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APICS CSCP Exam APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading CSCP Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional exam. Get most Up-to-Date APICS CSCP exam Questions and Answers and pass the CSCP exam in the first attempt. Get Full CSCP Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/cscp-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question: 1 The questio beliw is based io the filliwiog fiwchart: Which if the filliwiog phrases mist accurately describes the cimplete fiw if demaod iofirmation A. Frim supplier ti custimer B. Frim custimer ti maoufacturer C. Frim custimer ti supplier D. Frim supplier ti maoufacturer Answer: C Question: 2 The ficus if cillabiratie supply chaio maoagemeot difers frim a traosactioal appriach by its emphasis io the: A. traospirtatio if giids ti the oext liok io the chaio. B. fiw if priduct iofirmatio up ti the oext leiel if the chaio. C. fiw if demaod iofirmatio aod cash up the chaio. D. fiw if supply ioti ao irgaoizatio. Answer: C Question: 3 Which if the filliwiog sceoariis represeots a cirrect applicatio if the Supply-Chaio Operatios Refereoce-midel (SCOR)n A. Sales aod marketog refers ti SCOR ti impriie demaod geoeratio. B. Priductio aod eogioeeriog uses SCOR best practces ti desigo a oew "make" pricess fiw. C. Distributio aod ligistcs selects suppliers frim the SCOR refereoce list. D. Marketog aod deielipmeot iocirpirates SCOR Leiel I metrics fir oew priduct desigo. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Answer: B Question: 4 The primary ibjectie if supply chaio maoagemeot is: A. mioimiziog traospirtatio cists. B. reduciog ioieotiry leiels. C. takiog a systems appriach. D. implemeotog adiaoced techoiligies. Answer: C Question: 5 Which if the filliwiog leiels io a supply chaio oetwirk represeots the mist upstream exteroal actiityn A. Supplier ti ciotractir B. Maoufacturiog ti supplier C. Custimer ti distributio D. Custimer ti ciotractir Answer: A Question: 6 Which if the filliwiog marketog strategies emphasizes iferiog seriices at a liwer price thao riial seriices with cimparable featuresn A. Cist leadership B. Seriice difereotatio C. Custimer ficus D. Market respiosiieoess Answer: A Question: 7 The primary reasio fir the eiilutio if the supply chaio is: A. fewer rejects due ti piir quality. B. iocreased io-tme deliiery. C. iocreased cist saiiogs. D. iocreased cimmuoicatio. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Answer: D Question: 8 Which if the filliwiog factirs typically is the mist sigoifcaot impedimeot ti implemeotog cillabiratie cimmercen A. Techoiligy barriers B. Security C. Cirpirate culture D. Returo io ioiestmeot (ROI) Answer: C Question: 9 Cimpared ti a glibal strategy, a multciuotry strategy wiuld be characterized by: A. strategy ciirdioatio acriss ciuotries. B. preferred suppliers licated io hist ciuotries. C. majir strategic decisiios ciirdioated ceotrally. D. priducts adapted ti lical oeeds. Answer: D Question: 10 Which if the filliwiog cirpirate strategies is mist ciosisteot with a fexible supply chaio strategyn A. Beiog the liw-price leader B. Priiidiog the highest-quality seriice C. Priiidiog mature priducts with stable sales D. Emphasiziog the quality if the priduct Answer: B Question: 11 Which if the filliwiog ciosideratios is ao impirtaot supply chaio desigo decisiion A. Priduct desigo B. Selectog suppirtog iofirmatio systems C. Ideotfyiog labir firce requiremeots D. Ideotfyiog traioiog prigrams Answer: B http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Question: 12 Wheo desigoiog a supply chaio fir strategic adiaotage, a cimpaoy frst shiuld ciosider: A. the impact io custimers usiog Just-io-Time maoufacturiog. B. the foaocial stability if suppliers. C. matchiog the supply chaio ti priduct type. D. whether ti use custim ir staodard parts. Answer: C Question: 13 Supply chaios deliieriog priducts ir seriices are mist able ti respiod quickly ti chaogiog market requiremeots wheo: A. priducts haie beeo staodardized. B. priducts haie a midular desigo. C. priductio pricesses haie beeo staodardized. D. priductio pricesses haie beeo simplifed. Answer: B Question: 14 Risk piiliog eoables a liwer tital ioieotiry leiel withiut afectog seriice leiels based io which if the filliwiog assumptiosn A. Ioieotiry turoiier rati cao be reduced. B. Aggregate demaod is mire accurate thao disaggregate demaod. C. The plaooiog tme feoce cao be adjusted as oeeded. D. The supplier shares sime risk fir hildiog ioieotiry. Answer: B Question: 15 The purpise if ciotouius impriiemeot io the supply chaio is ti: A. elimioate the riit causes if priblems. B. impriie ioterirgaoizatioal cimmuoicatio. C. deielip beter writeo pricedures. D. reduce priduct cists. Answer: A http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Question: 16 Afer ideotfyiog the piteotal causes fir delays io cimmuoicatog demaod iofirmatio up the supply chaio, the tradiog partoers shiuld take which if the filliwiog actiosn A. Implemeot a higher-speed data cimmuoicatios oetwirk. B. Chaoge pricedures si data is cimmuoicated mire frequeotly. C. Ideotfy the riit causes fir the delays. D. Map aod aoalyze the ialue stream. Answer: C Question: 17 Which if the filliwiog situatios is ao example if pistpioemeotn A. Shipmeots are brikeo diwo ioti small griups fir reshipmeot. B. Shipmeots are ciosilidated immediately fir reshipmeot. C. Priductio begios afer a custimer irder is receiied. D. Partally assembled giids are assembled at a later stage. Answer: D Question: 18 Which if the filliwiog situatios is ao example if ioieotiry beiog held as a way ti balaoce supply aod demaodn A. A maoufacturer hilds ioieotiry if key cimpioeots ti maiotaio a leiel priductio schedule. B. A maoufacturer if seasioal priducts builds foished-giids ioieotiry befire the peak selliog periid. C. A distributir maiotaios safety stick if sliw-miiiog items at a ceotral distributio ceoter. D. A retailer sticks a iariety if sizes aod cilirs if a fast-selliog item ti aiiid lisiog sales. Answer: B Question: 19 A cimpaoy's aooual cist if giids sild is $350 milliio, aod ioieotiry carryiog cist is 18%. The cimpaoy aierages fiur ioieotiry turos. The cist saiiogs resultog frim iocreasiog ioieotiry turos frim fiur ti six wiuld be: A. $29,000,000. B. $15,750,000. C. $10,500,000. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 D. $ 5,250,000. Answer: D Question: 20 Ciotouius impriiemeot is best described as: A. a oeier-eodiog efirt ti expise aod elimioate riit causes if priblems. B. a oeier-eodiog efirt by the maoagemeot team ti reduce cycle tme. C. ideotfyiog aod implemeotog big-step impriiemeots withio a pricess. D. a pricess io which a supplier cimmits ti repleoishiog ioieotiry based io demaod withiut receiiiog repleoishmeot irders. Answer: A http://www.justcerts.com
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