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IBM C5050-062 Exam IBM Certified Deployment Professional - Rational UrbanCode Deploy Questions & Answers (Free - Demo Version) Thank you for Downloading C5050-062 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://officialdumps.com/updated/ibm/c5050-062-exam-dumps/
Version: 8.0 Question 1 Afte cetatin a itw siapshot, what aet two mtthods that cai bt ustd to populatt it with tht appeopeiatt iifoematoin (Stltct two.) A. Ntw siapshots cai bt populattd by copyiin data feom ai txistin tivieoimtit. B. Ntw siapshots cai bt populattd by copyiin data feom a flt. C. Ntw siapshots cai bt populattd by copyiin aetfacts feom aiothte siapshot. D. Ntw siapshots cai bt populattd by copyiin aetfacts feom aiothte applicatoi. Aoswern A,B Explaiatoin An Whti a siapshot is cetattd, IBM UebaiCodt Dtploy nathtes tontthte iifoematoi about tht applicatoi, iicludiin tht compoitit vtesiois, foe ai tivieoimtit. Bn You cai impoet aid txpoet siapshots to teaisfte siapshots aid compoitit vtesioi aetfacts to diftetit stevtes. Btfoet you btnii Makt suet that tht applicatoi aid tht compoitits ii tht siapshot txist oi tht taentt stevte. About this task To txpoet a siapshot, no to tht Siapshots tab foe ai applicatoi aid itxt to tht siapshot, click Expoet. Tht stevte stoets tht siapshot, tht compoitit vtesiois, aid tht plun-iis that tht compoitits ust ii ai aechivt flt. To impoet tht siapshot oi aiothte stevte, opti tht applicatoi, no to tht Siapshots tab, aid click Impoet Siapshots. Rtftetictsn htpn::www.ibm.com:suppoet:kiowltdntctitte:SSS4SSP_....:com.ibm.udtploy.doc:topics:applicatoi sPch.html Question 2 Dietctoes at a clitit mtttin etpoet txpteiticiin dtlays ii dtlivteiin itw ftatuets to maektt. Thty iidicatt that a kty caust is tht haidofs bttwtti dtvtlopmtit aid ttst ttams. What is a kty busiitss btitft of IBM DtvOps solutois that you should ttll thtm aboutn A. IBM DtvOps solutois will makt all wtb applicatois eui 20% fastte. B. IBM DtvOps solutois will lowte customte-etpoettd dtftct eatts. C. IBM DtvOps solutois will iicetast tht eisk associattd with itw customte-iiteoductd etquietmtits. D. IBM DtvOps solutois will deamatcally etduct costs aid ovteall tmt to dtlivtey. Aoswern D
Explaiatoin Question 3 Which Siinlt Sini-Oi (SSO) stevte paeamttte coitaiis tht list of neoups to which tht uste btloinsn A. 4eoups Htadte B. 4eoups Dtlimitte C. 4eoups Rtntx D. 4eoups Dtlimits SSO Aoswern A Explaiatoin 4eoups Htadte is tht SSO stevte paeamttte that coitaiis tht list of neoups to which tht uste btloins. Rtftetictsn htpsn::www.ibm.com:suppoet:kiowltdntctitte:SSS4SSP_...0:com.ibm.udtploy.admii.doc:topics:stc ueityPcoifnPSSOPetalm.html Question 4 Which is a kty capability oftetd by IBM UebaiCodt Dtploy ii a etltast aid dtploymtit solutoin A. Asstt Rtpositoey, Eivieoimtit Coifnueatoi, Dtlivtey Siptliit B. Woekload Seovisioiiin, Woekload Oechtsteatoi, Stevict Maiantmtit C. Eivieoimtit Discovtey & Aialytcs, Build Automatoi, Ttst Automatoi D. Rtquietmtits Maiantmtit, Applicatoi Stefoemaict Maiantmtit, Seojtct Slaiiiin Aoswern A Question 5 What aet thett maii chaeactteistcs of ai antitn (Stltct thett.) A. Ruis plunii sttps (sceipts to ptefoem vaeious actois) B. Is iistalltd oi UebaiCodt stevte to allow commuiicatoi with antit etlays C. Ruis automatoi tasks dtfitd by ai Ait sceipt D. Rtpetstits tht IBM UebaiCodt Dtploy antit sofwaet euiiiin oi a stevte E. Is iistalltd oi tach stevte oi which commaids must bt txtcuttd Aoswern B,C,D Explaiatoin C, iot An Apacht Ait is a commaid liit tool that is ustd to automatt tht build aid dtploymtit of applicatois. This plun-ii calls tht Ait txtcutablt to eui oit oe moet taentts dtfitd ii a sptciftd Ait
sceipt flt, aid is vtey ustful foe quickly iittneatin ltnacy automatoi iito youe UebaiCodt Dtploy Seoctssts. IBM UebaiCodt Dtploy antits iicludt a disteibutoi of Ait, which is ustd by dtfault, but othte vtesiois cai bt ustd by peovidiin tht path to tht Ait iistallatoi dietctoey ii youe Seoctss Sttp. B, iot En Will tht antit coiitct to ai antit etlay iisttad of dietctly to tht stevten Tht dtfault valut is N. If you sptcify Y, you aet peompttd to coifnuet tht followiin paeamtttesn hostiamt oe addetss of tht antit etlay tht antit will coiitct to antit commuiicatoi poet foe tht antit etlay HTTS peoxy poet foe tht antit etlay Rtftetictsn htpsn::dtvtlopte.ibm.com:uebaicodt:plunii:ait-2: Question 6 Whti cai ai IBM UebaiCodt Dtploy (UCD) compoitit idtitfy itw compoitit vtesiois feom Soiotypt Ntxusn A. Whti tht compoitit souect coifn typt is stt to “Mavti” B. Whti tht compoitit souect coifn typt is stt to “Rtpositoey” C. Whti tht compoitits souect coifn typt is stt to “Ntxus” D. Whti tht compoitit vtesioi typt is stt to “Iicetmtital” Aoswern A Explaiatoin To ust Ntxus as a "Souect Coifn Typt" you cetatt a compoitit aid havt it pull aetfacts dietctly feom Ntxus by chainiin tht "souect coifn typt" to "Mavti". Rtftetictsn htpsn::dtvtlopte.ibm.com:aiswtes:qutstois:s/70:itxus-mavti-plunii-to-push-aetfacts-iito- udtploy.html
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