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% p = adep('FUN','-opt') % p = adep(p,'-opt') % a wrapper for ML's <depfun> % - returns struct <p>, which can be reused for display % - useful to determine which user defined modules must % be included in a distribution % % opt parameters comment
% p = adep('FUN','-opt') % p = adep(p,'-opt') % a wrapper for ML's <depfun> % - returns struct <p>, which can be reused for display % - useful to determine which user defined modules must % be included in a distribution % % opt parameters comment %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % -m : - do NOT plot linkage matrix % % p. field contents %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % .fl list of files used by <FUN> and its subordinates % .bi list of builtins ... % .cn list of classes ... % .pf list of problemfiles unable to find, access, parse % .ps list of problemsymbols unable to resolve % .es list of <eval>/<feval> NOT USED BY R14+! % .cf called from fl(cf{i}) % returns all fun in <FUN> that % invoke the fun{i} % .jc list of java classes % see: help DEPFUN % % .user list of user defined functions % .tree tree of user defined functions [char(p.tree) shows contents] % .mat tree linkage matrix % % --: begin of a new function % a: + = module calls <eval/feval> [def: ' '] % b: r = module calls itself (recursively) [def: ' '] % c: - = module calls no other user defined function [def: ' '] % cid: caller id % mid: module id % nr: nr of times module is used % % example % p = adep('mavi'); % a user defined function % % xx caller .module abc cid mid nr module %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % -- mavi .setoptn > + 1 2 3 f:\usr\matlab\mri\mavi.m % mavi .getoptn > + 1 11 2 % -- setoptn .setoptn > +r 2 2 3 f:\usr\matlab\unix\setoptn.m % setoptn .getoptn > + 2 11 2 % setoptn .gettok > + - 2 20 2 % setoptn .noblank > - 2 22 3 % <SNIP> % % note % <mavi.setoptn> = mid:2 is linked to <setoptn.> = cid:2 % clicking on a function name will open the file in the ML editor % created: % us 25-Dec-2001 % modified: % us 21-Mar-2006 20:26:47 / TMW % much of the programming is devoted to beautify the output! % % output format % '...|pmax|.|pmax|>.+rn.%5d.%5d.%5d...<|module|' function p=adep(varargin) if ~nargin help adep; return; end if nargout p=[]; end fun=varargin{1}; mlr=lower(matlabroot); nver=14; ver=sscanf(version('-release'),'%d'); if ver >= nver opt='-all'; else opt='-nographics'; end if ischar(fun) if ~exist(fun) disp(sprintf('ADEP> missing/not a function <%s>',fun)); return; end p.ADEPVER='21-Mar-2006 20:26:47'; p.root=mlr; com=sprintf('lower(which(''%s''))',fun); p.fun=eval(com); p.par=[]; [ p.fl,... p.bi,... p.cn,... p.pf,... p.ps,... p.es,... p.cf,... p.jc] = depfun(fun,opt); elseif isstruct(fun) & isfield(fun,'ADEPVER'); p=fun; else disp(sprintf('ADEP> invalid input (class:%s)',class(fun))); return; end p=get_opt(p,varargin{:}); disp(sprintf('\nADEP> %s\n',p.fun)); p.fl=lower(p.fl); p.esm={}; if ~isempty(p.es) if ver >= nver p.esm=p.es; else [p.esm{1:size(p.es,1)}]=deal(p.es.fcn_name); end end p.nm=0; p.ix=[]; p.user=[]; p.module=[]; ix=xor(strncmp(mlr,p.fl,length(mlr)),1); fx=ix; p.ix=find(ix); p.ux=[]; p.tx=[]; if ~isempty(p.ix) p.user=p.fl(ix); p.module=cell(size(p.fl(ix),1),1); p.mod1={}; p.mod2={}; p.call={}; p.tree=[]; fmax=size(p.fl,1); p.par.pmax=-inf; for i=1:size(p.user) [pw,f]=fileparts(p.user{i}); p.module(i)={f}; p.par.pmax=max(p.par.pmax,length(f)); end p.par.fmt=sprintf('%%-%d.%ds.%%-%d.