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Psalm 119 (part 4). Psalm 119:89-120. Review. The psalm is divided into 22 8-verse groups Each verse in a group begins with the same Hebrew letter for which the group is named The names of the groups are also Hebrew words The meaning(s) of those words help us to understand the group
Psalm 119 (part 4) Psalm 119:89-120
Review • The psalm is divided into 22 8-verse groups • Each verse in a group begins with the same Hebrew letter for which the group is named • The names of the groups are also Hebrew words • The meaning(s) of those words help us to understand the group • And will help us remember each group
Review • The psalm is about the word of God • Aleph (vv1-8) “ox, mighty, to learn” • Picture an ox being trained by a strong hand to follow a given path • Beth (vv9-16) “house” • Picture a child at home studying in preparation for growing up and going forth • Gimel (vv17-24) “camel, to treat well” • Picture yourself riding a camel through a desert • Daleth (vv25-32) “something that dangles” • Picture being lifted from the ruins of our lives and clinging to the hand of God • He (vv33-40) “window, to look” • Picture looking at the world through the window of God’s word • Vav (vv41-48) “a hook” • Picture gradually hanging upon the hook of God’s word as your confidence grows that it will hold you
Review • Zayin (vv49-56) “a weapon, to arm” • Picture being armed in the word of God, and the word as your weapon to fight against sin • Heth (vv57-64) “terror, dread” • Picture the terror on the face of those realizing hell is real • Teth (vv65-72) “to twist together, to intertwine” • Picture a two-stranded rope, one strand is you and the other is God • Yod (vv73-80) “hand” strong and active • Picture God’s hands shaping us, disciplining us, and comforting us • Kaph (vv81-88) “hand” outstretched and begging • Picture us with our hands outstretched to God seeking His blessings
Lamedh • The next 8 verses are grouped under the word “lamedh” and each verse begins with the letter lamedh, ל • “Lamedh” is the Hebrew noun for “a goad” and the verb for “to teach, to learn” • The learning that comes by discipline, correction, and the knowledge of the consequences of disobedience
Learning Obedience • Ps 119:89-96 • The creation continues because it knows that it cannot disobey (vv89-91) • If the creation could disobey God the result would be destruction • We too should realize that if we do not obey God the result will be destruction (vv92-94) • Even if the wicked try to get us to disobey, we will not be swayed (v95) • Even though God’s word is perfection, it is still “broad” (lit. “roomy”, not too harsh, restrictive) • To remember: Picture following the path of God’s word with a certain knowledge of the goad (eternal punishment) behind us
Mem • The next 8 verses are grouped under the word “mem” and each verse begins with the letter mem, מ • “Mem” is the Hebrew noun for “water” • Often used in the sense of a large body of water (sea or ocean) • The shape of the letter is thought to show a wave rolling toward shore • A place for calm contemplation
Meditating on God’s word • Ps 119:97-104 • Learning God’s law is more than memory-work • One needs to meditate, deeply reflect • Psa 1:1-3 • Josh 1:7-9 • Meditation will lead you to know how God wants you to act, to love God and His word, to avoid all the false ways • To remember: Picture sitting beside an ocean or lake and meditating as the waves roll in
Nun • The next 8 verses are grouped under the word “nun” and each verse begins with the letter nun, נ • “Nun” is the Hebrew noun for “offspring, posterity, or candle” and the verb for “to continue, to increase” • The idea of a candle is perhaps seen in the shape of the letter (Albert Barnes Commentary) • Was also the name of Joshua’s father, Joshua, son of Nun
A Bright, Shining Inheritance • Psalm 119:105-112 • For each who follows God’s word it is a light to show us where to go (vv105-106) • When we get off course, it brings us back (v107) • And so we offer our thanks to God (v108) • Responsibility for our eternal destiny rests on us, to follow God’s light or not (vv109-110) • Beyond our own lives, God’s word continues and can be passed on to future generations (vv111-112) • To remember: Picture a light leading us and our descendants toward God
Samekh • The next 8 verses are grouped under the word “samekh” and each verse begins with the letter samekh, ס • “Samekh” is the Hebrew noun for “tent peg, prop” and the verb for “to support, to uphold, to lean upon”
Upheld by God’s Word • Psalm 119:113-120 • Hates those who are not wholly reliant on God • “vain thoughts” or “double-minded” refers to ambivalence or half-heartedness • Relying firmly on God, he is safe and protected, and loves God and His word (vv113-115) • Ps 32:7; Isa 41:10 • His word gives us life, hope, confidence (vv116-117) • v116 starts with the word samekh • All those who do not obey God have nothing to uphold them – they will fall (vv118-120) • To remember: Picture the word of God holding you up in the face of all enemies
Conclusion • God’s word . . . • Teaches us the path and keeps us on it • Must be meditated upon to love and fully obey • Lights our way through a world of darkness • Is an inheritance we can pass down to future generations • Will hold us hope in the face of trouble • Won’t you obey the word of God?