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UbD, GPS, and CWT: So much more than just acronyms

UbD, GPS, and CWT: So much more than just acronyms. Cookies with Rookies Round 2. Which came first. the chicken or the egg? Now for an easier question . . . Which comes first while planning the activities or the assessment?. Essential Questions.

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UbD, GPS, and CWT: So much more than just acronyms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UbD, GPS, and CWT:So much more than just acronyms Cookies with Rookies Round 2

  2. Which came first . . . • the chicken or the egg? • Now for an easier question . . . • Which comes first while planning the activities or the assessment?

  3. Essential Questions • What phases are involved in effective lesson planning? • How is effective planning evident and observable?

  4. Beginning with the end • Start with the standards • End with activities/lessons • Beginning with the end in mind results in well-defined goals, purposeful teaching, and enduring understanding

  5. The UbD Process STAGE 1 Identify desired results STAGE 2 Determine acceptable evidence STAGE 3 Plan learning experiences and instruction Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe, Understanding by Design, 2004

  6. Stage 1 – Desired Results • What should students know, understand, and be able to do? • What “enduring” understandings are desired? • What essential questions will be explored?

  7. Decide the NOUNS and VERBS Decide what students must KNOW and how they will DEMONSTRATE this knowledge

  8. Start with the Standards • is your friend!!! • The Cobb standards are a result of the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). • A wealth of resources are available to all teachers. • Evidence of instruction aligned with the standards is a critical component of the Classroom Walk-Through (CWT).

  9. Unpacking the Standards • Circle verbs • how students will demonstrate what they know • Underline nouns • what the students are required to know • Create a concept map

  10. Unpacking a 6th grade Social Studies Standard PS3: POLITICAL SYSTEMS The learner will be able to describe and compare government systems and their development. *SS.6.3.1 Various Types of Government • The learner will be able to describe ways in which citizensparticipate in various types of government. ***SS.6.3.2.Political Developments • The learner will be able to outline important political developments and how conflict and cooperation contribute to these developments. *SS.6.3.3 Political Systems • The learner will be able to compare and contrastpoliticalsystems. Social Studies Standards 6th grade, Picasso

  11. Concept Map Citizens Participation Development of Political Systems (Europe) describe outline compare & contrast Political Developments Government & Political Systems Fascism Authoritarian Fall of Berlin Wall WWI & WWII Parliamentary Russian Revolution Collapse of Soviet Union Democracy

  12. Your turn! • From the provided standards, pick one and unpack it: • Circle verbs • Underline nouns • Create a concept map

  13. Start with thestandard To meet the standard, students will need to understandthat… To understand, students will need to consider suchquestionsas… To understand, students will need toKNOW and DOwhat… Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe, Understanding by Design, 2004

  14. Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence • How will you know if the students have achieved the desired results? • What constitutes acceptable evidence of student understanding and proficiency? • You are assessors not activity designers.

  15. Performance Tasks (GRASPS) • Goal • Role • Audience • Situation • Product • Standards

  16. Other Evidence • Quizzes • Tests • Question & Answer • Observations • Class Discussions • Homework • Journals • Ticket Out the Door

  17. Stage 3 – Learning Plans • What activities, instruction, and learning experiences are best suited to help students reach the desired results? • What engaging and effective activities will take place?

  18. WHERETO • What is the expected outcome? • Hook to hold interest • Equip students with experience • Rethink and revise • Evaluate • Tailor to different needs and abilities • Organize

  19. Make sure it flows

  20. Resources • PICASSO: • http://picasso.cobbk12.org • Great links to help you plan using UbD: • http://www.ubdexchange.org/resources/UbdWebLinks.html • The UbD templates: • http://www.ubdexchange.org/resources/templates.html

  21. Tic-Tac-Know • From the board, create a sentence coherently connecting three of the concepts presented (in a row either up, down, across, or diagonal) to make TIC-TAC-KNOW.

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