%ds',p.par.pmax,p.par.pmax,p.par.pmax,p.par.pmax); for i=1:fmax if ix(i) f=p.fl{i}; st=sprintf('%s %s',repmat('-',2*p.par.pmax+5,1),f); disp(st); p=get_subfun(p,f,i); end end end if ~isempty(p.ux) p=get_tree(p); else disp(sprintf('\nADEP> no user defined calls')); end return; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p=get_opt(p,varargin); p.par.mflg=0; if ~isempty(find(strcmp(varargin,'-m'))) p.par.mflg=1; end return; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p=get_subfun(p,f,i) fnam=f; rc=' '; % recursive call ec=' '; % has <eval/feval> eflg=0; if ~isempty(find(strcmp(f,p.esm))) ec='+'; eflg=1; end nc=[]; cf=p.cf{i}; cf=cf(cf>0); for l=1:length(cf) if find(p.ix==cf(l)) if isempty(find(ismember(cf(l),nc))); ff=p.fl{cf(l)}; fnam=ff; [pw,f]=fileparts(f); [pw,ff]=fileparts(ff); nc=[nc;cf(l)]; tx=[cf(l) i length(cf)]; rc=' '; cflg=0; if i == cf(l) rc='r'; cflg=1; end st=sprintf([' ' p.par.fmt '> %s%s %5d %5d %5d <%s '],... ff,f,ec,rc,tx,fnam); p.ux=[p.ux;cf(l)]; p.tx=[p.tx;[tx eflg cflg -1]]; p.call=[p.call;{st}]; p.mod1(end+1)={ff}; p.mod2(end+1)={f}; disp(st); end end end return %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p=get_tree(p) [a,b]=sort(p.ux); p.tx=p.tx(b,:); p.mod1=p.mod1(b)'; p.mod2=p.mod2(b)'; p.tree=p.call(b); [n1,dum,m1]=unique(p.mod1); n2=unique(p.mod2); nc=zeros(size(n1)); p.mat=zeros(length(n2),length(n1)); ix=[1;diff(p.tx(:,1))]; k=0; cid=0; mid=0; for i=1:size(p.tree,1) jx=find(p.tree{i}=='<'); if isempty(find(p.tx(:,1)==p.tx(i,2))) p.tree{i}(2*p.par.pmax+9)='-'; end if ix(i) > 0 k=k+1; p.tree{i}(1:2)='-'; p.tree{i}(jx)=' '; p.tx(i,end)=k; cid=find(strcmp(p.mod1{i},n1)); cid=cid(1); nc(k)=m1(i); else p.tree{i}(jx:end)=''; end mid=find(strcmp(p.mod2{i},n2)); mid=mid(1); if p.tx(i,1) == p.tx(i,2) p.mat(mid,cid)=p.mat(mid,cid)-1; else p.mat(mid,cid)=p.mat(mid,cid)+1; end end disp(sprintf('\nADEP> %s\n',p.fun)); disp(char(p.tree)); p=plot_mat(p,n1,n2,nc); return; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p=plot_mat(p,n1,n2,nc) if p.par.mflg return; end xoff=-.1; mrks=5; p.nc=nc; p.n1=n1; p.n2=n2; p.n1=p.n1(p.nc); p.mat=p.mat(:,p.nc); cs=sum(abs(p.mat),1); ms=sum(abs(p.mat),2); clf; ah=axes; set(ah,'xlim',[0 length(p.n1)+1]); set(ah,'xtick',[1:length(p.n1)]); set(ah,'xticklabel',cs); set(ah,'ydir','reverse'); set(ah,'ylim',[0 length(p.n2)+1]); set(ah,'ytick',[1:length(p.n2)]); set(ah,'yaxislocation','right'); set(ah,'yticklabel',ms); set(ah,'color','none'); box on; axis square; fs=get(ah,'fontsize'); fn=get(ah,'fontname'); xt=sprintf('%-1d caller(s) [+: link',size(p.mat,2)); xt=[xt ' \o: recursive']; xt=[xt ' \diamondsuit: caller=module]']; yt=sprintf('%-1d module(s)',size(p.mat,1)); yt=[yt ' [+: a caller >: not a caller]']; xlabel(xt,'fontsize',fs+2); ylabel(yt,'fontsize',fs+2); for i=1:length(p.n1) com=sprintf('edit(''%s'')',p.n1{i}); th=text(i,xoff,p.n1{i},'rotation',90); set(th,'fontsize',fs,'fontname',fn); set(th,'interpreter','none'); set(th,'buttondownfcn',com); if i == 1 set(th,'color',[1 0 0]); end set(th,'tag','c'); for j=1:length(p.n2) ix=strcmp(p.n1{i},p.n2{j}); if p.mat(j,i) > 0 mrk='+'; mrkc=[0 0 1]; elseif p.mat(j,i) < 0 mrk='o'; mrkc='none'; elseif ix mrk='diamond'; mrkc=[0 0 1]; else mrk=''; end if mrk lh=line(i,j,... 'marker',mrk,... 'markersize',mrks,... 'markerfacecolor',mrkc,... 'linestyle','none',... 'color',[0 0 1],... 'tag','d'); end end end for i=1:length(p.n2); mod=p.n2{i}; ix=find(strcmp(mod,p.n1)); if ~isempty(ix) mod=sprintf('%s +',mod); else mod=sprintf('%s >',mod); end com=sprintf('edit(''%s'')',p.n2{i}); th=text(xoff,i,mod); set(th,'horizontalalignment','right'); set(th,'fontsize',fs,'fontname',fn); set(th,'interpreter','none'); set(th,'buttondownfcn',com); set(th,'tag','m'); end set(gcf,'color',[.75 1 1]); set(gcf,'toolbar','none') set(gcf,'menubar','none') set(gcf,'numberTitle','off') set(gcf,'name',['DEPENDENCY MATRIX: '... strrep(p.fun,'\','/')]); shg; return; %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------