all people of good will? Let us create a new constructive society together! On May 11, 2019 a unique event of global scale took place — an international video-conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE”. RIGHT NOW, EACH OF US CAN RIGHT NOW, EACH OF US CAN REALLY DO A LOT! REALLY DO A LOT! THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON THE PERSONAL CHOICE THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON THE PERSONAL CHOICE OF EACH INDIVIDUAL! OF EACH INDIVIDUAL! allatraunites.com allatraunites.com